Chicago: 17 shot, 3 killed since 11am yesterday (23 hours)


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
At least 3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across city

Maybe the Black Panthers need to go to Cbicago, tell Chicago PD they are no longer needed, and THEY can stop the chaos.

17 shot, 3 dead in less than 24 hours....likely all happened from around 6pm-3am...the peak crime time.

Damn near 1 person shot per hour within 24 hours....and considering peak crime hours...from 6pm-3am it likely was 1 per hour or obviously more.
Black lives don't mean squat to many other blacks. Wearing the wrong colors, you gotta die. Want the other dude's sneakers, shoot him and you got 'em. Flash the wrong hand sign, BOOM! you're dead. All in all such culling of the hood could be considered a positive except that so many good innocent blacks get killed in the mayhem.
At least 3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across city

Maybe the Black Panthers need to go to Cbicago, tell Chicago PD they are no longer needed, and THEY can stop the chaos.

17 shot, 3 dead in less than 24 hours....likely all happened from around 6pm-3am...the peak crime time.

Damn near 1 person shot per hour within 24 hours....and considering peak crime hours...from 6pm-3am it likely was 1 per hour or obviously more.
Were any of them shot by cops? Were any of them cops?
At least 3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across city

Maybe the Black Panthers need to go to Cbicago, tell Chicago PD they are no longer needed, and THEY can stop the chaos.

17 shot, 3 dead in less than 24 hours....likely all happened from around 6pm-3am...the peak crime time.

Damn near 1 person shot per hour within 24 hours....and considering peak crime hours...from 6pm-3am it likely was 1 per hour or obviously more.
Were any of them shot by cops? Were any of them cops?

Nah, just an average day in the ghettos, blacks killing blacks....then they all tweet how black lives matter. You can't make this stuff up
Nah, just an average day in the ghettos, blacks killing blacks....then they all tweet how black lives matter. You can't make this stuff up
Sigmund Freud
Abraham Maslow
Carl Jung
Ivan Pavlov
Noam Chomsky

Above is a short list of respected behaviorists who unequivocally agree that homicide is sometimes a suicidal urge turned outward, while suicide is sometimes a homicidal urge turned inward.

I believe the above observations are extremely significant in the example of Black-on-Black homicide and attempted homicide because the compelling question arises as to why are these homicidal impulses on the part of Blacks not directed at presumably despised Whites? If we respect the reasoning of those eminent thinkers the implied conclusion is these killings and attempted killings in the Black Ghetto are not motivated by such trivia as stolen sneakers but rather is a manifestation of self-hatred and hatred of others who represent the self.

Linda Cooley, a criminologist, writing in Psychology Today some years ago, advanced the same theory in regard to the common problem of inmate-on-inmate homicides, attempted homicides and brutally violent assaults within virtually all correctional institutions (prisons). These aggressive actions are usually motivated by incredibly petty reasons and are directed almost exclusively at other inmates and almost never at correctional officers (guards).

While some will dismiss the foregoing as fanciful psychobabble I would challenge these individuals to suggest a more logical reason for the obvious inner-directed hostility.
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At least 3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across city

Maybe the Black Panthers need to go to Cbicago, tell Chicago PD they are no longer needed, and THEY can stop the chaos.

17 shot, 3 dead in less than 24 hours....likely all happened from around 6pm-3am...the peak crime time.

Damn near 1 person shot per hour within 24 hours....and considering peak crime hours...from 6pm-3am it likely was 1 per hour or obviously more.
Were any of them shot by cops? Were any of them cops?

Nope. Cops are abandoning left wing hoods. Far past time also.
So far nobody seems to give a shit about nigga's shooting up nigga's and why should we? We live in a gun culture, we live in a shoot first ask questions later and we got black mom's out here, just a ghetto and fucked up as their kids....If Chicago is lucky, maybe the whole race of nigga's will all end up dead and maybe the city will have a chance to thrive again....I'm sick of sorry ass young black men with their hangin pants, sell out ways, making all blacks look bad....may they all rest in fuckin peace!!
Looks like the same report from the week before ....
And the week before that...
And the week before that....
At least 3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across city

Maybe the Black Panthers need to go to Cbicago, tell Chicago PD they are no longer needed, and THEY can stop the chaos.

17 shot, 3 dead in less than 24 hours....likely all happened from around 6pm-3am...the peak crime time.

Damn near 1 person shot per hour within 24 hours....and considering peak crime hours...from 6pm-3am it likely was 1 per hour or obviously more.
I am NOWHERE near Chicago so i could care less, nor do i plan to go there so i don't really give 2 shits:gives:..

What do the Black Panthers have to do with anything? wanna race bait fine i remember a white guy blowing up a building in Oklahoma killing 168 innocent folks,(MOSTLY WHITE OF COURSE) guess white lives don't matter much too huh?:bye1:, AND just 2 months ago some White C@cksucker (well he is one now) killed 9 innocent Blacks (Charleston) "because they are taking over":up_yours:
Gang-bangers killing gang-bangers is acceptable. Less crap out there.

I hate saying this because these kids don't have a chance in hell of doing whats right in life, when dad is gone and mom is too busy cause she had his ass too fuckin young, to be there and nurture her kids. She's too gotdamn busy hustling and looking out for her own self. So I feel for these kids.....but I also feel for those that do struggle to do the right things in life, having to live in fear for their families because of these nigga's. Its not fair to anybody and sadly, you can't reach these kids nor their parents. If the city of chicago truly wants to survive, wait this gang shit out, sooner or later they'll all be dead.
At least 3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across city

Maybe the Black Panthers need to go to Cbicago, tell Chicago PD they are no longer needed, and THEY can stop the chaos.

17 shot, 3 dead in less than 24 hours....likely all happened from around 6pm-3am...the peak crime time.

Damn near 1 person shot per hour within 24 hours....and considering peak crime hours...from 6pm-3am it likely was 1 per hour or obviously more.
I am NOWHERE near Chicago so i could care less, nor do i plan to go there so i don't really give 2 shits:gives:..

What do the Black Panthers have to do with anything? wanna race bait fine i remember a white guy blowing up a building in Oklahoma killing 168 innocent folks,(MOSTLY WHITE OF COURSE) guess white lives don't matter much too huh?:bye1:, AND just 2 months ago some White C@cksucker (well he is one now) killed 9 innocent Blacks (Charleston) "because they are taking over":up_yours:
You really need to get your dumb ass out of the last century and say hello to 2015. The Panthers consists of maybe 4 old black guys, if that. You dumb shit for brains hicks make all rational thinking whites look bad.
At least 3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across city

Maybe the Black Panthers need to go to Cbicago, tell Chicago PD they are no longer needed, and THEY can stop the chaos.

17 shot, 3 dead in less than 24 hours....likely all happened from around 6pm-3am...the peak crime time.

Damn near 1 person shot per hour within 24 hours....and considering peak crime hours...from 6pm-3am it likely was 1 per hour or obviously more.

Black Lives Matt...ahh, fuck it

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