CCX No Longer Trading CO2


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
But that's not entirely true. CO2 is now trading for 0.0 cents per ton so CCX is only going to sell the offsets. Interesting reading on the trade, when it was founded some experts believed that CCX alone would rake in over 500 billion per year.....not bad considering they manufacture nothing and the money comes from your pockets!

The guy who founded it, Richard Sandor invested a little over a million bucks in grants from the Joyce Foundation (in other words he didn't even use his own money) and parlayed that into a 98.5 million dollar payoff when CCX was sold.

RIP: Carbon trading Green Hell Blog
Too bad for the snake oil salesmen that they didn't know that all they needed to do was to have the government create a market for their oil. We'd all be using snake oil today.
Oh, we have the snake oil salesmen very successfully selling the snake oil, and the venomous snake along with it. They are called Conservatives, and their snake oil is the denial of science in all spheres that disagree with their warped ideology.
Oh, we have the snake oil salesmen very successfully selling the snake oil, and the venomous snake along with it. They are called Conservatives, and their snake oil is the denial of science in all spheres that disagree with their warped ideology.
Demanding scientific integrity and the logic of scientific discovery is championing science, except to political hacks who politicize science and soil it.
Oh, we have the snake oil salesmen very successfully selling the snake oil, and the venomous snake along with it. They are called Conservatives, and their snake oil is the denial of science in all spheres that disagree with their warped ideology.

Geez. It's amazing how powerful we've gotten isn't it? The media ignores pretty much anything we say, the politicians try to ignore pretty much anything we say, and yet, your perverts of science are still losing. Maybe it's not just us, what do you think?

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