*Chavez Steals Election: Obama To Try It Next*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Trust me, Chavez just stole the election, the truth will be revealed, and the shit will hit the fan.:eusa_shifty:
2. Obama will try the same, but it wont matter, there are way too many Independents mad at Obama for him to steal this election, he shall try, but fail,...*AGAIN*!
3. I can't wait till election night!

"f I was from the United States, I'd vote for Obama . . . f Obama was from some . . . Caracas neighborhood, he'd vote for Chavez." -- Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, September 30, 2012.
What a surprise. More delusional conservatives, yammering retarded conspiracy nonsense because reality keeps slapping them upside the head.

It is odd, their fixation on Chavez like he's a kind of deity figure. Liberals, being the rational sorts, simply look at Chavez as a warning of what happens when you mostly eliminate the middle class in a country. So it's doubly odd, the way conservatives want to push the USA down the path of Venezuala.
Why would a dictator have to steal an election?

You can't judge foreign governments by the same standards you take for granted in the greatest Nation in the world. Hopefully the Obama regime can't get away with the same corruption as a two bit communist sleaze bag in South America even though he sends a tingle up the legs of the liberal media.
Trust me, Chavez just stole the election, the truth will be revealed, and the shit will hit the fan.

The shit won't hit the fan in the slightest. He's a dictator - they tend to get away with that kind of thing. Whatever about Obama stealing the election, Bush stole it in 2000.
Has anyone else noticed how incredibly stupid Cowman is?

I've seen some stupid people...saigon comes to mind....but cowman is particularly dense.
Has anyone else noticed how incredibly stupid Cowman is?

I've seen some stupid people...saigon comes to mind....but cowman is particularly dense.

Oh my god. Really? This coming from koshergrl? Even many of your fellow conservatives consider you an absolute hindrance based on your fucking lunacy.

You're unhinged, and they know it.
I did happen to see Danny Glover over there congratulating him. Hollywood A Listers.... actors... what a bunch of worthless prats.

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