chauvin denied new trial


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
not suprised the judge is crooked too. this whole trial was a joke. he should have had a sentence of something but not the way it was done. the justice system is so screwed up. this is all because they are afraid of blm burning down the city. nice when it is ok to bully the system into a conviction.
not suprised the judge is crooked too. this whole trial was a joke. he should have had a sentence of something but not the way it was done. the justice system is so screwed up. this is all because they are afraid of blm burning down the city. nice when it is ok to bully the system into a conviction.
The judge is not necessarily crooked. He just doesn't want to be the guy who overturns this verdict. He will let the appellate court do it.
not suprised the judge is crooked too. this whole trial was a joke. he should have had a sentence of something but not the way it was done. the justice system is so screwed up. this is all because they are afraid of blm burning down the city. nice when it is ok to bully the system into a conviction.
The judge is not necessarily crooked. He just doesn't want to be the guy who overturns this verdict. He will let the appellate court do it.
well we know chauvins side wil.l keep fightinig for him
not suprised the judge is crooked too. this whole trial was a joke. he should have had a sentence of something but not the way it was done. the justice system is so screwed up. this is all because they are afraid of blm burning down the city. nice when it is ok to bully the system into a conviction.
The judge is not necessarily crooked. He just doesn't want to be the guy who overturns this verdict. He will let the appellate court do it.
Then he ain't got no business in that job.
Not surprised one bit.

The powers to be charged him.
The powers to be tried him.
The powers to be found him guilty.
The powers to be stitched him up.
The powers to be were never going to allow themselves to be undermined thereafter.

Sad day. But it's no surprise, either.
Sucks for him.

Maybe he should have just taken his knee off of Floyd.
Maybe he should have----but he was a cop making a DECISION ON HIS FEET (no pun
intended) right there in the presence of a hostile mob about a resisting and violent
criminal perpetrator. He should never have been charged with murder-----the charge,
itself is ABSURD
but he was a cop making a DECISION ON HIS FEET (no pun
intended) right there in the presence of a hostile mob about a resisting and violent
criminal perpetrator.

The lawyer was stupid enough to try that defense too and it was absolutely terrible.

It obviously didn't work.
not suprised the judge is crooked too. this whole trial was a joke. he should have had a sentence of something but not the way it was done. the justice system is so screwed up. this is all because they are afraid of blm burning down the city. nice when it is ok to bully the system into a conviction.
Show trial judges never do. It's up to an appellate court.
it should have

I disagree. The "hostile mob" was just people, some with very specific knowledge, voicing their concerns that Floyd's life was in danger.

They didn't interfere with the arrest. They simply voiced their concerns. I think any reasonable adult would do the same thing if they saw police murdering someone right in front of them.

Not only do I disagree with you, but the jury does as well.
it should have

I disagree. The "hostile mob" was just people, some with very specific knowledge, voicing their concerns that Floyd's life was in danger.

They didn't interfere with the arrest. They simply voiced their concerns. I think any reasonable adult would do the same thing if they saw police murdering someone right in front of them.

Not only do I disagree with you, but the jury does as well.
who were "the some with very specific knowledge"??? Were they examined in court as to
their "very specific knowledge" I have seen lots of violent, resisting, arrestees. They
are dangerous (I have some very specific knowledge)

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