China is not going to give up their trade advantages easily.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
China has been the beneficiary of a long line of spineless US leaders who said and did nothing as China imposed tariffs and taxes and trade limits on us while we did nothing similar in kind. They have been conditioned for decades to American weakness in leadership and so now they are testing Donald Trump to see if he really is different. They are going to find out he is different and he means business. When they do, they will agree to more equitable tariffs, taxes and a more balanced trade levels. Could it get rocky in the short term? Sure. Will it be worth it in the long term for the US? Absolutely.
China has taken us over in ways your average parasite can't even imagine . They have no idea what they've invaded with in our Country.
China has been the beneficiary of a long line of spineless US leaders who said and did nothing as China imposed tariffs and taxes and trade limits on us while we did nothing similar in kind. They have been conditioned for decades to American weakness in leadership and so now they are testing Donald Trump to see if he really is different. They are going to find out he is different and he means business. When they do, they will agree to more equitable tariffs, taxes and a more balanced trade levels. Could it get rocky in the short term? Sure. Will it be worth it in the long term for the US? Absolutely.

If we leave Chinese imports at the dock, one-third of their econ will collapse.
China has been the beneficiary of a long line of spineless US leaders who said and did nothing as China imposed tariffs and taxes and trade limits on us while we did nothing similar in kind. They have been conditioned for decades to American weakness in leadership and so now they are testing Donald Trump to see if he really is different. They are going to find out he is different and he means business. When they do, they will agree to more equitable tariffs, taxes and a more balanced trade levels. Could it get rocky in the short term? Sure. Will it be worth it in the long term for the US? Absolutely.
Of course, nearly every penny of these tariffs will come out of the pockets of the middle and lower earners in The United States.
China has been the beneficiary of a long line of spineless US leaders who said and did nothing as China imposed tariffs and taxes and trade limits on us while we did nothing similar in kind. They have been conditioned for decades to American weakness in leadership and so now they are testing Donald Trump to see if he really is different. They are going to find out he is different and he means business. When they do, they will agree to more equitable tariffs, taxes and a more balanced trade levels. Could it get rocky in the short term? Sure. Will it be worth it in the long term for the US? Absolutely.
Of course, nearly every penny of these tariffs will come out of the pockets of the middle and lower earners in The United States.
Or at least they’ll feel it the most.
Same goes with Canada, which is why we won't give an inch on NAFTA. We need you to subsidize us, employ us, pad our covert state apparatus that work in positions of management and executive and pretend to be "free market"

I think Trump is hoping the socialists win in Mexico as they promise to leave NAFTA so they will do the dirty work for Trump. He knows he will get a far superior deal with bilateral negotiations.

If not, I think Trump has to give the 6 month notice. There is no defense from the opposition regarding NAFTA as they KNOW how unpopular it is, they might even have to get on board and say "yes, NAFTA is not good for America" as both Bernie AND Hillary did during the election.

They would just try to say "oh, why are you going after allies like Canada when China is the enemy". This in itself is false, because few before Trump called it out. Since he is not on Chinas payroll, and is working for America First, he can easily address abuses.

However, now Trump has again laid tariffs against China, so, really, Trump just saying "we are giving our six month notice on NAFTA, this will help our industries, bring back jobs from Canada and Mexico while we negotiate bilateral deals" and in an instant, he will have a massive Rust Belt support.
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Leftist cowards are so...cowardly.

"We durst not ever do the right thing lest someone not like us!"

Do you have any idea how spineless and disgusting you are?

China has taken advantage of us...and laughed at us while doing it....for decades now.

We are going to be fine. Well the humans will be fine. The good people who work hard, who try to do good and right, who believe in liberty, who believe in honor and integrity...they're going to be able to succeed again.

The criminals, the rejects, the perverts, the sexual deviants...their star is sinking. Thank goodness. Those are the people who retch and writhe and scream every time a criminal endeavor is reversed. They are the people who insist America must accept bad deals, and pay through the nose to the entire world as a form of apology for being awesome.

The decent people are fed up with our role as whipping boy. It's over. Now if you want us in that role, you will have to kill us.

And you will try, but you'll fail at that too.
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Leftist cowards are so...cowardly.

"We durst not ever do the right thing lest someone not like us!"

Do you have any idea how spineless and disgusting you are?
Don’t complain when your Walmart receipt is higher than before

So $2.60 for some trash that I will have to replace in a month, or $2.85 for the same garbage.

A small price to pay to remain a free country with a lower risk of China flying an overpowered military and economic Super Power in 25 years. Wouldn't you agree?

In the meantime, China will feel it harder than Americans, and they will learn "no barriers and abuse or no tariff-free trade"
China has been the beneficiary of a long line of spineless US leaders who said and did nothing as China imposed tariffs and taxes and trade limits on us while we did nothing similar in kind. They have been conditioned for decades to American weakness in leadership and so now they are testing Donald Trump to see if he really is different. They are going to find out he is different and he means business. When they do, they will agree to more equitable tariffs, taxes and a more balanced trade levels. Could it get rocky in the short term? Sure. Will it be worth it in the long term for the US? Absolutely.

If we leave Chinese imports at the dock, one-third of their econ will collapse.

From where are you going to replace those products that will go to Walmart shelves?
China has been the beneficiary of a long line of spineless US leaders who said and did nothing as China imposed tariffs and taxes and trade limits on us while we did nothing similar in kind. They have been conditioned for decades to American weakness in leadership and so now they are testing Donald Trump to see if he really is different. They are going to find out he is different and he means business. When they do, they will agree to more equitable tariffs, taxes and a more balanced trade levels. Could it get rocky in the short term? Sure. Will it be worth it in the long term for the US? Absolutely.

If we leave Chinese imports at the dock, one-third of their econ will collapse.

From where are you going to replace those products that will go to Walmart shelves?

Perhaps we should start training some of our more useless members to make useful things for pay, instead of just giving them reefer money.

You know, no workee, no eatey.
Leftist cowards are so...cowardly.

"We durst not ever do the right thing lest someone not like us!"

Do you have any idea how spineless and disgusting you are?
Don’t complain when your Walmart receipt is higher than before

So $2.60 for some trash that I will have to replace in a month, or $2.85 for the same garbage.

A small price to pay to remain a free country with a lower risk of China flying an overpowered military and economic Super Power in 25 years. Wouldn't you agree?

In the meantime, China will feel it harder than Americans, and they will learn "no barriers and abuse or no tariff-free trade"

Totally disagree with add on disappointed and disgusted.

Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Why are you so concerned which country is the winner? Biggest losers are you poor American consumers. THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE. Just because you support Trump.

Are you speaking for these farmers that will be hit by these tariffs?

They voted for Donald Trump. Now soybean farmers could get slammed by the trade war he started.

At the same time China will hit us back against these products.

Here's the full list of US products that China is planning to hit with tariffs
China has been the beneficiary of a long line of spineless US leaders who said and did nothing as China imposed tariffs and taxes and trade limits on us while we did nothing similar in kind. They have been conditioned for decades to American weakness in leadership and so now they are testing Donald Trump to see if he really is different. They are going to find out he is different and he means business. When they do, they will agree to more equitable tariffs, taxes and a more balanced trade levels. Could it get rocky in the short term? Sure. Will it be worth it in the long term for the US? Absolutely.

If we leave Chinese imports at the dock, one-third of their econ will collapse.

From where are you going to replace those products that will go to Walmart shelves?

Perhaps we should start training some of our more useless members to make useful things for pay, instead of just giving them reefer money.

You know, no workee, no eatey.

Training is not part of tariffs.

Are you sure you are talking about tariffs?

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