Children banned from dressing up as gingerbread men… school says costumes are Racist

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Schoolchildren in Sweden have been banned from dressing up as gingerbread men for a Christmas parade because their teachers fear the costumes could be considered racist.

Youngsters from a primary school in Laxa told their parents they had been ordered not to wear the outfits for the St Lucia celebrations on Thursday.

Traditionally, children dress as either St Lucia, or gnomes, stars, or gingerbread men for the candle-lit parade.

But heartbroken 10-year-old Mio Simiv was told he could not wear his gingerbread man costume to the celebration because it might be seen as 'offensive'.

Angry mum Jenny Simic told local media: 'I thought he had to have got it wrong so I called the school and they said people might find a brown gingerbread character offensive.

Children banned from dressing up as gingerbread men | Mail Online

I think they look adorable in their little white outfits with the pointy hats.
According to liberals/progressives the gingerbread man is now considered a totally racist symbol.

:lmao: I was wondering against what race is this racist. Ginger bread folks????

Someone needs to let them know gingerbread folks aren't real.

And, based on some of the gingerbread homes I have seen, they are pretty high income group. :lol:
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The spices for the health in gingerbread cookies is what's good for people at the holidays. They are anti-fungal, anti-bacteria miracle workers that reinforce people's immune systems and synergize even small amounts of vitamin C to being a dynamo against colds, the flu, etc.

I'm surprised. This was a nutritionally stupid thing to do. Sweden usually has such intelligent people, too, in matters of health. Plus the spices come from far places, which is good for international trade that trades with all people, regardless of color.

Maybe they could serve them up in some other form--such as creche animals or tree shapes, or even tree ornaments.

Another idea is that they could serve up traditional people as sugar cookies and intermingle them with gingie men. See which one leaves the plate first. Let the kids decide. ;)
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Schoolchildren in Sweden have been banned from dressing up as gingerbread men for a Christmas parade because their teachers fear the costumes could be considered racist.

Youngsters from a primary school in Laxa told their parents they had been ordered not to wear the outfits for the St Lucia celebrations on Thursday.

Traditionally, children dress as either St Lucia, or gnomes, stars, or gingerbread men for the candle-lit parade.

But heartbroken 10-year-old Mio Simiv was told he could not wear his gingerbread man costume to the celebration because it might be seen as 'offensive'.

Angry mum Jenny Simic told local media: 'I thought he had to have got it wrong so I called the school and they said people might find a brown gingerbread character offensive.

Children banned from dressing up as gingerbread men | Mail Online

Wha???? Midgets, little people.... er, dwarfs .... everywhere should be outraged! Oh, the huge-man-a-tee!!!

I don't give a shit if someone is offended or not. BFD. Get the hell over it. I am sick to death of everything being called racist. Congrats, idiots, you've managed to diminish racism to a cookie.
Almost anything that celebrates European culture prior to multiculturalism is deemed racist. Make no mistake, the accusation of racism is a weapon that's been used exlusively against white people, and has been very effective in erroding white identity, which I suspect is considered the greatest threat posed to the New World Order.
Look behind the scenes as to whom is the main proponents of multiculture and diversity; and the tearing down of any and all things white and european as racist and evil.

They fear white christian europeans and N. Americans because of historical ties to pogroms and nation wide expulsions of their people.

By neutralizing and neutering whites political power and their christian based culture.

They can be free to enslave and control the population of their current host countries and expand their psychopathic agenda.

Basically, the same tactic they have used for several millennia in various countries throughout history.

Care to guess the identity of this group?? :cool:

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