Cheney shoots down Cruz

So, someone publicly claims your dad may be the JFK killer is also par for the course? how big-minded of you.

President Trump merely mentioned that there are rumors about Cruz's dad and JFK's assassination. And there were rumors about the senior Cruz.

He didn't opine as to whether the rumors were true or not.

Mr. Trump would have had no way to guess the vaildity of the report.
President Trump merely mentioned that there are rumors about Cruz's dad and JFK's assassination. And there were rumors about the senior Cruz.

He didn't opine as to whether the rumors were true or not.

Mr. Trump would have had no way to guess the vaildity of the report.
LOL. That's mighty big of you to excuse the orange douche bag. But, it's not up to you. It's not your dad. It was Ted Cruz's dad and I don't think he was that sanguine at that time.

Of course, that was then. Now? Rump can call Ted Cruz the Zodiac killer and Cruz will happily take it. Hence, Liz Cheney's contempt for Cruz. Do you get it now?
President Trump merely mentioned that there are rumors about Cruz's dad and JFK's assassination. And there were rumors about the senior Cruz.

He didn't opine as to whether the rumors were true or not.

Mr. Trump would have had no way to guess the vaildity of the report.
Typical Trump
People are saying…….

By repeating it, he is concurring
LOL. We are applauding the fact that one right-wing nut is going after another right-wing nut, what is double-standard about that?

But, speaking of double standards... how do you idiots now feel about Dick Cheney and his war on Iraq? Remember how you nincompoops applauded that and claimed anyone who did not support that war was a traitor? Remember those days?

Remember how Dick and his daughter were staunch Conservatives on the side of Jesus? But now? Now, that Liz Cheney came out against your orange Fuhrer, they both are traitors, right? Talk about hypocrisy. Fuck off.
Do your shameless, unprincipled hacks swallow too?
“As of Wednesday afternoon, Cruz hadn’t responded to Cheney’s comeback.”

LoL. Kind of hard to comeback from that burn.
She's right.....Cheney is very con-servative, I would disagree with most things she votes for, but when it comes to Cancun Cruz and the fat former guy...she's spot on.
Cheney represents the swamp rat good old boys whereas trump and cruz are the rebels
I wonder if this issue was part of the reason that Wyoming GOP doesn't recognize Cheney as a republican.

The Wyoming Republican party voted this weekend to no longer recognize Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who represents the state, as a member of their party. Cheney, one of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach former President Trump, is one of two Republicans on the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

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