China First, global socialist, Chris Wallace asked the obvious question of Ben Caron, "do you think Trumps rally in Tulsa is safe"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Yep, as I predicted almost the moment the Wuhan Virus hit, "keep Trump off the campaign trail and holding rallies, even having voters go in person, we can just take care of it for you all, via mail-in!". Coincidentally the filthy communist government of China suddenly says they've had another "major outbreak". Yeah, go fly a kit Commie, you flew this virus to the world. The communists and their global backers fear Trump re-election more than their nations citizens all believing in God.

This flake Wallace didn't ask anyone about the protesters who were in multiple cities in hundreds of thousands, for many hours, yelling, screaming, spitting rage, spreading germs, sharing water bottles, hugging and chanting. Somehow though, "oh wait, Trump is going back to his rallies. Is that safe!??!"
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