"China, China, China"

Russia and China behind Trump?

So what we all know is that the communist Dims always accuse the other side of what they are involved in.

Here we have a clear case of China and Russia wanting the communist Dims to win.

What do you believe, the commies in China and Russia want Trump, who just kissed America’s ass all weekend to win, or the straight up communist Dims who support the Marxist BLM?

Good God, you liberal fucknuts....please use your heads for once.
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Dems are trying to wildly reposition, on both riots and China, very late in the cycle, which is an admission that they suspect that they aren't playing a winning hand.

COLD WAR II: China amassing arsenal of anti-satellite weapons.

China wants us to pay for the military they need to challenge us, until Trump, the balance of our National Leadership was just fine with this. Now, except for Trump, on balance, they are still fine with it.

Their military budget assumed a growing annual trade surplus with the US, which allows them to keep their people fed, which protects the leadership from revolt, and grow a military capable of effectively challenging the US, which currently prevents them from using control of international shipping lanes to more completely dominate their neighboring countries.

Trump, YTD, has cut their trade surplus by $35B, or 21%.

If he keeps that up, they are going to have to start deciding if they want to keep their people fed, or splurge on military spending. China has a long history of revolting against leaders that do not allow them to keep themselves fed.

No way in hell they want Trump re-elected. Most of their military build up consists of stolen US technology, and Trump's steadily cutting back on their ability to continue robbing us blind. If Biden and The Ho win, all these gains will be immediately reversed.
NIKE, LEBRON JAMES UNAVAILABLE FOR COMMENT, BECAUSE THEY’RE CORRUPT SYCOPHANTS: The New Uighurs? Mongolians Protest as China Moves to Erase Local Culture.

Mongolians Protest as China Moves to Erase Local Culture.

Students, teachers, parents, and others are staging protests in Inner Mongolia, a semi-autonomous region in northern China, by surrounding police stations and gathering outside schools. Thousands are congregating in rare displays of open defiance of governmental orders.

These demonstrations were sparked by the Chinese government’s directive issued in the summer to broaden the footprint of Mandarin Chinese in state-compiled textbooks and classroom instruction within the region, displacing the Mongolian language in academic environments and daily usage.
U.S. revokes more than 1,000 visas of “high risk” Chinese nationals

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Chinese students and academics with links to the Chinese military

Spying Scum For the Lying Outlaw Slavers of Beijing.

It’s a drop in the bucket but it’s a start. The State Department announced Wednesday that the visas of more than 1,000 Chinese students and academics have been revoked.

They sure know how to treat their best customer like crap.

China “is engaged in a wide‑ranging and heavily resourced campaign to acquire sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property, in part to bolster the modernization and capability of its military, the People’s Liberation Army.” It went into effect as of June 1, 2020. The program is aimed at Chinese graduate students and researchers tied to the Chinese military.

It’s about time. The State Department says that by revoking the visas it “safeguards US national security by limiting the PRC’s ability to leverage Chinese graduate students and researchers in the United States to steal United States technologies, intellectual property, and information to develop advanced military capabilities.”

Chinese nationals receive visas to come and study or do research at American universities but fail to disclose their ties to the Chinese military or Communist Chinese government. They are found to be in violation of visa disclosure requirements and likely stealing intellectual property or medical research on behalf of the Chinese government

“We continue to welcome legitimate students and scholars from China who do not further the Chinese Communist Party’s goals of military dominance.” China is the largest source of international college students in the United States. American universities and colleges make a lot of money off international students.
China owns Joe Biden, his family, and a lot of other Democrats. Hunter Biden took millions from China as he partnered with an infamous Chinese military technology thief. Biden just said, in a week it was announced that China now has the largest navy in the world, he wants to see CHINA grow. Perhaps someone needs to tell Joe he's not running for the US Senate or President of CHINA, he-s running for President of the UNITED STATES.

Leftist extremists, like Hollywood / Disney, are friends / supporters of China, easily bought by China. President Trump can't be bought by China. He is the 1st President in DECADES to stand up to China.

While Democrats and snowflakes continue to tell us Russia wants Trump to win we already learned it was Obama and the Democrats who collaborated with foreign spies and Russians to attempt a political coup.

While Democrats tell us China wants Trump to win and how Trump will sell out America, it was Democrat Diane Feinstein who was caught committing espionage / facilitating Chinese espionage from her own office for DECADES, it is the Democrats and their family members we see personally enriching themselves by selling out to China.

Democrats pathetically continue to accuse others of doing what they have done / do while continuing to prove this through their actions.
It could not be more obvious that the CCP is drooling with hope that Biden wins.
China is a filthy outlaw lying slaver nation that does not comport to international norms of decency or hygiene. ISOLATE CHINA BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE: Doctors diagnosed more than 3,000 people in China’s Gansu province with brucellosis after a leak at a biopharmaceutical company.

The NHC said it first detected cases of the illness in November after a leak at the Zhongmu Lanzhou factory "caused by contaminated exhaust from a vaccine factory in Lanzhou, due to the use of expired disinfectant from late-July to mid-August last year."

The biological pharmaceutical factory produced a brucella vaccine, though its license to do so has since been revoked.

Among those infected were employees at the Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, which is located near the location of the leak, and students and faculty members at Lanzhou University.

Nearly 3 million people live in Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu province.

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