China Applies For Patent of US Drug Remdesivir to Treat Coronavirus


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The article I am sharing / citing drifts into the 'Unproven Conspiracy Theory' lane, but the facts are 'interesting' - and 'conveniently coincidental' just the same. In the article the author goes as far as to ask the question if China 'planned' the release of COVID with the plan to 'corner the market' on a cure or if the patent is just an opportunistic effort to make money off of the pandemic they unleashed on the world.

The points the author makes include these:

1. The COVID-19 was not created / did not come about 'naturally'.

'The deadly China coronavirus that started in China sometime in late 2019 has now circled the globe. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus didn’t come naturally.

The epicenter, Huwan, is the site of a Chinese Infectious Disease Lab that was warned in 2015 by the CDC of several security/ containment issues it needed to take care of to prevent the possibility of future leaks of infectious diseases. The Chinese were studying some of the world's deadliest disease there, to include SARS, MERS, Ebola, & Coronavirus (Swine Flu).

What is NOT known is if it was leaked intentionally or not.

2. China Attempted To Market A Cure for COVID-19 inJanuary, Months After they Knew of the Leaked & Spreading Epidemic, before it warned the world

'The Chines edid attempt to market a cure for the coronavirus to the world in January after the virus began to spread.
In late March FOX News host Tucker Carlson reported on a CHINESE study in the Western press on the origin of the novel coronavirus. The study concluded the deadly virus came out of local laboratories in Hubei Province. The smoking gun in the study is the viral link to horseshoe bats which are not sold in local wet markets and are not native to Wuhan. In fact the closest colony is 900 kilometers away. There is no evidence horseshoe bats were sold in the Wuhan wet markets. The local labs used this bat specimen and the virus likely came from a lab in Wuhan.'

3. China Filed for a Patent on a US Drug that showed promise in treating COVID-19

"In January of this year, weeks after the coronavirus was first reported in China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology applied for a patent on a US drug, Remdesivir, used to treat coronavirus infections. Remdesivir is used for the treatment of Ebola and coronavirus infections. The drug showed early success in Washington state treating the coronavirus outbreak near Seattle."

Why not - the Chinese is famnous for stealing US Intellectual property / rights, so why not in a pandemic they unleashed?!

As of now I am not buying into the author's (as of yet) unproven Conspiracy theory, but they do make several good points....

All we have to do is teach the peasants f society THE GLOBALIST/UN are now controlling the globe we are under a one world order if Trump doesn't gtf off the horse soon.
Isn't that par for the course with China? The U.S. did the research, created the drug to treat the virus (Ebola) meanwhile China steals the technology and applies for patents before the parent company can apply for the patent....
The article I am sharing / citing drifts into the 'Unproven Conspiracy Theory' lane, but the facts are 'interesting' - and 'conveniently coincidental' just the same. In the article the author goes as far as to ask the question if China 'planned' the release of COVID with the plan to 'corner the market' on a cure or if the patent is just an opportunistic effort to make money off of the pandemic they unleashed on the world.

The points the author makes include these:

1. The COVID-19 was not created / did not come about 'naturally'.

'The deadly China coronavirus that started in China sometime in late 2019 has now circled the globe. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus didn’t come naturally.

The epicenter, Huwan, is the site of a Chinese Infectious Disease Lab that was warned in 2015 by the CDC of several security/ containment issues it needed to take care of to prevent the possibility of future leaks of infectious diseases. The Chinese were studying some of the world's deadliest disease there, to include SARS, MERS, Ebola, & Coronavirus (Swine Flu).

What is NOT known is if it was leaked intentionally or not.

2. China Attempted To Market A Cure for COVID-19 inJanuary, Months After they Knew of the Leaked & Spreading Epidemic, before it warned the world

'The Chines edid attempt to market a cure for the coronavirus to the world in January after the virus began to spread.
In late March FOX News host Tucker Carlson reported on a CHINESE study in the Western press on the origin of the novel coronavirus. The study concluded the deadly virus came out of local laboratories in Hubei Province. The smoking gun in the study is the viral link to horseshoe bats which are not sold in local wet markets and are not native to Wuhan. In fact the closest colony is 900 kilometers away. There is no evidence horseshoe bats were sold in the Wuhan wet markets. The local labs used this bat specimen and the virus likely came from a lab in Wuhan.'

3. China Filed for a Patent on a US Drug that showed promise in treating COVID-19

"In January of this year, weeks after the coronavirus was first reported in China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology applied for a patent on a US drug, Remdesivir, used to treat coronavirus infections. Remdesivir is used for the treatment of Ebola and coronavirus infections. The drug showed early success in Washington state treating the coronavirus outbreak near Seattle."

Why not - the Chinese is famnous for stealing US Intellectual property / rights, so why not in a pandemic they unleashed?!

As of now I am not buying into the author's (as of yet) unproven Conspiracy theory, but they do make several good points....

A lot of the articles conclusions are backed up by empirical evidence. There are a good number of people in the biological warfare realm that believe this was an intentional release of not just one man manipulated virus but TWO of them. Wuhan was decimated and the true numbers of dead there was in the 80,000 to 100,000 range according to intelligence agencies data.

China even destroyed all samples of tissues which held the virus from all cases. They literally destroyed the evidence which would allow us to trace origin . You just dont do this. Add to this pirating meds that can stop it early on....
Remdesivir has been researched by Gilead as far back as 2009 as a treatment for viruses ranging from hepatitis C and respiratory syncytial virus to Ebola and now COVID-19. Gilead first received a patent for the drug as a treatment for Ebola in 2017. In fall 2015, Gilead applied for two patents for remdesivir, one for combating coronaviruses and another for filoviruses, the family of pathogens that includes Ebola. Both were approved in spring 2019.

The Chinese government disapproved of the the attempt on the part of the Chinese company to wrongly patent Gillead’s property and overturned the patent.

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