Carlsons 'F You' response is a good sign for conservatives


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The libtard system of using Conservative 'leaders' to get rid of those willing to stand against them is crumbling.

Many conservatives are on to their little game and Tucker is one of them.

Tucker Carlson: We will never bow to the leftist mob's attempts to silence us, no matter what

One side is deadly serious. They believe that politics is war. They are not interested in abstractions or principles, rules or traditions. They seek power, and they intend to win it with whatever it takes. If that includes getting you fired or silencing you, or threatening your family at home, or throwing you in prison, okay. They know what their goal is. If you are in way, they will crush you.

What's interesting is how reliably the other side pretends that none of this is happening. Republicans in Washington do a fairly credible imitation of an opposition party. They still give speeches. They tweet quite a bit. They make certain noises about how liberals are bad.

But on the deepest level, it's all a pose. In their minds, where it matters, Republican leaders are controlled by the left. They know exactly what they are allowed to say and believe. They know what the rules are. They may understand that those rules are written by the very people who seek their destruction, but they ruthlessly enforce them anyway.

Republicans in Washington police their own with a never-ending enthusiasm. Like trustees at a prison, they dutifully report back to the ward, hoping for perks. Nobody wants to be called names. Nobody wants to be Trump.

How many times have you seen it happen? Some conservative figure will say something stupid, or incomplete, or too far outside the bounds of received wisdom for the moral guardians of cable news? Twitter goes bonkers. The mob demands a response. Very often, the first people calling for the destruction of that person are Republican leaders. You saw it with the Covington Catholic High School kids. You see it all the time.

Kevin McCarthy spends half his day telling Republican members not to criticize progressive orthodoxy. Paul Ryan did the same before him. A couple of years ago, the entire Democratic Party decided to deny the biological reality of sex differences, an idea that is insane as it is dangerous. Republican leaders decided to not criticize them for it. They might get upset

This is a system built on deceit and enforced silence. Hypocrisy is its hallmark. Yet in Washington, it's considered rude to ask questions about how exactly it works. Why are the people who considered Bill Clinton a hero lecturing me about sexism? How can the party that demands racial quotas denounce other people as racist? After a while, you begin to think that may be their criticisms aren't sincere. Maybe their moral puffery is a costume. Maybe the whole conversation is an absurd joke. Maybe we are falling for it....

You sometimes hear modern progressives described as "New Puritans." That's a slur on colonial Americans. Whatever their flaws, the Puritans cared about the fate of the soul and the moral regeneration of their society. Those are not topics that interest progressives. They're too busy pushing late-term abortions and cross-dressing on fifth-graders.

These are the people who write our movies and our sitcoms. They are not shocked by naughty words. They just pretend to be when it's useful. It's been very useful lately.

The left's main goal, in case you haven't noticed, is controlling what you think. In order to do that, they have to control the information that you receive. Google and Facebook and Twitter are fully on board with that. They are happy to ban unapproved thoughts, and they don't apologize for it. Same with the other cable channels and virtually every major news outlet in this country.

One of the only places left in the United States where independent thoughts are allowed is right here at Fox News -- the opinion hours on this network. Just a few hours in a sea of television programming. It's not much, relatively speaking. For the left, it's unacceptable. It demands total conformity.​
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

Works both ways. :113:
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important. Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is. Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them. If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.
Works both ways. :113:
Yep, and some of the Dems are showing that.

Long live freedom of speech & expression.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

OK: I agree with him 99% of the time. Couldn't give much of a damn about the rest. Not sure he said much that was particularly horrible; some feminists might be lol Sounds like he was taunting someone maybe, or something along that line. Telling leftist morons to fuck off is always good.

Hmmm: why such a long piece when a simple "fuck you, dogshits" would have been perfectly adequate?

Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.
I'm not sure why you think it's ever not been the case. Countering speech with boycotts, which is considered speech, is not taking away anyone's abilities to speak - but you've always seemed to have had a problem understanding these very basic AF concepts.

Good for Tucker, in this case. If he doesn't feel remorse, don't real...and then let the chips fall where they may as opposed to being a fake and learning that years later as a company that represents their product/business on his show via a sponsorship.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

OK: I agree with him 99% of the time. Couldn't give much of a damn about the rest. Not sure he said much that was particularly horrible; some feminists might be lol Sounds like he was taunting someone maybe, or something along that line. Telling leftist morons to fuck off is always good.

