Charter Schools: Dangerous Conclusions


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Everyone admit what a flop government schools are....academically. They are certainly an unmitigated success, if one considers them as indoctrination camps...

a. Schools have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

2. ...but the public would like to see them regain the glory that our schools once were. An attempt at that goal is 'charter schools"

a. "Charter schools are primary or secondary schools that receive public money (and like other schools, may also receive private donations) but are not subject to some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools in exchange for some type of accountability for producing certain results, which are set forth in each school's charter.[1] Charter schools are attended by choice.[2] Although charter schools provide an alternative to other public schools, they are part of the public education system and are not allowed to charge tuition."
Charter school - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. How about we let the educrats create the perfect 'charter schools,' incorporate their best ideas, stock the schools with teachers of their choice....and reform schools in that manner.


a. "Over 200,000 members strong, the UFT [United Federation of Teachers] is a federation of teachers, nurses and other professionals working in New York City’s five boroughs. We firmly believe that teaching is both a calling and a profession. As a trade union, we advocate for competitive salaries and workplace practices that advance our profession and the well-being of our members. As advocates for children and for the communities in which we work, we fight for the policies and resources to make all New York City public schools great."
Who We Are | United Federation of Teachers

b. If they can't produce a winning charter school.....well.....who can?

4. "The UFT Charter School was founded in 2005, when former United Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten looked to demonstrate amid a growing reform movement that a school could thrive when its educators worked under the existing teachers contract. The school, which has roughly 1,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade, was said to be the first union-led charter school in the U.S. when it opened.

5. The Brooklyn school has faltered in many important measures, however. Students have performed inadequately on state tests, and several principals have come and gone.

6. This year, the elementary and middle-school levels received their second D in three years on a city report card. They posted failing marks in how well students improved on state tests, which makes up the bulk of the overall grade.

7. "It didn't matter whether you were on an upward trajectory. It didn't matter that you had brought in a new principal and a new team," Mr. Merriman said. "Our view was you should have been doing that all along. And if in year seven, you don't have a…good set of scores, well, you haven't done what you said you'd do, and in charter land, that means closure."

8. ...the UFT charter is still lagging behind peers.

9. The school is seen as part of Ms. Weingarten's legacy. Now the head of the American Federation of Teachers,...."
Union Defends Charter School -

Of course....some folks believe that allowing parents to simply use funds earmarked for education, and assign same to any school of their choice, making the system a kind of "laboratory of education," is an answer. That's called a "voucher" system.

And, a related story:

10. "WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — President Barack Obama’s budget proposal includes no new funding for a private school voucher program for D.C. students.The nation’s capital is the only jurisdiction where federal tax dollars are used to subsidize private-school tuition. Needy students can receive up to $12,000 a year to attend private schools of their choice.

At the Obama administration’s urging, Congress agreed in 2009 to phase out the program. But it was revived last year as part of a budget deal with House Republicans."
Obama Budget Would End D.C. School Vouchers « CBS DC

Always about the collective, isn't it.
1. Everyone admit what a flop government schools are....academically. They are certainly an unmitigated success, if one considers them as indoctrination camps...

a. Schools have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

2. ...but the public would like to see them regain the glory that our schools once were. An attempt at that goal is 'charter schools"

a. "Charter schools are primary or secondary schools that receive public money (and like other schools, may also receive private donations) but are not subject to some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools in exchange for some type of accountability for producing certain results, which are set forth in each school's charter.[1] Charter schools are attended by choice.[2] Although charter schools provide an alternative to other public schools, they are part of the public education system and are not allowed to charge tuition."
Charter school - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. How about we let the educrats create the perfect 'charter schools,' incorporate their best ideas, stock the schools with teachers of their choice....and reform schools in that manner.


a. "Over 200,000 members strong, the UFT [United Federation of Teachers] is a federation of teachers, nurses and other professionals working in New York City’s five boroughs. We firmly believe that teaching is both a calling and a profession. As a trade union, we advocate for competitive salaries and workplace practices that advance our profession and the well-being of our members. As advocates for children and for the communities in which we work, we fight for the policies and resources to make all New York City public schools great."
Who We Are | United Federation of Teachers

b. If they can't produce a winning charter school.....well.....who can?

