Carter meets with political leader of Hamas in Syria

As Gunny pointed out, you're incorrect. So you might want to pull in the anti "lib" posing. We used Afghanistan as a staging point for a proxy war with the Soviets.

Just saw Charlie Wilson's War the other day! We definitely supplied them with missile launchers, anti tank weaponry and anti-aircraft weaponry, which is now being used against us! The hope was to make the war so costly to help bankrupt the USSR!
Carter was a terrible president. I think we can both agree on that.

As for his anti-semitism. No... he wasn't an "appeaser"...

did you read his book? Or at least the excerpts?

Even zionists know Carter is NOT anti-semitic ..

Carter's Apartheid book: Not anti-Semitic, but Not Good Either

excerpts --

In more detail:

The Good News - Jimmy Carter does not openly advocate destroying Israel. Quite the contrary. He writes:

a. The security of Israel must be guaranteed. The Arabs must acknowledge openly and specifically that Israel is a reality and has a right to exist in peace, behind secure and recognized borders, and with a firm Arab pledge to terminate any further acts of violence against the legally constituted nation of Israel. (p. 207)

Carter and Terror - Carter does not condone terror. I have seen this claim repeatedly, though nothing is cited from the book to prove it. I have been unable to find any place in this book where Jimmy Carter condones terror. His attitude is rather expressed as follows:

There are two interrelated obstacles to permanent peace in the Middle East:

1. Some Israelis believe they have the right to confiscate and colonize Palestinian land...

2. Some Palestinians react by honoring suicide bombers as martyrs to be rewarded in heaven and consider the killing of Israelis as victories.

(pp 205-6)

"Making all possible allowances, the impression I got from this book is that Mr. Carter has a worthy vision of peace for Israel and the Palestinians. He was overwhelmed by the historic magnitude of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, which he helped to broker. He was convinced that he was on the way to resolving the Middle East dispute. Mr. Carter was therefore deeply disappointed and frustrated by the intransigence of Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. Subsequently, like all of us, he was deeply frustrated by the crash and burn of the Oslo process. He assumed that this must be due to Israeli intransigence. He modeled his views of all Israeli leaders on the behavior and policies of Begin and Shamir, and then proceeded to whack the facts into shape to fit this model, using an intellectual twelve pound sledge hammer. Instead of producing a work that could generate momentum for peace, Mr. Carter has produced another deadly weapon in the middle east war of words. His popularity will ensure the widespread absorption of the poison, and it will take much hard work to undo the damage he has done."

ZioNation - Progressive Zionism and Israel Web Log
Carter's Apartheid book: Not anti-Semitic, but Not Good Either- Zionism-Israel Web Log

Calling everyone and anyone who disagrees with the policies of the Israeli government is as counter-productive as calling anyone who disagrees with Obama a racist.

Jimmy Carter is a good man who left the presidency and immediately went to work helping less fortunate people .. unlike Bill Clinton who immediately went to work helping himself.
Yet you try to deny them a home country! If history has shown us anything its that the Jews more than anyone need their own country as a safe haven!

Neither Carter, nor I, nor a great many of those who understand the ME are trying to deny Israelis anything other than the "right" to the lands of other people .. and neither history nor common sense suggests that jews should occupy the lands of others and commit atrocities whiule in the act.

PLEASE! 99% of Jews support the state of Israel. Even agnostic Jews like myself! Sell your bullshit some other place!

Fuck you .. I can post hundreds of organizations of jews who disagree.

Sure it does! It has everything to do with the new anti-semitism! I call it the PC anti-semitism. If a coward, such as yourself, just came out and said they hate Jews, then they will be shunned and seen as men who like to walk around in PJ's and pointy hats! However, again cowards, like yourself, try to say they have nothing but love for the Jews, rather they are anti-zionist! Basically since your a coward you try to mask your anti-semitic beliefs in PC anti-zionism!

Again, fuck you .. you're just too fucking brain-dead to challenge legitimate questions about the issue.

The good news about being me is that I don't give a fuck about what you or anybody else thinks of what I believe. I'm free to state exactly what I believe without consideration of idiots like you .. and, what would there be to be afraid of? Hmmm. You? :lol:
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BAC the American media is nothing but lies.


Or just google Iranian Jews

There are 25,000 Iranian Jews who live peaceably in Iran with full civil rights.

Israel has tried to bribe them with money to leave Iran.

They have refused to leave saying they are happy in Iran.

This has been a great embrassement to Israel.

What is your point with this! Are you trying to say that there are 25K Iranian Jews in a country of 70 million, therefore, no Iranian can be anti-semitic! That no Iranian President who called Israel a corpse and stated his desire to wipe Israel off the map and called the Holocaust a myth can be antisemitic! Your logicl is lacking.

By the way I have acknowledged this from first hand accounts!