It's possible he was just being a dick on purpose, I don't know. But there are two ways for righties to defend him: "Yeah, what he said was bigoted and ignorant and childish, but I defend his right to say it", or "yeah, I agree completely, nyah nyah, go Tucker!"

I can respect the first one.
This is why the Democrats and Media want to classify anything they don't like as HATE SPEECH, and make it ILLEGAL. It is very Orwellian, yet the Left, and especially younger people are fine with giving up their Natural Right of Free Speech. They are just as OK with giving up their natural right of self defense also as they've been brainwashed into thinking Government will take care of everything.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

OK: I agree with him 99% of the time. Couldn't give much of a damn about the rest. Not sure he said much that was particularly horrible; some feminists might be lol Sounds like he was taunting someone maybe, or something along that line. Telling leftist morons to fuck off is always good.

It's possible he was just being a dick on purpose, I don't know. But there are two ways for righties to defend him: "Yeah, what he said was bigoted and ignorant and childish, but I defend his right to say it", or "yeah, I agree completely, nyah nyah, go Tucker!"

I can respect the first one.

There's a third, of course. After years of searching for something on him...anything...that's it?? OK; he was naughty to do it maybe; big bloody deal?? Hell; I hope they don't find out half the stuff I've said about liberals if ever I get into politics again. But then again; my base would agree with me on much of it. lmao

Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

OK: I agree with him 99% of the time. Couldn't give much of a damn about the rest. Not sure he said much that was particularly horrible; some feminists might be lol Sounds like he was taunting someone maybe, or something along that line. Telling leftist morons to fuck off is always good.

It's possible he was just being a dick on purpose, I don't know. But there are two ways for righties to defend him: "Yeah, what he said was bigoted and ignorant and childish, but I defend his right to say it", or "yeah, I agree completely, nyah nyah, go Tucker!"

I can respect the first one.

There's a third, of course. After years of searching for something on him...anything...that's it?? OK; he was naughty to do it maybe; big bloody deal?? Hell; I hope they don't find out half the stuff I've said about liberals if ever I get into politics again. But then again; my base would agree with me on much of it. lmao

Well, the wings are always going to spend far more time searching for and trying exploit any perceived weakness, than they are on anything else.

Sad state of affairs.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

OK: I agree with him 99% of the time. Couldn't give much of a damn about the rest. Not sure he said much that was particularly horrible; some feminists might be lol Sounds like he was taunting someone maybe, or something along that line. Telling leftist morons to fuck off is always good.

It's possible he was just being a dick on purpose, I don't know. But there are two ways for righties to defend him: "Yeah, what he said was bigoted and ignorant and childish, but I defend his right to say it", or "yeah, I agree completely, nyah nyah, go Tucker!"

I can respect the first one.

There's a third, of course. After years of searching for something on him...anything...that's it?? OK; he was naughty to do it maybe; big bloody deal?? Hell; I hope they don't find out half the stuff I've said about liberals if ever I get into politics again. But then again; my base would agree with me on much of it. lmao

Well, the wings are always going to spend far more time searching for and trying exploit any perceived weakness, than they are on anything else.

Sad state of affairs.
Actually, getting better, more honest & representative politicians starts with holding them accountable for their own behavior before electing them to lead others, or anything, and from a Business standpoint - letting them represent our company & our products. That's called free speech.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

OK: I agree with him 99% of the time. Couldn't give much of a damn about the rest. Not sure he said much that was particularly horrible; some feminists might be lol Sounds like he was taunting someone maybe, or something along that line. Telling leftist morons to fuck off is always good.

It's possible he was just being a dick on purpose, I don't know. But there are two ways for righties to defend him: "Yeah, what he said was bigoted and ignorant and childish, but I defend his right to say it", or "yeah, I agree completely, nyah nyah, go Tucker!"

I can respect the first one.
I just read up a bit more.

Tucker Carlson's words reveal who he really is (Opinion) - CNN

"stick to the thigh-high boots" Meh..what does that even mean??

"something ominous is happening to men in America"...toxic masculinity and feminist attacks on anything IS weird.

"extremely primitive" context...whatever that means...

Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Martha Stewart's daughter Alexis as "white whores," "c***y,....

