Celebrating Failure???

332-206 Victory is Sweet. Your move.

It was sweet for the libs but not the country.

Economy coming back
With a shrinking middle class
OBL Dead
Thanks to Bush's spending on the military
GM alive
After declaring bankruptcy
New enviro standards
increasing prices
Out of the ME>
starting to send troops back in
Cheap gas.
ever hear of fracking.

332-206...America's Victory

Economy coming back
With a shrinking middle class
OBL Dead
Thanks to Bush's spending on the military
GM alive
After declaring bankruptcy
New enviro standards
increasing prices
Out of the ME>
starting to send troops back in
Cheap gas.
ever hear of fracking.

I guess you prefer OBL to be alive, GM to have been shuddered, dirty air/water/land, more toops getting blown to bit in an unwinnable war?

Real Men Do it Twice!!!!

I am rather pleased that the Navy Seals that were strengthened by the Bush Administration were allowed to kill OBL.
I'm glad Obama gave the order to kill him after Bush bungled the entire thing.

A lot of corporations continue to do business after declaring bankruptcy without missing a beat.
A lot of corporations are not car companies who use warranties and service after the sale and trade-in value as key components of their business models. If the company goes away, you don't have Factory parts available, you don't have the warranties, and you have zero trade-in value. Economy 101. Obama saved GM. Romney wanted to let it die.

Reasonable legislation to clean up dirty air, water and land has always been supported by Republicans
If by "always" you mean "never", you're correct.

Unwinnable war only because the traitorous bastard Democrats were for it before they were against it.

Suck it. Really dipshit? Are you going to argue that we would have conquered the nation and all of the hostility would be gone eventually? Please tell us how many thousands of more lives we would have had to lose....

Meanwhile here are the facts....

Every middle eastern war has ended one way, with the installation of a theocrat that must denounce the "great satan"; the United States to get elected and to hold office. Any involvement Bush or Obama or Clinton did/is going to get us into in the Middle East will end the same way. Period. End of story. This, outside of of course, getting the seamstresses union to fire up their machines and start adding stars to the flags and turning those places into States.
To complain or protest in a childish or annoying fashion

All of my posts are supported, linked, sourced and documented.

You wrote "Principle is nothing to compassionate conservatives, whining is everything."
...and I challenged you to support it.

You haven't.

Seems you're the one 'whining.'

Try to use words with precision, as I do.
Cast off what government schooling left you.

From your original post

Is this a declaration that Liberals/Democrats endorse failure in the Social Security plan, just as they do in endorsing Liberal/Democrat Welfare policy?
You betcha!!!

Democrat/Liberal policy is not to move folks out of poverty....
....it is to maintain poverty, and keep the welfare plantation fully stocked.

And Democrat/Liberal Social Security design is not to insure the elderly, it is to grow government.

That sure sounds like whining to me, but maybe I'm wrong and you really believe providing people with a minimum income is a conspiracy to "grow government".

Funny how handing out $trillions to too big to fail banks or to the military job creators to wage war on the other side of the planet isn't a problem for compassionate conservatives but taking care of needy people in your own country is somehow evil.

Have you?


To complain or protest in a childish or annoying fashion

All of my posts are supported, linked, sourced and documented.

You wrote "Principle is nothing to compassionate conservatives, whining is everything."
...and I challenged you to support it.

You haven't.

Seems you're the one 'whining.'

Try to use words with precision, as I do.
Cast off what government schooling left you.

From your original post

Is this a declaration that Liberals/Democrats endorse failure in the Social Security plan, just as they do in endorsing Liberal/Democrat Welfare policy?
You betcha!!!

Democrat/Liberal policy is not to move folks out of poverty....
....it is to maintain poverty, and keep the welfare plantation fully stocked.

And Democrat/Liberal Social Security design is not to insure the elderly, it is to grow government.

That sure sounds like whining to me, but maybe I'm wrong and you really believe providing people with a minimum income is a conspiracy to "grow government".

Funny how handing out $trillions to too big to fail banks or to the military job creators to wage war on the other side of the planet isn't a problem for compassionate conservatives but taking care of needy people in your own country is somehow evil.


So you've retreated from your statement about conservatives?

Now...."providing people with a minimum income "

That is not the law of this land....it is the false promise of communism.

Can folks make it without the illegality of taking from earners and buying votes from takers?


Now...here is the difference between my posts, and those of Liberals such as you: I support my theses:

4. The constellation of views that are part of the Liberal indoctrination-firmament include hatred of business, profit, success.....That what government schooling imparts.

