Chinese Communist Party officials harden their rhetoric on Islam


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Chinese Communist Party officials harden rhetoric on Islam

BEIJING (AP) — China's ruling Communist Party is hardening its rhetoric on Islam, with top officials making repeated warnings about the specter of global religious extremism seeping into the country and the need to protect traditional Chinese identity.

Shaerheti Ahan, a top political and legal affairs party official in Xinjiang, on Sunday became the latest official from a predominantly Muslim region to warn political leaders gathered in Beijing for this month's National People's Congress about China becoming destabilized by the "international anti-terror situation."

Over the past year, President Xi Jinping has directed the party to "Sinicize" the country's ethnic and religious minorities, while regional leaders in Xinjiang, home to the Uighur (pronounced WEE-gur) ethnic minority, have ramped up surveillance measures, police patrols and demonstrations amid an uptick in violence blamed on Islamic separatists.

Although some scholars question whether global jihadi networks have indeed penetrated the country, top Chinese officials, including those overseeing areas outside Xinjiang, are increasingly echoing certain strands of international discourse to back up claims that Islamic extremism is growing worldwide and needs to be rolled back.

Officials from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region — which has an ethnic Hui population that is predominantly Muslim but, unlike Xinjiang, rarely sees separatist or religious violence — warned similarly this past week about the perils of Islamic extremism. Speaking at a regional meeting open to the media, Ningxia Communist Party secretary Li Jianguo drew comparisons to the policies of President Donald Trump's administration to make his point.

"What the Islamic State and extremists push is jihad, terror, violence," Li said. "This is why we see Trump targeting Muslims in a travel ban. It doesn't matter whether anti-Muslim policy is in the interests of the U.S. or it promotes stability, it's about preventing religious extremism from seeping into all of American culture."

Wu Shimin, a former ethnic affairs official from Ningxia, said that ideological work must be strengthened in the region to promote a Chinese identity among its Hui population, the descendants of Muslim traders plying the Silk Road centuries ago.

"The roots of the Hui are in China," Wu said. "To discuss religious consciousness, we must first discuss Chinese consciousness. To discuss the feelings of minorities, we must first discuss the feelings of the Chinese people."....

Even commies are turning against Islam?
Now that's interesting. Thanks AsianTrumpSupporter

Imagine if those 8 million extra Chinese men who aren't going to have wives to marry (due to abortion/genocide wiping out female babies at a disproportionate rate) formed a huge army and were sent out for war and defense.

What impact or deterrence could that serve against Islamist genocide of defenseless countries they are invading and taking over?

How many troops would it take to stop that scourge, and could China help provide this manpower needed?
Now that's interesting. Thanks AsianTrumpSupporter

Imagine if those 8 million extra Chinese men who aren't going to have wives to marry (due to abortion/genocide wiping out female babies at a disproportionate rate) formed a huge army and were sent out for war and defense.

What impact or deterrence could that serve against Islamist genocide of defenseless countries they are invading and taking over?

How many troops would it take to stop that scourge, and could China help provide this manpower needed?
I think these boys are going to go to Korea for girls.

North Korea is an especially rich environment for them. Those poor girlies would love to get out of their communist dictator's prison.
Now that's interesting. Thanks AsianTrumpSupporter

Imagine if those 8 million extra Chinese men who aren't going to have wives to marry (due to abortion/genocide wiping out female babies at a disproportionate rate) formed a huge army and were sent out for war and defense.

What impact or deterrence could that serve against Islamist genocide of defenseless countries they are invading and taking over?

How many troops would it take to stop that scourge, and could China help provide this manpower needed?
I think these boys are going to go to Korea for girls.

North Korea is an especially rich environment for them. Those poor girlies would love to get out of their communist dictator's prison.

I don't think you are going to get 8-12 million girls out of Korea or any country. That's why the trafficking market has spread into lots of other countries, and it nowhere meets the growing demand....
Now that's interesting. Thanks AsianTrumpSupporter

Imagine if those 8 million extra Chinese men who aren't going to have wives to marry (due to abortion/genocide wiping out female babies at a disproportionate rate) formed a huge army and were sent out for war and defense.

What impact or deterrence could that serve against Islamist genocide of defenseless countries they are invading and taking over?

How many troops would it take to stop that scourge, and could China help provide this manpower needed?
I think these boys are going to go to Korea for girls.

North Korea is an especially rich environment for them. Those poor girlies would love to get out of their communist dictator's prison.

I don't think you are going to get 8-12 million girls out of Korea or any country. That's why the trafficking market has spread into lots of other countries, and it nowhere meets the growing demand....
North Korea's population is around 25 million based on CIA estimates.

Two million of these are ladies 15 to 24.

Another 2 1/2 million are younger girls.

So you are right -- a lot of Chinese boys and young men are going to be S.O.L.
There have been extremist acts carried out by ethnic Muslims in major (predominantly Han) Chinese cities. However, I think one of the best measures that China can take to curb the level of radicalization, within Xinjiang, is to VEHEMENTLY oppose the formation of madrasas as well as outside funding from Saudi and other Gulf states.
If there is one connecting factor in the rise of radical thought it is the Sulafi/Wahabi teachings emanating directly from the Saudi Kingdom. Saudi Arabia has directly funded hundreds of schools, trained thousands of clerics and funneled many millions to the west over the past 30 years. There is a direct link between radical Islam and this Wahabi doctrine.

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