Chinese woman lies her way into Mar a Lago..................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wow...............even Trump's security service is falling down on the job. Seems that over the weekend, a Chinese woman lied her way into Mar a Lago, saying that she was a member, but then couldn't figure out where she wanted to go.

She then claimed to be part of a Chinese American Association event being held there. No such event was being held at the resort, and the SS was notified, whereupon they arrested her. Scary thing is that when they caught her, she had a thumb drive on her filled with malicious software.

Still think that Trump and Xi are good friends?

A Chinese woman lied her way into Mar-a-Lago because a guy named Charles told her to

Yujing Zhang, 32, showed up at President Trump’s Florida club Saturday afternoon with two Chinese passports in hand and insisted to Secret Service she was there to swim — at least at first — according to a criminal complaint filed Monday.

Zhang’s last name matched a Mar-a-Lago member’s name, according to a manager, so a Secret Service agent asked if that was her father. Though she reportedly "did not give a definitive answer,” they gave her the benefit of the doubt, believing there was a language barrier. She was let in.

At that point, Secret Service said in the complaint, Zhang had already seen at least three prominent signs saying she’d be arrested if she were entering the property illegally. She obviously wasn't deterred.

A Mar-a-Lago golf cart came to fetch her, presumably to take her to the pool. It was at this point Zhang said she no longer knew where she wanted to go, so she was taken to the club’s reception area. She passed another restricted-access sign on her way there, according to the criminal complaint, which she stared at for “approximately 20 seconds.”

In the reception area, a staffer asked her what she was doing there several times before Zhang responded that she was there for a United Nations Chinese American Association event. No such event existed. The receptionist flagged Secret Service.

An agent gave Zhang another chance to explain why she was at Mar-a-Lago that day. Zhang said that time that she had showed up for a “United Nations Friendship” event, and presented the agent with an invitation he couldn’t read, for an event that wasn’t on the schedule. She was then transported off of Mar-a-Lago for some customary grilling, since she'd allegedly lied to Secret Service a few times by then.
If it's this easy to sneak into Trump's resort while he's there, who else do you think is gonna try to sneak in?

Be interesting to see if there are Trump protesters who are going to try this as well.
And, one question I'd like the SS to find out, is why did she have a thumb drive with malicious software on it, and where was she going to use it at?
Is she good looking?

Does she have a grabbable pussy?

St Trumpy likes those things in a woman.
Is she good looking?

Does she have a grabbable pussy?

St Trumpy likes those things in a woman.

Dunno if she had any of those things, but the things she DID have concern me a great deal. Especially since she was able to actually make it into the resort.

From my original link...............................

Secret Service agents recovered a laptop, four cell phones, an external hard drive, and a thumb drive with malicious malware from her bag, according to the complaint. She had “no swimming apparel,” according to the complaint. She was charged with lying to federal agents and illegally entering a restricted area.

She originally said she was there to swim, then changed it to a Chinese conference that wasn't being held there. Also, the reason she gave for being there was kinda shady as well. Would you do something like this if someone suggested it over the internet, and you never met the person?

In defending herself, Zhang said she only came to Mar-a-Lago because a guy named Charles told her to do so over WeChat. The plan was to attend the event that didn’t exist, and potentially gain access to a member of Trump’s inner circle and talk about Chinese-American economic relations. She said she never told Secret Service agents she wanted to go to the pool.
Wow...............even Trump's security service is falling down on the job. Seems that over the weekend, a Chinese woman lied her way into Mar a Lago, saying that she was a member, but then couldn't figure out where she wanted to go.

She then claimed to be part of a Chinese American Association event being held there. No such event was being held at the resort, and the SS was notified, whereupon they arrested her. Scary thing is that when they caught her, she had a thumb drive on her filled with malicious software.

Still think that Trump and Xi are good friends?

A Chinese woman lied her way into Mar-a-Lago because a guy named Charles told her to

Yujing Zhang, 32, showed up at President Trump’s Florida club Saturday afternoon with two Chinese passports in hand and insisted to Secret Service she was there to swim — at least at first — according to a criminal complaint filed Monday.

Zhang’s last name matched a Mar-a-Lago member’s name, according to a manager, so a Secret Service agent asked if that was her father. Though she reportedly "did not give a definitive answer,” they gave her the benefit of the doubt, believing there was a language barrier. She was let in.

At that point, Secret Service said in the complaint, Zhang had already seen at least three prominent signs saying she’d be arrested if she were entering the property illegally. She obviously wasn't deterred.