Another example from that thread mentioned in the OP:

"Social Security is a "safety net" - a valuable lesson learned from the Great Depression. Corporations do not have "safety nets"...


"Retirement Investing: A Married Couple Working for Wal-Mart Could Retire and Live Very Comfortably
...a perfectly average American couple, John and Jane, who have 2.5 kids, drive a minivan, and live in the Midwest. They are both assistant managers at local Walmart stores, earning the average salary of $58,000 for their job, or $116,000 combined.

Every year, they both buy $1,800 worth of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. common stock, having the money taken directly out of their paycheck. With the 15% match on the $3,600 they are saving between the two of them, they are able to buy $4,140 worth of shares inWalmartevery year.

..., both max out their 401(k) up to the point of the match (6% of salary). .... a 100% return on their money instantly, for a total of $13,920 annually. In the 25% bracket, they are going to receive $1,740 in tax credits for their part of the retirement contribution, putting extra cash in their pocket each year.

....they’d retire with nearly $4.9 millionin their investment account at average long-term rates of return. If inflation runs the same rate it did during the past century, that would be around $1.7 million in today’s dollars,which would generate $5,700 per month pre-tax without every touching the principal."
A Married Couple Working for Walmart Could Retire and Live Very Comfortably

"...than today's average Social Security benefit of $1,230 per month, according to the Social Security Administration. (Google it – it’s a fact)."

Bulletin to Liberals: $5700 is more than $1230.
True story.
Liberals idea of success is a very low bar
332-206...about 126 notches above the Conserve-hate-ive's apparently idea of success. PS: You're on a tract to repeat it.

How many times are you going to post 332-206? Redundancy is just that redundancy, you're a spamming troll, sock puppet

You've got another year of it. Then it likely changes although probably more than 126 votes will separate Hillary from whomever she destroys in a little over 300 days from now.

Don't like it? Tough.
Liberals idea of success is a very low bar
332-206...about 126 notches above the Conserve-hate-ive's apparently idea of success. PS: You're on a tract to repeat it.

How many times are you going to post 332-206? Redundancy is just that redundancy, you're a spamming troll, sock puppet

You've got another year of it. Then it likely changes although probably more than 126 votes will separate Hillary from whomever she destroys in a little over 300 days from now.

Don't like it? Tough.

Don''t you have some free condoms to pick up? Amateur


And what about a married couple working as minimum wage slaves for walmart, you think they're going to retire comfortably?


Whatever wage one begins with at Walmart, remaining same and doing one's job well will be followed with increase in salary.

Without fail.

Don't pretend otherwise.

What is it that that couple did that any other couple couldn't do?


And what about a married couple working as minimum wage slaves for walmart, you think they're going to retire comfortably?


Of course what Jumbo ignores is that when a Republican is in the White House and Banks are allowed to cook up any scheme they want to separate you from your money, you end up with gigantic drops in the stock market:


This was right after Bush thought it was a great idea to have your SS check buying common stock....Can you imagine how many greeters you'd see at Wal*Mart today if he had gotten that rammed through Congress?

Anyway, back to Wal*Mart:

You'll note that the stock really took off after Bush and his cronies left office and Obama returned some stability to the markets:


Put another way:

Put 10K into Wal Mart on Bush's inauguration day:


When he was sent packing, you would have ended up with 11K and some change. Shameful. I guess your money doesn't like swimming through red ink.

Put the same 10 large into the WMT stock when Obama took office and lookie lookie:


You would have done about $1,300 better.

Jumbo is talking about celebrating failure? If you're not celebrating Obama's performance as President--using Jumbo's metrics of Wal Mart--you are indeed celebrating failure.

Remember, she picked Wal Mart. I just shedded the light on it.

To complain or protest in a childish or annoying fashion

All of my posts are supported, linked, sourced and documented.

You wrote "Principle is nothing to compassionate conservatives, whining is everything."
...and I challenged you to support it.

You haven't.

Seems you're the one 'whining.'

Try to use words with precision, as I do.
Cast off what government schooling left you.

From your original post

Is this a declaration that Liberals/Democrats endorse failure in the Social Security plan, just as they do in endorsing Liberal/Democrat Welfare policy?
You betcha!!!

Democrat/Liberal policy is not to move folks out of poverty....
....it is to maintain poverty, and keep the welfare plantation fully stocked.

And Democrat/Liberal Social Security design is not to insure the elderly, it is to grow government.

That sure sounds like whining to me, but maybe I'm wrong and you really believe providing people with a minimum income is a conspiracy to "grow government".