4. "The UFT Charter School was founded in 2005, when former United Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten looked to demonstrate amid a growing reform movement that a school could thrive when its educators worked under the existing teachers contract. The school, which has roughly 1,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade, was said to be the first union-led charter school in the U.S. when it opened.

5. The Brooklyn school has faltered in many important measures, however. Students have performed inadequately on state tests, and several principals have come and gone.

6. This year, the elementary and middle-school levels received their second D in three years on a city report card. They posted failing marks in how well students improved on state tests, which makes up the bulk of the overall grade.

7. "It didn't matter whether you were on an upward trajectory. It didn't matter that you had brought in a new principal and a new team," Mr. Merriman said. "Our view was you should have been doing that all along. And if in year seven, you don't have a…good set of scores, well, you haven't done what you said you'd do, and in charter land, that means closure."

8. ...the UFT charter is still lagging behind peers.

9. The school is seen as part of Ms. Weingarten's legacy. Now the head of the American Federation of Teachers,...."
Union Defends Charter School -

Of course....some folks believe that allowing parents to simply use funds earmarked for education, and assign same to any school of their choice, making the system a kind of "laboratory of education," is an answer. That's called a "voucher" system.

And, a related story:

10. "WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — President Barack Obama’s budget proposal includes no new funding for a private school voucher program for D.C. students.The nation’s capital is the only jurisdiction where federal tax dollars are used to subsidize private-school tuition. Needy students can receive up to $12,000 a year to attend private schools of their choice.

At the Obama administration’s urging, Congress agreed in 2009 to phase out the program. But it was revived last year as part of a budget deal with House Republicans."
Obama Budget Would End D.C. School Vouchers « CBS DC

Always about the collective, isn't it.

Even Charter school teachers aren't happy

LOS ANGELES ― Tuesday, on the second day of the Los Angeles teachers strike, tens of thousands of educators protested in front of the California Charter Schools Association building at a rally so crowded that participants were standing shoulder to shoulder.

Among the crowd of protesters were teachers from Accelerated Charter Schools, who started their own strike Tuesday morning, along with members of the United Teachers Los Angeles union.

As the Los Angeles Unified School District strike heads into its third day ― affecting half a million students and over 30,000 teachers ― with no immediate end in sight, charter schools are in the spotlight. Teachers are asking the district for smaller class sizes and more support staff, and in the backdrop are larger issues about charter school growth and how it affects district finances.

And educators from the Accelerated Charter Schools ― a network of three schools ― are standing in solidarity while fighting for their own needs.

The Los Angeles Teachers Strike Puts Charter Schools Under The Microscope | HuffPost
Charter schools are a distraction. Each one (at least in theory) has its own philosophy, which may or may not provide pedagogical advantages. Any generalization about "charter schools" is no more valuable than a generalization about "colored people." Meaningless.

The "usual" "problem" with charter schools is that they are not required to use teachers who are members of the Collective Bargaining Unit, and the teachers' unions oppose all outliers, regardless of quality or results.

The fundamental problem is the fact that unions have no legitimate place in primary and secondary education. The labor-management paradigm that unions presume is inappropriate for any "profession," least of all teaching. Everyone makes the same amount of money. No rewards for superior performance, and no meaningful negative consequences for sub-standard performance. Insane, when applied to teaching.

Almost as important - teachers should be well-compensated, and political determination of teacher compensation is a recipe for turmoil and justifiable dissatisfaction. Politics should be removed from the process (or vice versa).

While the results have not been wonderful, the Federal Government's "GS" compensation program is a good example of non-political compensation for government employees, although it has gradually resulted in an inflated payscale according to at least one eminent expert (me). Los Angeles should develop a non-political process for determining teacher compensation, which would be binding on the City government absent a unanimous rejection by City Council (otherwise, probably a violation of the city charter).

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