CDC:'Most Distinctive' cause of death by state

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
CDC Map Reveals ‘Most Distinctive’ Cause Of Death State by State

Your geography can have a big impact on how you bite the dust.


Gotta love T and V. But, some of these are quite telling and so many are preventable.
oh for crying loud. the only way they are PREVENTABLE is never leave your damn house and hide away in a closet.

the damn CDC has too much frikken time on their hands and should be defunded. along with a dozen other (abc) government agenice's, like the IRS, EPA, DOE, etc etc

their jobs is too put OUT fear mongering crap so they then turn around and take away our RIGHTS
Here's more from YOUR MASTERS at the CDC. government can giveth and government can TAKE it they've taken to attacking PRIVITE CITIZENS and a television station FOR ALLOWING the private citizen use her, e cig.... oh yeah. we are doomed. this government is out of control

What’s Driving the War on E-Cigarettes? May 18, 2015 4:00 AM From the June 1, 2015, issue of NR

When the prime-time cameras caught Julia Louis-Dreyfus “vaping” an electronic cigarette at the 2014 Golden Globes ceremony, cries of disapproval arose from our nation’s capital. Representative Henry Waxman (D., Calif.), then the ranking member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and Representative Frank Pallone Jr. (D., N.J.) told the president of NBC that they were “dismayed” that the actress was “sending the wrong message to kids about these products.” In a bruising Senate hearing a few months later, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D., W.Va.) tore into executives of two major e-cigarette companies: “I’m ashamed of you. I don’t know how you go to sleep at night. I don’t know what gets you to work in the morning except the color green of dollars. You are what is wrong with this country.” To listen to these reactions, you would never guess that e-cigarettes, battery-powered devices that produce an aerosol solution of nicotine free of carcinogenic tar, offer any health benefits to smokers. In truth, e-cigarettes have the potential to ignite a public-health revolution. But thanks to alarm over speculative dangers, misleading spin on facts, and outright misrepresentations of the evidence, various lawmakers and public-health officials threaten to dash that promise.

RELATED: In the Crusade Against E-Cigarettes, Government Is Hardly a Disinterested Party What is driving the controversy over e-cigarettes?

At its core lies a tension between two camps: the precautionists and the pragmatists. The former have several concerns about e-cigarettes. First, that the health risks of the products haven’t been fully established. Second, that e-cigarettes will “renormalize” smoking and undo the gains of five decades of anti-smoking advocacy. Third, that vaping among teens will serve as a “gateway” to their eventual tobacco smoking.
all of it here:
Read more at: What s Driving the War on E-Cigarettes National Review Online

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