Quoted by: GHook93
Many people over look the fact that Iranians and Persian have been by far the best people ever to the Jews!

After the Babolyians conquerred Israel, destroyed the first great temple and expelled the Jews, it was Persia, Cyrus the Great, the help the Jews take back Israel, rebuild the temple, to which part of it still stands today, and get basically a self-ruling government back! In fact around this time Jews made up btw 10-20% of the Persian Empire

It was the Persians once again whp help the Jews retake Israel (which was renamed Palestine years before by the Romans) from the Byzantine Empire. Although it was for only a few years, they still help the Jews get their homeland back for a short period of time.

During WW II the Iranians treated the Jews a heck of a lot better than the Arabs did.

In '48 the Jews weren't expelled from Iran like they were from the Arab states.

In '79 Khomeini gave a fatwa protecting the Jews
The Shah recognized Israel and maintained an friendly relationship. From '53-'79 was the golden area of the Iranian Jews

Currently: There is a Jewish Community Centers, 8 Schools (although they are scrutinized and regulated and watched and dictated to on what they can teach - even required to be open on Sadath), 2 Kosher stores and 25 Synagogues (11 of them functioning). In fact in the Iranian constitution it is delegated that at least 1 Jew must be elected to Parliament and are a protected class of people. They also have a Jewish cementry, library, hospital (Spair Jewish Hospital) and newspaper (Ofogh-e-Bina)

I have also met some Iranian American Jews. All have stated a similar tune. The average (some) Iranian is discriminatory and hateful towards them (think of like whites towards blacks in the '60s), the police are let's just say less than helpful, Muslim kids are not so nice to their kids, employers discriminate, landlords discriminate, schools discriminate etc. Jews are not allowed to serve in the military and are de facto'ly not allowed in the government, other than their 1 parliament seat. Also they stated the Iranian Jews suffer from the poor economy just like anyone else. Jews get harsher punishment and stricter fines in the legal system. The courts also discriminate. A Jew has a snowballs chance in hell to successfully sue a Muslim and nearly always loses when they are sued or on trial for a crime (think of blacks in America around the turn of the century). However, they do say that Arab Muslim Iranians get treated a heck of a lot worse.

I would never characterize the Iranian Jews as happy!

Regardless of the Iranian Jews, the big problem for Israel is the fact that Alamdouchebag is making genocidal threats against Israel and has attacked Jews, Not Israelis, in Argentina!
Jews have only one answer for anyone who disagrees with them: "ANTI-SEMITIC"!!!!

You could say Mr.Jew, "I agree with you 99.99% on the issue of Israel.

But because of that 0.01% Mr. Jew will scream in you face that you are "ANTI-SEMITIC"!!!!

LOLOLOLOL :lol::lol::lol:
You are incorrect! If a person agree with Israel 99.99% of the time then they would be much more pro-Israel then I am.
I support Jimmy Carter in his efforts to broker peace in the Middle East.
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I will agree that he is not anti-semitic, he was just a bad President, so he is not the best to be doing the negotiations now! Honestly. Israel, the Putin-in-your-ass, Obama, the New Israeli PM, the Hamas PM in Syria (his name evades me right now), Mubarak, Abbas, the De Facto Hamas PM in Gaza, and the Speaker of the House of the Hamas Palestinian Parliament should be sitting at the table, not a washed up 1 term ex-President.

And his title did make senses! If a 2 state solution does not occur, then everntually a 1 state apartheid Israel would be the outcome!

Even zionists know Carter is NOT anti-semitic ..

Carter's Apartheid book: Not anti-Semitic, but Not Good Either

excerpts --

In more detail:

The Good News - Jimmy Carter does not openly advocate destroying Israel. Quite the contrary. He writes:

a. The security of Israel must be guaranteed. The Arabs must acknowledge openly and specifically that Israel is a reality and has a right to exist in peace, behind secure and recognized borders, and with a firm Arab pledge to terminate any further acts of violence against the legally constituted nation of Israel. (p. 207)

Carter and Terror - Carter does not condone terror. I have seen this claim repeatedly, though nothing is cited from the book to prove it. I have been unable to find any place in this book where Jimmy Carter condones terror. His attitude is rather expressed as follows:

There are two interrelated obstacles to permanent peace in the Middle East:

1. Some Israelis believe they have the right to confiscate and colonize Palestinian land...

2. Some Palestinians react by honoring suicide bombers as martyrs to be rewarded in heaven and consider the killing of Israelis as victories.