A Mar-a-Lago golf cart came to fetch her, presumably to take her to the pool. It was at this point Zhang said she no longer knew where she wanted to go, so she was taken to the club’s reception area. She passed another restricted-access sign on her way there, according to the criminal complaint, which she stared at for “approximately 20 seconds.”

In the reception area, a staffer asked her what she was doing there several times before Zhang responded that she was there for a United Nations Chinese American Association event. No such event existed. The receptionist flagged Secret Service.

An agent gave Zhang another chance to explain why she was at Mar-a-Lago that day. Zhang said that time that she had showed up for a “United Nations Friendship” event, and presented the agent with an invitation he couldn’t read, for an event that wasn’t on the schedule. She was then transported off of Mar-a-Lago for some customary grilling, since she'd allegedly lied to Secret Service a few times by then.

Give her a break Trump probably just ordered one up from that massage parlor his buddies hang out. The laptop, hard drive and thumb drive were just filled with video's of the goings on at the parlor.
If it was that easy for her to sneak in, how much easier do you think it would be for an actual spy to sneak in?
In light of the fact that Feinstein had an actual Chinese operative working for her, this is a non-story.
When interviewed, she just kept making driving motions and saying, Feinstein. Fienstien.
In light of the fact that Feinstein had an actual Chinese operative working for her, this is a non-story.

It was a staff member that the Chinese TRIED to recruit to work for them. The FBI found out about it and informed Feinstein, who then fired the staffer.

FACT CHECK: Did Senator Dianne Feinstein Employ a Chinese Spy?

It is difficult to address the merits of this kind of argument based on what is publicly known about the case. The FBI has not commented on it, and according to Feinstein, no risk of the staff member in question’s transferring sensitive material ever existed, as no one on the senator’s California staff possessed security clearances necessary to have access to that kind of information in the first place.

While the reporting on this topic vaguely suggested that the staff member “reported back to China about local politics,” it is uncertain whether this staff member ever provided the Chinese anything of value, or even whether efforts to recruit this individual were even successful:

The FBI apparently concluded the driver hadn’t revealed anything of substance.

“They interviewed him, and Dianne forced him to retire, and that was the end of it,” says our source.
Secret service is the one that allowed her to remain there. It was the Club itself that realized she wasn’t supposed to be there. Here is the local report of what actually happened-

A woman carrying two Republic of China passports, four cellphones, a laptop, a hard drive and a thumb drive with malware on it made her way past an initial security checkpoint at Mar-a-Lago when President Trump was in town on March 30, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court.

The woman, identified as Yujing Zhang, said she was there to "go to the pool," when first approached by a Secret Service agent, an affidavit said.

Mar-a-Lago security could not find her on the access list so security contacted the manager of the Beach Club who said Zhang is the last name of a member of the private club, the report said.

Because of a perceived language barrier, it was believed she was a relative of a club member and allowed on the property, an investigator said.

A valet driving a golf cart picked up Zhang and asked her where she wanted to go but she didn't know, the affidavit stated.

She ended up in a main reception area where she told a curious receptionist that she was there to attend a United Nations Chinese American Association that evening, a Secret Service agent said.

The receptionist knew that event didn't exist and determined Zhang was not on an access list, according to the affidavit.

Woman with Chinese passports, malware at Mar-a-Lago charged
In light of the fact that Feinstein had an actual Chinese operative working for her, this is a non-story.

It was a staff member that the Chinese TRIED to recruit to work for them. The FBI found out about it and informed Feinstein, who then fired the staffer.

FACT CHECK: Did Senator Dianne Feinstein Employ a Chinese Spy?

It is difficult to address the merits of this kind of argument based on what is publicly known about the case. The FBI has not commented on it, and according to Feinstein, no risk of the staff member in question’s transferring sensitive material ever existed, as no one on the senator’s California staff possessed security clearances necessary to have access to that kind of information in the first place.

While the reporting on this topic vaguely suggested that the staff member “reported back to China about local politics,” it is uncertain whether this staff member ever provided the Chinese anything of value, or even whether efforts to recruit this individual were even successful:

The FBI apparently concluded the driver hadn’t revealed anything of substance.

“They interviewed him, and Dianne forced him to retire, and that was the end of it,” says our source.
He worked for her for twenty years. If he had disclosed something to the Chinese do you think the fbi would admit it? No they wouldn’t.

Details Surface About Sen. Feinstein And The Chinese Spy Who Worked For Her
Mar-a-largo is a security risk, and the sooner we get the man who owns it out of office, the greater our security will be.

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