Chicoms Prep for Combat: SO WHAT?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
China's Hu urges navy to prepare for combat - Yahoo! News

Chinese President Hu Jintao on Tuesday urged the navy to prepare for military combat, amid growing regional tensions over maritime disputes and a US campaign to assert itself as a Pacific power.

The navy should "accelerate its transformation and modernisation in a sturdy way, and make extended preparations for military combat in order to make greater contributions to safeguard national security," he said.

Addressing the powerful Central Military Commission, Hu said: "Our work must closely encircle the main theme of national defence and military building."

Again, I have to ask, 'So what?' The Chicoms have been prepping for war since the day they took over China. This is nothing new, but that we see so many reports of this lately, it seems that TPTB are trying to prep *us* mentally for a possible war with China.

The Chinese preparations are almost alld efensive in nature. Their tiny blue water fleet would be blown out of the water within minutes of going to war with the US and I think they are smart enough to realize this. That fleet is for projecting force into the oil rich South China Sea area, not cutting off our sea lanes.

If we are to be so worried about a likely war with China, then why does everyone in Washington DC still want to allow the continued export of US industry to China? I am sorry, not just allow but we have tax incentives in place to ENCOURAGE US businesses to relocate off shore, and China being the best place for labor arbitrage it gets most of that off shoring sent its way.

In other words, the actions of our nations leaders belie any notion that we are plausibly expecting war with China in the foreseable future.

Its just more 'we are surrounded by enemies' bullshit.
"Maritime disputes" is code for Taiwan. China sees a weak president that would hand over freedom loving capitalist Taiwan to the Chinese quasi-socialist regime with barely a complaint to the socialist UN.
I think China could possibly beat the United states as simply as alleying with mexico. Think about it for a second-- we aren't thinking that theres any threat to our south, so we have very little military armor, troops or fire power protecting our southern borders.

If Hu was smart, he would alley with Mexico, while saying that it's for peaceful proposes,(Hu) could be unloading troops, tanks and the chinese military into Mexico. Of course China would pay and arm Mexico to get mexico to go along, but china is more then rich enough to do just that.

I'd say 500,000 troops with a few hundred jets for air support to deal with our one strength(air power). I'm thinking before the national guard could mass enough strength to counter the drive(chinese advancement), China could have a third of the country. Our military is made to attack other countries, not so much defend our nation in a land war.

China would be stupid to try to match our navy while trying to cross the Pacific. This is the only way a nation has a chance vrs the US.
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"Maritime disputes" is code for Taiwan. China sees a weak president that would hand over freedom loving capitalist Taiwan to the Chinese quasi-socialist regime with barely a complaint to the socialist UN.

That is pretty much a Democrat tradition, isnt it? They have turned their backs on so many countries and people that depended on us. Who will they NOT sell down the river?

Oh, yeah, I guess there are their urban political machines.
I think China could possibly beat the United states as simply as alleying with mexico. Think about it for a second-- we aren't thinking that theres any threat to our south, so we have very little military armor, troops or fire power protecting our southern borders.

If Hu was smart, he would alley with Mexico, while saying that it's for peaceful proposes,(Hu) could be unloading troops, tanks and the chinese military into Mexico. Of course China would pay and arm Mexico to get mexico to go along, but china is more then rich enough to do just that.

I'd say 500,000 troops with a few hundred jets for air support to deal with our one strength(air power). I'm thinking before the national guard could mass enough strength to counter the drive(chinese advancement), China could have a third of the country. Our military is made to attack other countries, not so much defend our nation in a land war.

China would be stupid to try to match our navy while trying to cross the Pacific. This is the only way a nation has a chance vrs the US.
Yeah? How are they going to get half a million troops across the Pacific? Swim?
Evaluating the Taiwan/U.S. relationship...
What can Taiwan do for the US?
Sat, Jan 21, 2012 - Two months after the US’ decision in September to provide defensive weapons to Taiwan and upgrade its fleet of F-16A/B aircraft, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech in which she said emphatically that Taiwan was an important security and economic partner of the US
Soon afterward, two senior US officials were sent to Taiwan to highlight the importance of US-Taiwan ties. These rare visits were not courtesy calls. Rajiv Shah, head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) visited Taiwan early last month, ostensibly to deliver a speech at the “American Footprints in Taiwan” exhibition sponsored by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), but actually to solicit Taiwan’s help on US global development aid programs. Shah took note of Taiwan’s humanitarian and relief assistance after the natural disasters in Haiti and Japan. In his meetings with President Ma Ying-jeou and leaders from the private sector, the USAID boss encouraged the people and government of Taiwan to broaden their participation and become more active in US global partnership projects to eliminate hunger and disease, as well as to promote social and economic development in less-developed countries.