(pp 205-6)

"Making all possible allowances, the impression I got from this book is that Mr. Carter has a worthy vision of peace for Israel and the Palestinians. He was overwhelmed by the historic magnitude of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, which he helped to broker. He was convinced that he was on the way to resolving the Middle East dispute. Mr. Carter was therefore deeply disappointed and frustrated by the intransigence of Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. Subsequently, like all of us, he was deeply frustrated by the crash and burn of the Oslo process. He assumed that this must be due to Israeli intransigence. He modeled his views of all Israeli leaders on the behavior and policies of Begin and Shamir, and then proceeded to whack the facts into shape to fit this model, using an intellectual twelve pound sledge hammer. Instead of producing a work that could generate momentum for peace, Mr. Carter has produced another deadly weapon in the middle east war of words. His popularity will ensure the widespread absorption of the poison, and it will take much hard work to undo the damage he has done."

ZioNation - Progressive Zionism and Israel Web Log
Carter's Apartheid book: Not anti-Semitic, but Not Good Either- Zionism-Israel Web Log

Calling everyone and anyone who disagrees with the policies of the Israeli government is as counter-productive as calling anyone who disagrees with Obama a racist.

Jimmy Carter is a good man who left the presidency and immediately went to work helping less fortunate people .. unlike Bill Clinton who immediately went to work helping himself.
I support Jimmy Carter in his efforts to broker peace in the Middle East.

I support the effort, actually I applaud the effort, but he is the wrong man for the job! Because he is ranked as one of the worst Presidents ever, by D's and R's alike, he has no creditability or respect in America or by intellectuals. Since many in Israel don't like him he has no respect there either! I don't think the Islamist respect him that much either. His persona doesn't create demand for respect, regardless of his past!

Honestly, my great hope for peace lies in Obama!
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I will agree that he is not anti-semitic, he was just a bad President, so he is not the best to be doing the negotiations now! Honestly. Israel, the Putin-in-your-ass, Obama, the New Israeli PM, the Hamas PM in Syria (his name evades me right now), Mubarak, Abbas, the De Facto Hamas PM in Gaza, and the Speaker of the House of the Hamas Palestinian Parliament should be sitting at the table, not a washed up 1 term ex-President.

And his title did make senses! If a 2 state solution does not occur, then everntually a 1 state apartheid Israel would be the outcome!

I agree that his title makes sense.

There is very little I agree with or have in common with xionists. I posted their thoughts to demonstrate that even they don't see Carter as anti-semitic.

Carter being a "bad president" has very little to do with his negotiating skills or the respect the rest of the world may have for him. If the Israelis asked him to negotiate, then obviously he's respected by both sides .. a rarity for an American president.

In order to get all parties to the table requires negotiations and diplomacy .. and "bad president" or not, Carter has a history of being good at negotiations and diplomacy in this region.
I support the effort, actually I applaud the effort, but he is the wrong man for the job! Because he is ranked as one of the worst Presidents ever, but D and R alike, he has no creditability or respect in America or by intellectuals. Since many in Israel don't like him he has no respect there either! I don't the Islamist respect him that much either. I does demand respect from his persona!

Honestly, my great hope for peace lies in Obama!

Your comments are groundless.

Did the Israelis ask Carter to negotiate?

Proves they respect him.

WHY did they ask HIM to negotiate?

Because they know he's respected by arabs.

If Obama is relying on great speeches to mindfuck arabs they way he pulled his mindfuck on Americans, he's in for an awakening.
Being in violation of more UN Resolutions than any nation in history has nothing to do with it?

wish we would violate some UN Resolutions, group is a useless collection of numb nut bureaucrats and foreign dictators

its basically a public relations forum that allows dictators to condemn democracies, yet is too impotent to stop wars like Iraq, no sound reason for it to exist anymore
Mr. Jew will scream in you face that you are "ANTI-SEMITIC"!!!!

I dunno SM, maybe if you stopped praising a group that kills Jews they might not think you were anti-semitic

you don't see rednecks in the Klan take offense when someone calls them racist, if you think groups who kill Jews are Ok, then just admit you don't like members of that religion, and stop being such a wimp about it
If a 2 state solution does not occur

2 state solution would last about a week, at best, if it ever occurred

really need a 3 state solution, with Gaza and West Bank separate, just as Britain was forced into a 3 state solution in India by separating Bangladesh from Pakistan, yet I find the Israeli leadership acts like a bunch of wusses when it comes to presenting ideas that might offend their financial backers in the U.S.

Israel's problem right now though isn't the Jihadists, most rational people know those suicide bombers are crazy and don't deserve shit, but rather the settlers who somehow think they can outnumber Palestinians in the WB or that they have some biblical claim on the land. Israel's biggest problem is its own right-wing freaks, not the jihadist lunatics.
Your comments are groundless.

Did the Israelis ask Carter to negotiate?

Proves they respect him.

WHY did they ask HIM to negotiate?

Because they know he's respected by arabs.

If Obama is relying on great speeches to mindfuck arabs they way he pulled his mindfuck on Americans, he's in for an awakening.

LOL, he is respected by no one! Like it or not your idol is seen as a failed President, that goes a long way towards other around the world taking him seriously!

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