Chinese Virus Will Cost Biden the Race: Trump = Open Up Economy Biden= Shut it Down

God you really are dumber then a post. Typical leftist.
there are how many world wide deaths? Not every leader can be terrible.

US has 4 percent of the worlds population. There are 1.1 million deaths worldwide.
By population, we should have 44,000 deaths......We have 210,000

All the responsibility of a terrible leader
Roflol. Good thing you are unable to read or you might be able to understand just how crazy you sound.
Biden = Listen to the Scientists
Trump= Inject Disinfectant
Not every leader can be terrible. So show us just one country that had no virus outbreak.

I will do better. I will show you 14

Marshall Islands
Solomon Islands
North Korea
Cook Islands
Roflol. Damn but I hate to point out just how crazy you are. First off most of those are are small isolated areas with very little commerce.
Second some of those have not made any reports in at least thirty or more days. Third if you really think that North Korea is virus free and you want that kind of leadership then consider a one way ticket.
Biden = Protect America
Trump = 210,000 dead and counting

Biden - Lets screw the American tax payer with our green shit. Oh and lets also raise taxes on everyone when we don't get the money we expect by taxing any Corp or person making 400,000 or more.

The Chinese virus - 210,000 and counting. Blame China.

Did anyone blame the POTUS for the 1918 Spanish flue deaths?

Did anyone get blamed for the bubonic plague that damn near wiped out humanity??

In this case we have a clear someone to blame. China
Biden = Listen to the Scientists
Trump= Inject Disinfectant
God you really are dumber then a post. Typical leftist.
there are how many world wide deaths? Not every leader can be terrible. So show us just one country that had no virus outbreak.
Take into account we have the one of the worlds worst fitness reports. The fact that those with bad fitness are more vulnerabl. One would expect a higher death rate. Add in the fact that we had democrats doing their level best to increase the death count. As In New York City. One would expect an even higher count.

Biden not only would have refused to curtail air travel, as evidenced by his calling it xenophobic. But he has said nothing that Trump has not already done from the prospective of hindsight. The only difference is he wants to shut down the economy again so that more are forced to feel the pain of no money, more business closings. He even thinks that $15.00 an hour minimum wage will somehow make businesses better able to survive.
to say that Biden has a clue is laughable
This is a shill from langley

Biden = Protect America
Trump = 210,000 dead and counting
Only about 80,000 of those can actually be tagged to China virus and they had pre-existing conditions.

170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership

What an ass you are. Those people would be dead no matter who was in the WH. No matter who did what or said what. Its a pandemic shit for brains. It kills. The blame belongs to China. Period.
It really does come down to that. Biden's plan is shut everything down again, mandate masks and hide in your house. Trump's plan is open up and protect our most vulnerable. Only wear masks when it makes sense. The difference couldn't be more clear.
Which pretty much is only when you are a doctor operating on a patient in the ER This is the first time I have ever said whoever gets in office will make all the differerence in the world sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same. When Obama and Romney ran,I did not care which got in the fact they are both globalists and they said the exact same thing in their speech’s and Obama expanded the corruption of bush.

trump is not a globalist as Biden,Obama,Romney and bush are,every reason you have is why only someone who hates America will vote for Biden and Langley employees hate America.
170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership

You have been bloviating this lie for months. CHINA unleashed this virus on the world. Other world leaders have faired no better fighting the virus. You completely skip over Dem governors who killed thousands in nursing homes. Based on your posts you are an intentionally dishonest talking points puke.

That's just exactly what it do realize that most of the time the left wing posters you are arguing with are supported by a talking points center....Do you ever wonder why they are the ones constantly bringing charts and numbers to the boards? It's because these things are supplied by organized internet propaganda machines that these guys all check with before they come to post here. They have been trained to declare victory even in the face of obvious's a technique called jamming.

It’s called being a shill doing what your bosses at Langley tell you to do
170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership

You have been bloviating this lie for months. CHINA unleashed this virus on the world. Other world leaders have faired no better fighting the virus. You completely skip over Dem governors who killed thousands in nursing homes. Based on your posts you are an intentionally dishonest talking points puke.
He skipped over it because facts are something he has never displayed an interest
Biden = Protect America
Trump = 210,000 dead and counting
Only about 80,000 of those can actually be tagged to China virus and they had pre-existing conditions.

170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership

What an ass you are. Those people would be dead no matter who was in the WH. No matter who did what or said what. Its a pandemic shit for brains. It kills. The blame belongs to China. Period.
Evidently not

They are not dead in other countries. By population, we should have 44,0000 dead NOT 220,000

No other country would stand for five times the number of deaths......Why should we?
The media, in it's Boswash east coast bubble, thinks a 90% non-lethal virus is a major issue. Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows that Donald Trump is not responsible for the spread of a global virus. We have the largest international economy in the world. It was going to infect the United States and results would be the same if Obama, JFK, or FDR were President. Does history blame Wilson for the 1918 flu pandemic? No. Because common sense says otherwise. The Democratic Party has politicized the deaths of those from Chinese virus. NY Times Handle Bouie say "COVID" is the biggest issue in this election. Wrong!To borrow a phrase from liberal Jane's Carville: " It's the economy stupid." Biden wants to keep the economy shut down. Trump wants to get going again.