Is Taiwan able and willing to take part? Taiwan gave US$380 million in foreign aid in 2010, or only 0.1 percent of its GDP, well below the UN standard of 0.7 percent and the OECD’s average of 0.3 percent. Worse, in this year’s budget, Ma’s government will cut foreign aid by 13 percent. US Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman, whose three-day visit to Taiwan began on Dec. 12, was the highest-ranking US official to visit Taiwan since 2000. While this may appear to some to show the new importance that Washington attaches to the nation, the blessings seem mixed.

Whereas Poneman’s lecture on nuclear safety in the aftermath of the nuclear crisis at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant was both informative and useful, in fact he was speaking in favor of the nuclear power industry, in which the US has high stakes as the country has been exporting much of the machinery and fuel used in the nuclear plants built in Taiwan (and Japan). By promoting nuclear energy, Poneman was taking sides in Taiwan’s presidential elections, wittingly or not, as he was seen as endorsing Ma’s energy policy, and running counter to the goal of a “nuclear-free homeland” advocated by the Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate, Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文).

Another important mission for Poneman was to tell Ma’s government to strengthen its anti-proliferation security measures. Some unscrupulous Taiwanese businesspeople were found to have been exporting to third countries precision instruments and other dual-use high-tech components needed for the development and production of nuclear arms and missiles, which were then trans-shipped to Iran. Poneman requested Taiwan to tighten export control. As the US Congress has passed comprehensive sanctions on Iran, the administration of US President Barack Obama is putting pressure on Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to stop buying oil from Iran. Will Ma’s government comply with US demands and force private petrochemical firms, particularly Formosa Plastics Co, to stop importing oil from Iran?

All China has to do to recover Taiwan is go there and take over. obama will do nothing except get on television and give a campaign speech about how safe he's kept the US by not opposing China's predations.
All China has to do to recover Taiwan is go there and take over. obama will do nothing except get on television and give a campaign speech about how safe he's kept the US by not opposing China's predations.

This post clearly demonstrates you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Having been to both China and Taiwan..the politics are much more complicated then that. And China is in no mood to invade anyway. Especially after Vietnam.
It is not at all complicated. We have a very weak president who is systematically destroying our defensive and offensive capability. He has already given one of our most sophisticated drones to the Chinese in addition to handing another off to Iran. What's complicated about that?

If China invaded and took over Taiwan, obama would claim "credit" for Chinese unification.
It is not at all complicated. We have a very weak president who is systematically destroying our defensive and offensive capability. He has already given one of our most sophisticated drones to the Chinese in addition to handing another off to Iran. What's complicated about that?

If China invaded and took over Taiwan, obama would claim "credit" for Chinese unification.

The President isn't weak at all. He isn't destroying anything in terms of our defensive and offensive capabilities. The FACT that we haven't had a major terrorist attack by foreign terrorists on our shores is a testament to that. Unlike Bush..who presided over 9/11. And you seem to forget the Chinese got a gift wrapped present from President Bush in the form of a spy plane..complete with crew.

And to even entertain the notion China would absurd.
The FACT that we haven't had a terrorist attack is testament to the fact that obama didn't scrap all Bush policies. That we have illegal immigrants under deportation orders released to kill people is what obama has done.

Iran and China BOTH landed our drones safely. Did they have the control codes that enabled them to do that? Which democrat high enough up in the administration to know those codes gave it out?
The modernization of the chinese military is centered on aquiring capabilities that wouldallow them to defeat US forces in the W pacific and south china sea. More specifically they are investing heavily in sytems to defeat a US carrier. The most concerning of these sustems is their newly developed anti-ship ballistic missile and the modernization of their submarine fleet as both represent credible and significant threats to a carrier group. Conversely, the US is preparing our military to confront a "near equivalent" enemy in the pacific - our way of saying china without saying it. Unfortunately, the chinese are doing a good job of developing weapins tactics to defeat us though we still maintain a significantly more capable force.
The FACT that we haven't had a terrorist attack is testament to the fact that obama didn't scrap all Bush policies. That we have illegal immigrants under deportation orders released to kill people is what obama has done.

Iran and China BOTH landed our drones safely. Did they have the control codes that enabled them to do that? Which democrat high enough up in the administration to know those codes gave it out?

Which Bush policy prevented 9/11?

And show little knowledge about how anything actually works.
All China has to do to recover Taiwan is go there and take over. obama will do nothing except get on television and give a campaign speech about how safe he's kept the US by not opposing China's predations.

This post clearly demonstrates you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Having been to both China and Taiwan..the politics are much more complicated then that. And China is in no mood to invade anyway. Especially after Vietnam.

Your visiting China and Taiwan has nothing to do with how obama would respond to hypothetical Chinese aggression.

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