Why does Paris Hilton have a slut reputation? - Straight Dope Message Board tapes and sorted perversions

On the Dec. 8 edition of the entertainment news show "Extra," the 61-year-old performer -- who has a 20-year-old daughter -- chastises Spears and fellow flasher Lindsey Lohan for their disregard of public decency, calling them "wild and woolly sluts."

Bette Calls Britney a 'Wild and Woolly Slut'

Seems they were common views of the tarts back then.

Yeah: he was probably flaming. Looks like some femmo's getting her most stupid pov about men in general across. HoHum really.
Leftwingers have always hated free speech. Look at how much they tried to get Rush off the air.

Remember what Karl Marx said, “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism”. This is why lefties always try to destroy free speech, they can’t be criticized.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.

OK: I agree with him 99% of the time. Couldn't give much of a damn about the rest. Not sure he said much that was particularly horrible; some feminists might be lol Sounds like he was taunting someone maybe, or something along that line. Telling leftist morons to fuck off is always good.

It's possible he was just being a dick on purpose, I don't know. But there are two ways for righties to defend him: "Yeah, what he said was bigoted and ignorant and childish, but I defend his right to say it", or "yeah, I agree completely, nyah nyah, go Tucker!"

I can respect the first one.
I just read up a bit more.

Tucker Carlson's words reveal who he really is (Opinion) - CNN

"stick to the thigh-high boots" Meh..what does that even mean??

"something ominous is happening to men in America"...toxic masculinity and feminist attacks on anything IS weird.

"extremely primitive" context...whatever that means...

Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Martha Stewart's daughter Alexis as "white whores," "c***y,....

Why does Paris Hilton have a slut reputation? - Straight Dope Message Board tapes and sorted perversions

On the Dec. 8 edition of the entertainment news show "Extra," the 61-year-old performer -- who has a 20-year-old daughter -- chastises Spears and fellow flasher Lindsey Lohan for their disregard of public decency, calling them "wild and woolly sluts."

Bette Calls Britney a 'Wild and Woolly Slut'

Seems they were common views of the tarts back then.

Yeah: he was probably flaming. Looks like some femmo's getting her most stupid pov about men in general across. HoHum really.
He also called Iraqis "primitive monkeys" and used some gay slurs.

You can brush those off too, that's fine. But, just as AOC's words play right into the hands of the Right, his words and the defense of his words play right into the hands of the Left. This is who they say the GOP is, and the GOP is helping them. "Yep! Here we are!"

Again, he can say whatever he wants. And if he wants to confirm the worst and ugliest characterizations of the GOP, that's fine too.
all i needed to see was this statement:

"Since the day we went on the air, they [the left] have been working hard to kill this show. We haven't said much about it in public; it seemed too self- referential. The point of this show has never been us. But now, it's obvious to everybody. There is no pretending that it is not happening. It is happening, and so, going forward, we'll be covering their efforts to make us be quiet."

then "they" won. they successfully made you stop talking about the news and make them the news. then again, all the bullshit has been the "news" for 5+ years at this point. they've all become kids in a playground who don't know recess is over.
Just the latest example of why freedom of expression is so terribly important.

Let Tucker Carlson say what he has to say. Let him say what he said about women and Iraqis and gays or whatever the list currently is.

Then let those who agree with him stand with him proudly. So we can all see who they are for future reference. I want to know who these people are, where they are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

If this is what today's GOP is, then everyone should know.
But the context is important, dont you think?

Tucker has a weird sense of humor, and I seriously doubt he thinks women should stay barefoot in the kitchen pregnant.
all i needed to see was this statement:

"Since the day we went on the air, they [the left] have been working hard to kill this show. We haven't said much about it in public; it seemed too self- referential. The point of this show has never been us. But now, it's obvious to everybody. There is no pretending that it is not happening. It is happening, and so, going forward, we'll be covering their efforts to make us be quiet."

then "they" won. they successfully made you stop talking about the news and make them the news. then again, all the bullshit has been the "news" for 5+ years at this point. they've all become kids in a playground who don't know recess is over.
Well it can get to the point you can no longer wade through and have to swim or drown.
The level of division keeps ramping up as 2020 approaches......sIcK......needs to be amped up much further. The more the better for America. As conservatives, we want as much radical left shit as possible......brings us closer to a trigger which should have been flipped by now. But its coming s0ns..........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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