Cecil the Lion and the Cultural Perils of Internet Outrage


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
we see where our societies priorities are. and it's IN the sewer. when a lion get more outrage than those videos

by Ian Tuttle July 30, 2015 6:38 PM @iptuttle

Walter Palmer, it turns out, is far from the only American who enjoys bloodsport. That irony is, of course, lost on the hordes to whom it applies — the thousands of Twitter users and Yelp posters and (non-digital) protesters who have shut down Palmer’s Minneapolis dental practice and forced him into hiding, all because he shot a prized Zimbabwean lion earlier this month.

The circumstances of Cecil the lion’s death are unclear. The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force says that Palmer and his guides lured Cecil out of Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, that the company attempted to destroy the GPS collar Cecil wore as part of an Oxford University study, and that after being initially shot with a crossbow, Cecil limped along for some 40 hours before the group was able to track him down and kill him.

Zimbabwean police arrested, and released on bail, Palmer’s two guides, but in a statement earlier this week, Palmer denied the accusations. Rest assured: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has opened an official investigation.

Poaching is heinous, and most people are, rightly, disinclined to slaughter a creature of beauty and might, even when it’s legal.
But the response to Palmer’s safari has gone beyond mere disapproval into abject rage. On Yelp he is a “gun-toting redneck murderer,” a “f***ing waste of sperm,” and “a true example of everything that is wrong in this world.”

Twitter users have fantasized about shooting him with his crossbow and murdering him with his dental implements. Actress Debra Messing called for his citizenship to be revoked, and Sharon Osbourne summed up the general mood with her usual modesty: “Walter Palmer is Satan.”

Interestingly, there has been outrage over the outrage. Conservatives complained that Cecil’s death received far more media attention than videos of Planned Parenthood’s gruesome abortion procedures and fetal organ-trafficking, while left-wing race activists complained that Cecil’s death had been more lamented than Sandra Bland’s.

Everyone, it seems, has a reason to be angry of late. It’s entirely possible to be upset about a dead lion and dead babies, or a dead lion and a dead woman in a Texas jail, or about all three. But surely their intuition is right. It certainly has precedent.

Note a story related by the Greek historian Plutarch in his Pericles: Caesar [Augustus] once, seeing some wealthy strangers at Rome, carrying up and down with them in their arms and bosoms young puppy-dogs and monkeys, embracing and making much of them, took occasion not unnaturally to ask whether the women in their country were not used to bear children; by that prince-like reprimand gravely reflecting upon persons who spend and lavish upon brute beasts that affection and kindness which nature has implanted in us to be bestowed on those of our own kind.

The last few days undoubtedly have shown that the moral priorities of a great many Americans are woefully inverted. The last few days undoubtedly have shown that the moral priorities of a great many Americans are woefully inverted.

It cannot go unremarked, though, that this latest episode follows April’s cyber-siege of the O’Connors of Walkerton, Ind., targeted for (hypothetically) objecting to catering a same-sex wedding out of their pizza shop, and June’s hysteria over Confederate symbols.

What can account for the spitting rage of, say, Yelp “reviewer” Bob H. of Beaverton, Ore., who warned Palmer today, “Keep your eyes open—someone is going to beat the living s**t out of you. I am just jealous it will not be myself!”?

In his famous book Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman writes of the pernicious effect of mass media:

ALL of it here:

Read more at: Cecil the Lion and the Cultural Perils of Internet Outrage National Review Online
Stephanie is a big game hunter in her trailer park , she has stuffed possum and raccoon heads lining the walls of her singlewide. That is why she connects with Palmer
Video at the site:
BY: David Rutz
July 31, 2015 8:40 am

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough ripped the media for bias in how it covers abortion immediately after an NBC News segment on the undercover Planned Parenthood videos aired on Morning Joe.

“Wow,” he said. “I’ve got to say of all the areas where I think there’s media bias, I think the greatest area is on this issue. I think most reporters do the best job they can do, and they try to be as fair as possible, but when it comes to the issue of abortion, there is the greatest built-in bias, and it is a completely cultural bias. It’s unintended.

But if the roles were reversed, we do this all the time but it’s true, and there was a group on the right doing what Planned Parenthood has done on the left, there would be indictments already going down.”

all of it here:
Scarborough Blasts Media Bias on Abortion Immediately After Seeing NBC Segment on Planned Parenthood Washington Free Beacon
It's the way our society has become. Constant outrage.

It's why I hate cell phones. It's 24/7 access to social media that keeps people angry. Has people 1500 miles away irate and outraged in the streets protesting....over local issues in other states.

But....the existence of a liberal is based on anger. It's like flies hovering over shit. They thrive on bitterness and anger.
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It's the way our society has become. Constant outrage.

It's why I hate cell phones. It's 24/7 access to social media that keeps people angry. Has people 1500 miles away irate and outraged in the streets protesting....over local issues in other states.

But....the existence of a liberal is based on anger. It's like flies hovering over shit. They thrive on bitterness and anger.

Anger is driven by white christers who are losing their position and entitlement in America , hense fox "news"
It's the way our society has become. Constant outrage.

It's why I hate cell phones. It's 24/7 access to social media that keeps people angry. Has people 1500 miles away irate and outraged in the streets protesting....over local issues in other states.

