Car & Driver?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I have been a subscriber to Car & Driver since I was in Vietnam in 1969. I have always enjoyed the cars they test, their insights, the pictures, and the bits of humor and such in the publication. These are the guys that dreamed up the "Cannonball Run," and actually pulled it off for a couple years without anyone getting arrested or killed.

Recently, however, they seem to fawn over SUV's and spend most of their effort testing cars that are much more expensive and opulent than anything I would even consider buying. One of the long-term test fleet now is an MDX that stickered at almost $60k. WTF? Who. Cares?

I have in my possession the 60th reminder from C&D that I am in imminent danger of my subscription running out.

I got the most recent issue the other day, and during a weekend bowel movement I happened upon the latest addition to their long-term test fleet: a Mazda 3. It was a glowing writeup, detailing all of the bullshit optional items they added to the car (rear-view camera, lane sensor, etc), none of which have anything to do with MAKING THE CAR GO BETTER, faster, handle better, or anything of the sort. The MSRP exceeded thirty grand! And of course they opted for the automatic transmission.

To review, they are testing a subcompact, four-cylinder "sporty" sedan, and they opt for the slushbox.

I will not be renewing my subscription. They have left me for a different country.
I recall the 3 actually performs BETTER with the automatic (DSG) transmission. (As does the Focus and the new Golf/Jetta.)
I have been a subscriber to Car & Driver since I was in Vietnam in 1969. I have always enjoyed the cars they test, their insights, the pictures, and the bits of humor and such in the publication. These are the guys that dreamed up the "Cannonball Run," and actually pulled it off for a couple years without anyone getting arrested or killed.

Recently, however, they seem to fawn over SUV's and spend most of their effort testing cars that are much more expensive and opulent than anything I would even consider buying. One of the long-term test fleet now is an MDX that stickered at almost $60k. WTF? Who. Cares?

I have in my possession the 60th reminder from C&D that I am in imminent danger of my subscription running out.

I got the most recent issue the other day, and during a weekend bowel movement I happened upon the latest addition to their long-term test fleet: a Mazda 3. It was a glowing writeup, detailing all of the bullshit optional items they added to the car (rear-view camera, lane sensor, etc), none of which have anything to do with MAKING THE CAR GO BETTER, faster, handle better, or anything of the sort. The MSRP exceeded thirty grand! And of course they opted for the automatic transmission.

To review, they are testing a subcompact, four-cylinder "sporty" sedan, and they opt for the slushbox.

I will not be renewing my subscription. They have left me for a different country.
They should give you an honorary life-time subscription.
1969? Damn.
For many years, the better automatic transmissions have been able to out-perform most drivers in acceleration runs and such, but that's not the point. The point is that you, the driver, want to decide what gear you are in at any given moment, not some computer programmer in Michigan (or wherever). And this is especially true when the engine is small and peaky, as the one in the Mazda 3 is.

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