Funny how handing out $trillions to too big to fail banks or to the military job creators to wage war on the other side of the planet isn't a problem for compassionate conservatives but taking care of needy people in your own country is somehow evil.

She strikes me as being a war corporatist as well. Wonder if she's served? :eusa_think: :doubt:
Liberals idea of success is a very low bar
332-206...about 126 notches above the Conserve-hate-ive's apparently idea of success. PS: You're on a tract to repeat it.

How many times are you going to post 332-206? Redundancy is just that redundancy, you're a spamming troll, sock puppet

You've got another year of it. Then it likely changes although probably more than 126 votes will separate Hillary from whomever she destroys in a little over 300 days from now.

Don't like it? Tough.

Don''t you have some free condoms to pick up? Amateur

Wow...talking about hijacking a thread.
Liberals can't stick to the topic.

I provided the simple rules that would obviate poverty...
1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

I gave an example of a Walmart couple that would retire on more than the average worker in the Obama economy would make...

and asked this: "What is it that that couple did that any other couple couldn't do?"

No answer.
One of the greatest of Liberal lies is that the little guy can't make it without government largesse...

Here's another example:

"Herb Vogel never earned more than $23,000 a year. Born and raised in Harlem, Vogel worked for the post office in Manhattan. He spent nearly 50 years living in a 450-square-foot one-bedroom apartment with his wife, Dorothy, a reference librarian at the Brooklyn Public Library. They lived frugally. They didn’t travel. They ate TV dinners. Aside from a menagerie of pets, Herb and Dorothy had just one indulgence: art. But their passion for collecting turned them into unlikely celebrities, working-class heroes in a world of Manhattan elites." How a Working-Class Couple Amassed a Priceless Art Collection

"That collection is now worth incalculable amounts: hundreds of millions of dollars, and climbing,..." Great American Art Collector Herbert Vogel Dies

never earned more than $23,000 a year....worth hundreds of millions....

Americans earning, and operating under personal responsibility.

Yet Liberals celebrate failure.
That's what our Liberal pals have been trained to do.
The wisest wonk once said ' Let's be honest, for a Liberal not data, facts, proof, or even experience will matter a bit in informing their beliefs.'

Proof to follow:

1. Recently, a thread, "Beating Social Security," [ http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/beating-social-security.452840/], documented that:

a. Franklin Roosevelt's plan, Social Security was a careless adventure, poorly designed.

b. It has resulted in $ trillions of debt generations into the future

c. Courts have found that government has no legal obligation to pay off any of its Social Security promises.

d. There are actual plans which, mathematically and financially, work out better than the Democrat plan.

And these alternatives to Roosevelt's plan have been proven successful..
"... a privatized Social Security ... Government employees in Galveston, Brazoria and Matagorda Counties have controlled their private retirement plan for 30 years. They opted out of Social Security before Congress changed the law in 1983 to prevent others from withdrawing."

2. Yet, those indoctrinated to love and defend anything Liberal or Democrat immediately lied, claiming that the thread was about ending Social Security.
Posts like these:

"Yessireee.................. Good GOP morals, work them till they drop, and then throw them out into the street to die. "Let him die, let him die!!!". And ol' Staph is cheering all the way. Until they throw her out into the street. Maybe then she can 'roll'. "Beating Social Security | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"How many people here will be taking Grandma in to live with them after they take away her SS payments (yes, I know, all of your grandparents are millionaires and they don't need SS). Will you be paying her medical bills, too, after you destroy Medicare?" Beating Social Security | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"As long as morons like Politicalchic are posting plagiarized stupidity, the right and good goal of eliminating Social Security will remain fatally tainted with her taint." Beating Social Security | Page 6 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Too busy fixing up the spare room for when you cut Grandma off from her benefits and she has nowhere to go except to live with you?" Beating Social Security | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not a single one these comments is based on anything in that thread. They are the product of mind-numbed Liberal robots, found in surfeit hereabouts.

Is this a declaration that Liberals/Democrats endorse failure in the Social Security plan, just as they do in endorsing Liberal/Democrat Welfare policy?
You betcha!!!

Democrat/Liberal policy is not to move folks out of poverty....
....it is to maintain poverty, and keep the welfare plantation fully stocked.

And Democrat/Liberal Social Security design is not to insure the elderly, it is to grow government.

Yes, indeed

The US SUPREME COURT ruled that no such contract exists, and that there is no contractual right to receive Social Security payments. Payments due under Social Security are not “property” rights and are not protected by the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The interest of a beneficiary of Social Security is protected only by the Due Process Clause.

Flemming v. Nestor
363 U.S. 603 (1960)

U.S. Supreme Court

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