But....the existence of a liberal is based on anger. It's like flies hovering over shit. They thrive on bitterness and anger.

How many threads have been created, on this one site, comparing the outrage of the Planned Parenthood story to the outrage of the Cecil the Lion story. And how many of those were created by liberals?

To claim that only liberals operate on outrage is ridiculous.
I don't see how it's useful to politicize the issue. I'd like to see big game hunting shut down globally, I honestly had no idea it was still going on, I thought that was over with for decades. If the lion's death can mean anything, it could help lead to banning it. Tying it to the abortion debate seems counterproductive to me.
What is sad about this is the media's reaction, Millions in that country lack electricity, sewage, and clean water but all they can obsess with is some dude who gave some people a bit of $$$ to feed his dumb obsession.

And they certainly ignore the death of millions at the hands of the butchers of PP.
Do you people realize how much monies goes to that country for this type of hunting? just because it doesn't sit with you it is STILL LEGAL THERE as in most countries. Hell even our past President has done it. I heard the price was 55, 000 dollars and that comes with no guarantee he will get one
It's the way our society has become. Constant outrage.

It's why I hate cell phones. It's 24/7 access to social media that keeps people angry. Has people 1500 miles away irate and outraged in the streets protesting....over local issues in other states.

But....the existence of a liberal is based on anger. It's like flies hovering over shit. They thrive on bitterness and anger.

Anger is driven by white christers who are losing their position and entitlement in America , hense fox "news"

which is worse?

this man has HOSED us for HIS and Mabells travels not just out of country by they've flown all over this country given their nasty speeches every damn week putting millions of people out of the way with it. and hosed us but GOOD. we will be SHOCKED when it's all added up after he gets out of our lives
Obama’s Africa Trip Cost Taxpayers $6 Million on Airfare Alone


BY: Joe Schoffstall
July 30, 2015 5:07 pm

President Obama’s recent trip to Kenya and Ethiopia ran taxpayers roughly $6 million on roundtrip air transportation alone.

The National Taxpayers Union Foundation conducted a study based on presidential travel abroad and determined the cost of the trip using total flight time and costs per hour to fly Air Force One.

The Washington Examiner

all of it here:

Obama s Africa Trip Cost Taxpayers 6 Million on Airfare Alone Washington Free Beacon
It's the way our society has become. Constant outrage.

It's why I hate cell phones. It's 24/7 access to social media that keeps people angry. Has people 1500 miles away irate and outraged in the streets protesting....over local issues in other states.

But....the existence of a liberal is based on anger. It's like flies hovering over shit. They thrive on bitterness and anger.

How many threads have been created, on this one site, comparing the outrage of the Planned Parenthood story to the outrage of the Cecil the Lion story. And how many of those were created by liberals?

To claim that only liberals operate on outrage is ridiculous.

I think the claim is that it is selective outrage ...........

But what do you expect from a black boy with an axe to grind with society.

Liberals want to have outrage over one old lion while condoning the mutilation and sell of fecal tissue like it was $2.98 / lb. human burger ..............
Do you people realize how much monies goes to that country for this type of hunting? just because it doesn't sit with you it is STILL LEGAL THERE as in most countries. Hell even our past President has done it. I heard the price was 55, 000 dollars and that comes with no guarantee he will get one
I'd be willing to bet very little if any money goes anywhere except in a few corrupt pockets.
It's the way our society has become. Constant outrage.

It's why I hate cell phones. It's 24/7 access to social media that keeps people angry. Has people 1500 miles away irate and outraged in the streets protesting....over local issues in other states.

But....the existence of a liberal is based on anger. It's like flies hovering over shit. They thrive on bitterness and anger.

How many threads have been created, on this one site, comparing the outrage of the Planned Parenthood story to the outrage of the Cecil the Lion story. And how many of those were created by liberals?

To claim that only liberals operate on outrage is ridiculous.

I think the claim is that it is selective outrage ...........

But what do you expect from a black boy with an axe to grind with society.

Liberals want to have outrage over one old lion while condoning the mutilation and sell of fecal tissue like it was $2.98 / lb. human burger ..............

As I have said numerous times, once the fetus is aborted, one of two things will happen to the remains. Either they are thrown in an incinerator or they are used to save lives. Which of these two options do you prefer?
Do you people realize how much monies goes to that country for this type of hunting? just because it doesn't sit with you it is STILL LEGAL THERE as in most countries. Hell even our past President has done it. I heard the price was 55, 000 dollars and that comes with no guarantee he will get one
I'd be willing to bet very little if any money goes anywhere except in a few corrupt pockets.

We won't ever know. If it wasn't poached (which I would be all for everything coming his way). it IS LEGAL.
Do you people realize how much monies goes to that country for this type of hunting? just because it doesn't sit with you it is STILL LEGAL THERE as in most countries. Hell even our past President has done it. I heard the price was 55, 000 dollars and that comes with no guarantee he will get one
I'd be willing to bet very little if any money goes anywhere except in a few corrupt pockets.

We won't ever know. If it wasn't poached (which I would be all for everything coming his way). it IS LEGAL.

So is abortion.

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