Yes a virus that kills over 200,000 Americans is a major issue. In addition, a third or so have issues that go on long after they recover. Your attitude is exactly why Americans disapprove of Trump's coronavirus policies. Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows Trump has done nothing to slow the spread of the disease. Instead Trump holds super spreader events. Chris Christie has learned a lesson. Trump sadly has not. The results might not be the same if Trump had followed the advice of doctors. Instead Trump has tried to play doctor and surrounds himself with ignorant fools who say what he says. It is not the Chinese virus either. Asians have been attacked because of this racist garbage. You and the Republicans are playing politics.
It really does come down to that. Biden's plan is shut everything down again, mandate masks and hide in your house. Trump's plan is open up and protect our most vulnerable. Only wear masks when it makes sense. The difference couldn't be more clear.
Which pretty much is only when you are a doctor operating on a patient in the ER This is the first time I have ever said whoever gets in office will make all the differerence in the world sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same. When Obama and Romney ran,I did not care which got in the fact they are both globalists and they said the exact same thing in their speech’s and Obama expanded the corruption of bush.

trump is not a globalist as Biden,Obama,Romney and bush are,every reason you have is why only someone who hates America will vote for Biden and Langley employees hate America.

Trump supporters are the ones who hate America. Langley employees love the US and want to keep it safe.
Biden = Protect America
Trump = 210,000 dead and counting
Only about 80,000 of those can actually be tagged to China virus and they had pre-existing conditions.

170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership
Up to 575,000 deaths from h1n1. Obama's inept leadership and he quit counting.

Zero is up to 575,000 deaths
He stopped testing and counting deaths because of his negligence and of course the media didn't report it. Liberal privilege.
Biden = Protect America
Trump = 210,000 dead and counting
Only about 80,000 of those can actually be tagged to China virus and they had pre-existing conditions.

170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership

What an ass you are. Those people would be dead no matter who was in the WH. No matter who did what or said what. Its a pandemic shit for brains. It kills. The blame belongs to China. Period.
Evidently not

They are not dead in other countries. By population, we should have 44,0000 dead NOT 220,000

No other country would stand for five times the number of deaths......Why should we?

You sure are dense. A pandemic kills. It makes no difference who is in the WH, who says what or does what. It kills.

I'm sure an ass like you was hoping for the 3.2 million who were predicted to die in the US. The 210,00 must be a let down for your stupid ass.
Biden = Protect America
Trump = 210,000 dead and counting
Only about 80,000 of those can actually be tagged to China virus and they had pre-existing conditions.

170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership

What an ass you are. Those people would be dead no matter who was in the WH. No matter who did what or said what. Its a pandemic shit for brains. It kills. The blame belongs to China. Period.
Evidently not

They are not dead in other countries. By population, we should have 44,0000 dead NOT 220,000

No other country would stand for five times the number of deaths......Why should we?

You sure are dense. A pandemic kills. It makes no difference who is in the WH, who says what or does what. It kills.

I'm sure an ass like you was hoping for the 3.2 million who were predicted to die in the US. The 210,00 must be a let down for your stupid ass.

It does make a difference who is in the White House when a pandemic kills at five times the rate of deaths in other countries.

Simple things like masks, social distancing and quarantines. Trump opposed them all.

He could not keep himself, his family or his staff safe......Is it any wonder that he couldn’t keep the country safe?
Biden = Listen to the Scientists
Trump= Inject Disinfectant
God you really are dumber then a post. Typical leftist.
there are how many world wide deaths? Not every leader can be terrible. So show us just one country that had no virus outbreak.
Take into account we have the one of the worlds worst fitness reports. The fact that those with bad fitness are more vulnerabl. One would expect a higher death rate. Add in the fact that we had democrats doing their level best to increase the death count. As In New York City. One would expect an even higher count.

Biden not only would have refused to curtail air travel, as evidenced by his calling it xenophobic. But he has said nothing that Trump has not already done from the prospective of hindsight. The only difference is he wants to shut down the economy again so that more are forced to feel the pain of no money, more business closings. He even thinks that $15.00 an hour minimum wage will somehow make businesses better able to survive.
to say that Biden has a clue is laughable
This is a shill from langley

He isn‘t even smart enough to be on the internet unsupervised
Biden = Protect America
Trump = 210,000 dead and counting
Only about 80,000 of those can actually be tagged to China virus and they had pre-existing conditions.

170,000 dead because of Trumps inept leadership

What an ass you are. Those people would be dead no matter who was in the WH. No matter who did what or said what. Its a pandemic shit for brains. It kills. The blame belongs to China. Period.
Evidently not

They are not dead in other countries. By population, we should have 44,0000 dead NOT 220,000

No other country would stand for five times the number of deaths......Why should we?

You sure are dense. A pandemic kills. It makes no difference who is in the WH, who says what or does what. It kills.

I'm sure an ass like you was hoping for the 3.2 million who were predicted to die in the US. The 210,00 must be a let down for your stupid ass.

It does make a difference who is in the White House when a pandemic kills at five times the rate of deaths in other countries.

Simple things like masks, social distancing and quarantines. Trump opposed them all.

He could not keep himself, his family or his staff safe......Is it any wonder that he couldn’t keep the country safe?

Kinda funny you should say that since Trump made sure those making masks knew what was needed and that they were being made.

He also got ventilators and made sure they got where they needed to go.

Oh and lets not forget the hospital ship parked in the harbor in New York City.

Oh and wearing masks and social distancing is something each person has to decide to do, or not do on their own. There is no law out there to force anyone to wear a mask or keep a distance.

He got sick because one of his staff members had it without knowing she had it. Hell that happens all the time. Hell happened right here where I work. The lady had it but had no symptoms at all. She didn't know she had it till she tested positive for it.

No one could keep the virus out of the country though Trump did want to stop flight into the us to stop the spread and got called a racist by you oh so intelligent Dems. Pelousy told everyone not to worry about the virus cause it was nothing. Don't see your outrage about that now do we??