CBO proves Dumbocrat policy will collapse the US


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Don't let the facts hit you in the ass on your way out the door Dumbocrats (of course, you never let facts or reality get in the way of your absurd ideology)....

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that without a doubt, America will have a fresh recession next year unless Congress and the President prevent it.

We are facing the largest tax increase in history—Taxmageddon, scheduled to take effect January 1—and what experts are calling a “fiscal cliff” of sharp and unforgiving budget changes that will send the country spiraling downward

The CBO report makes it clear: Our spending problem continues, and it’s driven mainly by the three major entitlements: Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Spending on these programs will outpace tax revenue over the next decade.

Morning Bell: Another Recession Is Imminent
Common sense says that.

Of course, that doesnt mean we will vote them out. People dont always reform. Sometimes they destroy themselves.
Every dime in taxes consumed in entitlements, destroying America.

Thanks for nothing, Liberals.

Anyone that supports policies that favor America are evil to the leftist. Some of these policies aren't always the fairest, but they are the best we have.

Actually, that's what the Dumbocrat wants you to believe. The truth is, anyone who doesn't support redistribution of wealth and government control (ie pure, unadulterated communism) is evil in the minds of the idiot liberal.

I could actually tolerate them if it were just a matter of policies that favor America. But they actually demand wealth redistribution & government control, and nothing less is acceptable to them.
Funny thing is, during the nationally televised healthcare debates, Obama and other members of the Dumbocrats referred to the CBO as completely impartial and totally accurate with their work.

So I can't wait to see how the dumbocrats here try to discredit this CBO report. Should be funny as hell (usually is with these moron's that contradict themselves).
Another dishonest interpretation of the cbo by right wing nuts.

And I quote: "Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that without a doubt, America will have a fresh recession next year unless Congress and the President prevent it."

There is no "interpretation" here asshole (only idiot liberal Dumbocrats do that) - there is only FACT. That is a direct quote asshole - so what is "dishonest" about it?

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