Cartels Offer Cash To U.S. Teens For Smuggling Illegal Immigrants Past Border Checkpoints


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Oh, TraitorJoe©™ has fucked so much up in less than 100 days. Everything Biden touches turns to shit for Americans.


Mexican drug cartels and cartel-associated smuggling networks are now bringing so many illegal immigrants into the United States that they’re putting out ads on TikTok, targeting American teenagers in South Texas with offers of thousands in cash to ferry migrants past U.S. checkpoints just north of the border.​
This week Fox News reported on the scheme, including screenshots of TikTok ads offering as much as $3,500 cash for a single trip. One ad reads, “Got another 6 left, already crossed. Lemme know ASAP for that easy cash,” according to Fox News, which also reported that teenagers are in some cases borrowing their parents’ SUVs to smuggle migrants, often without the parents knowing.​
The migrants in question are almost certainly single adults trying to evade Border Patrol and slip into the United States undetected. Unlike unaccompanied minors and families, who typically turn themselves in to U.S. authorities after crossing the Rio Grande in hopes of a quick release, adult migrants are likely to be immediately expelled and thus often try to avoid detection.​
For all the media coverage that migrant minors and families have gotten in recent months, single adults have made up a far greater share of illegal immigrants coming across the southwest border this fiscal year. Since October 2020, Border Patrol has encountered more than 400,000 single adults crossing the border illegally, compared to approximately 140,000 minors and families.​
For these adult migrants, getting across the U.S.-Mexico border is only the first step. They then have to get past Border Patrol checkpoints situated along most major highways heading north from the border region. The only way to get past these checkpoints is to drive through them or sneak through often remote ranchland—a journey that in hotter months can be deadly, and regularly results in lost migrants dying from dehydration and exposure.​
That’s where the TikTok ads come in: cartel-associated smugglers need U.S. drivers to get through these checkpoints easily, and cash payments are an easy way to persuade teens and young people to take the gigs.​
While $3,500 might seem like a lot to pay to get a single carload of migrants past a checkpoint, keep in mind the amount of revenue involved for these smuggling networks. Each migrant is paying anywhere between $2,500 and $20,000, depending on his nationality. Single adults who want to evade apprehension by U.S. authorities tend to pay more, which means a carload of six or eight migrants could easily represent upwards of $100,000 in payments to smugglers and the cartels they work with.​
Cartels Are Using the Border Crisis to Fund Turf Wars
The sophistication of these smuggling operations is staggering. In recent months, cartels in northern Mexico have implemented a wristband “inventory” system for migrants, to keep track of who has paid and how much, as well as contact information for the migrants and their families back home (to ensure full payment). Discarded wristbands belonging to different smuggling and cartel groups now litter the north banks of the Rio Grande, where last month U.S. authorities apprehended more than 172,000 illegal immigrants, the highest one-month total in two decades.​
This surge of illegal immigration is financial windfall for the cartels that control much of northern Mexico. The cartels determine who crosses, where, and when. They are making billions off it.​

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