Changing Course on Green Jobs!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
From RealClearPolitics this morning....................

And of course.......Im laughing. Been saying for years this scam would be exposed!!! Wonder how Van Jones is doing these days???!!!!

Time To Change Course on Green Jobs | Via Meadia

November 3, 2011
Time To Change Course on Green Jobs

Is there something about the word ‘green’ that makes people go weak in the head?

Rivaled only by the ‘get tough on Netanyahu’ fiasco and the Gunwalker scandal, the ‘Green Jobs’ meltdown is the most comprehensive and conspicuous policy failure of the Obama administration to date. What three months ago was widely hailed by the establishment press as a sign of the futurism and forward-thinking of the Obama Administration now, post-Solyndra, is increasingly seen for the bone headed blunder it was. The Washington Post piles on with a report on congressional hearings concerning the Energy Department:

In several of his investigations, Friedman has noted that the political push to quickly create jobs and spur economic development didn’t match up with economic realities on the ground. And while he credits the department for making significant progress in distributing the federal aid, 45 percent of stimulus dollars distributed by Energy still hadn’t been spent by state and local government as of Oct. 22.

In his testimony, Friedman notes that the department failed to properly document and couldn’t always demonstrate how it resolved or mitigated risks prior to granting loan guarantees. Critics have said that such steps might have prevented the Solyndra scandal[...]

Friedman is also critical of the administration for touting the existence of “shovel ready” projects that needed federal funding in order to be quickly completed. From the start, administration critics were skeptical that enough such projects existed to spur the economy.

A lot of money was spent; precious few jobs were created and the failure damages the Obama brand in three distinct ways. First, poor jobs growth is the root of all the administration’s other woes. Second, the story undercuts the idea that the stimulus was a good idea and supports the narrative that special interests hijacked it for a porkfest. Third and most deeply, the story reinforces the belief that government planning and industrial policy don’t work.

The administration needs to come to grips with this policy failure; when something isn’t working it is time to change course.


But please do continue to post up all those alarmist links about glacier melts.............temperature anomolies..............sea ice...................
Im laughing............

A vast majority of the nutters dont even realize what this debate is all about, much less that they are losing miserably.

Indeed.........the science debate has morphed into nothing more than an on-line science a perpetual and constant town hall meeting where the participants talk about temperatures............and it never ends. Its intellectual hob knob and about as ultimately productive as group navel contemplation.

Some fascinating shit when it comes right down to it...........
LOL.........and njust today..........the White House is rejecting a subpeona for Solyndra documents!!!

This is going to be a hoot!!! :)

WH rejects subpoena request for Solyndra docs | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner


President Obama's attorney sent a letter to Congressional investigators on Friday, saying the White House would not cooperate with a subpoena requesting documents related to its doling out a $535 million loan guarantee to now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra.

This is so fucking golden. Not cooperating with a subpoena.
Obama has fucked us all six ways from Sunday. And yet, the Liberals lap it up like manna. From heaven. From whence the messiah originated.
I would like to see what happened there myself. Solyandra was supposed to be a thin film company, yet stated that their machine that deposited the active material on the underlayment cost many millions of dollars. We have a thin film company startup here in Portland, and their machine costs in the hundred of thousands, and does the same thing. Many things do not smell right about Solyandra.
I would like to see what happened there myself. Solyandra was supposed to be a thin film company, yet stated that their machine that deposited the active material on the underlayment cost many millions of dollars. We have a thin film company startup here in Portland, and their machine costs in the hundred of thousands, and does the same thing. Many things do not smell right about Solyandra.

Ray.........perhaps forum members here dont realize, but I know from being in here for a couple of years are the ony committed environmentalist in here with reasoned judgment.

Damn........for Petesakes, I cant even find it in me to respond to your posts with any of my gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics anymore.............a very hard thing for me to do ya know Ray......... being the committed conservative I am.

But Ray........for old times sake.................:fu:

ps.........I dont at all understand the technical stuff you posted in your last post. Please elaborate..........
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The beauty of thin film technology is that it is a very cheap way to create solar cells. Some of the methods are nothing more than oversize ink jet printers. The problem is that up to now, the best efficiency was only 10%, while the efficiency of silicon in some cells is over 20%.

First Solar manufactures their thin film cells for less than $0.75 a watt. They can do this because they don't have to deal with high temperatures, vacuums, and the cost of cutting and processing silicon.

Also, some of the new machinery literally does roll to roll printing, like newspapers. Most of these machines are cheap to build, compared to the machines for silicon. That is why when I read that part of Solyandra's problems were the cost of the machines that do the depostition, and what they stated the costs of the machines were, tens of times of those that other manufactureres were building, I could not help but wonder if they were pulling some wool concerning these machines.

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