Chicago police sergeant: "Tribal warfare" on the streets


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The USA has cancer, what are some logical approached to do something to effect a cure?

Chicago police sergeant: "Tribal warfare" on the streets

Chicago police sergeant: "Tribal warfare" on the streets - CBS News

(CBS News) CHICAGO - Chicago is in the grips of a deadly gang war. At least 275 people have been killed in the city so far this year and many more have been shot, many of them innocent bystanders to the gang violence. Among the latest victims were 12- and 13-year-old girls shot Tuesday night. They survived.

Sgt. Matt Little leads one of the teams in Chicago's Gang Enforcement Unit. There are about 200 such officers in the city-- versus 100,000 gang members.

"Almost all the violence we're seeing now is from the gangs," Little said. "When there's a shooting we'll respond to the shooting. We'll figure out where we believe the most likely area for retaliation is and we'll work that area trying to both prevent retaliation and possibly build a case on offenders."
Chicago and other cities are doing the gun buybacks. But this problem has been going on in the USA well before Obama.
take out the partisan politics and it is a sad play acted out daily. It has been going on with humans for millinea. Some humans are just wild and show no humanity just inhumanity.
Chicago has long been a cesspool of gangs. This is nothing new but it is getting worse. Why?? Perhaps because the powers that be keep trying to take the guns away...........the only ones without guns now are the very ones that need them for protection.

Rahm Emanuel thinks you can just ask the gangs to quit and they'll stop. :lol: They need an all out swat team numbering in the thousands to regain control. They can't though, there isn't enough money to pay them, it's all being spent on Public Sector retirements. ;)
O'Reilly interviewed a black pastor last night. All the usual excuses were given. What they want is "more money" to solve the problem. Like that's ever worked before. huh?
It has become cool to have been jail. The puinishment is not really that severe. YOu get free room and board, a play ground and weigt room, free medical, free legal advise and all you have to do is going out on the streets and kill or harm some body you don't know. Make prison a really bad place to be and that would change but the libs want to be nice to everybody. You have to earn nice, it is not a given.
O'Reilly interviewed a black pastor last night. All the usual excuses were given. What they want is "more money" to solve the problem. Like that's ever worked before. huh?

I saw that. When the actual problem was mentioned - that the black family has been destroyed by out-of-wedlock birthrates - the pastor just ignored it.
O'Reilly interviewed a black pastor last night. All the usual excuses were given. What they want is "more money" to solve the problem. Like that's ever worked before. huh?

I saw that. When the actual problem was mentioned - that the black family has been destroyed by out-of-wedlock birthrates - the pastor just ignored it.

He rejected more cops and the National Guard too.
Dumocrats have done a fine job in Chicago...Turning it into a miserable Third World Hell-Hole. What a mess.
Dumocrats have done a fine job in Chicago...Turning it into a miserable Third World Hell-Hole. What a mess.

It has been Dem run for as long as I can remember. It is a miserable Hell-hole. Just before I moved to Georgia 30 years ago, my Sister and Brother-in-law lived in a neighborhood I once lived in. We went to visit them, about 30 minutes into the visit gunfire erupted, we were told to lay on the floor away from the windows. That's the the point where I knew I had to get out of there.

The neighborhood where I lived just before my move is Georgia is so overrun with gangs, kids are being told if they don't join one they will be killed for not joining. It's a requirement to be in a gang now.

Yea, they keep taking guns away from regular citizens, the gangs only turn in the ones that don't work so they can use the money to buy more.
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Isn't that the president's adopted home town? Remember when he took a delegation of crooked Chicago democrats on a trip to Norway to lobby for Chicago hosting the Olympics? The notion was ludicrous and I bet the Olympic people are still laughing but at least Obama supporters were paid off with a lavish vacation at taxpayer expense.
...At least 275 people have been killed in the city so far this year and many more have been shot...

Impossible. Chicago, along with the ever-so-peaceful Washington DC, have had the toughest laws against firearm ownership for decades. What are you saying, criminals don't obey the law?
So, restricting guns for the law abiding citizens resulted in the continuance of guns in the hands of criminals and escalation of gang violence. Interesting, apparently someone missed the fundamental concept between law abiding and criminal elements in our society. Go figure. The issue of crime and punishment remains ineffective, until such time that a person that takes the life of another in the commission of a crime results in execution one should expect no change in social behavior.

As for throwing more money at the problem, your kidding no one but yourself.
The USA has cancer, what are some logical approached to do something to effect a cure?

Chicago police sergeant: "Tribal warfare" on the streets

Chicago police sergeant: "Tribal warfare" on the streets - CBS News

(CBS News) CHICAGO - Chicago is in the grips of a deadly gang war. At least 275 people have been killed in the city so far this year and many more have been shot, many of them innocent bystanders to the gang violence. Among the latest victims were 12- and 13-year-old girls shot Tuesday night. They survived.

Sgt. Matt Little leads one of the teams in Chicago's Gang Enforcement Unit. There are about 200 such officers in the city-- versus 100,000 gang members.

"Almost all the violence we're seeing now is from the gangs," Little said. "When there's a shooting we'll respond to the shooting. We'll figure out where we believe the most likely area for retaliation is and we'll work that area trying to both prevent retaliation and possibly build a case on offenders."

OMG, the murder rate in Chicago is soaring. I love headlines like this from media outlets that love to sensationalize everything. They dupe people who just don't have access to any real statistics into believing something absolutely horrible is happening. Let me give you some figures.

1990: 851
1991: 927
1992: 943
1993: 931
1994: 929
1995: 827
1996: 789
1997: 759
1998: 704
1999: 641
2000: 628
2001: 666
2002: 647
2003: 598
2004: 448
2005: 449
2006: 467
2007: 442
2008: 510
2009: 458
2010: 449
2011: 440
2012: 275 thru June, so doubled the number is 550

Now go back and look at the numbers in the 90's. Those numbers pushing 1000 were that high in the 70's also. Chicago is a rough city, if you are in the wrong parts, and the gangs are brutal. The Latin Kings are one of the worst in the country. For their size, they may well be the worst. But hey, the reason for so many murders is that the drug economy is good. Gangs gotta protect their turf, ya know?

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