"Can't We All Get Along?" - Apparently, Rodney Still Doesn't Know How

Johnney said:
but if shes brainwashed, its real in her mind. and if given the chance shes going to protect herself.

Is it justified, then, for his friends or family to hunt and kill her then in response?
what you guys are failing to understand brainwashing part. in her mind she is convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt he is going to do. regardless of hes just telling her that.
The ClayTaurus said:
Is it justified, then, for his friends or family to hunt and kill her then in response?
would they be brainwashed? if so, how werre they brainwashed? or jsut acting out in anger that she did it?
So where does the use of violence come in? In this hypothetical situation, are you suggesting that the girl actively seeks the man out to use violence against him or that she uses violence against the guy as self defense? Because self defense is always okay. :dance:
Hagbard Celine said:
So where does the use of violence come in? In this hypothetical situation, are you suggesting that the girl actively seeks the man out to use violence against him or that she uses violence against the guy as self defense? Because self defense is always okay. :dance:
mental abuse. its more damaging, barring death, that can happen. broken bones heal, mental damage takes years and years to heal, then sometimes not fully.
Johnney said:
would they be brainwashed? if so, how werre they brainwashed? or jsut acting out in anger that she did it?

No, they're angry that he was killed. No brainwashing. She was brainwashed and killed him. They, in response, kill her.
Hagbard Celine said:
So where does the use of violence come in?

If a bully fucks with one of my kids, teases them, torments them, harrasses them to the point one of my kids - or both of them - jump the bastard and give him an ass-whooping, I'd be supportive of my children.

If Saddam Hussein claims to have WMD...Brags about WMD...and it's not legal for him to HAVE them, Violence is acceptable to ensure he's full of shit. :)
The ClayTaurus said:
No, they're angry that he was killed. No brainwashing. She was brainwashed and killed him. They, in response, kill her.
thenhow would that be justified?
I'm lost now in all the talk of brainwashing. Wouldn't she just be able to get a restraining order on the guy or have him arrested for making terroristic threats?
Johnney said:
thenhow would that be justified?

I'm asking you. If you don't think it's justified to kill in retaliation to someone being killed, then fine. I'm just trying to see what is and is not justified.
The ClayTaurus said:
I'm asking you. If you don't think it's justified to kill in retaliation to someone being killed, then fine. I'm just trying to see what is and is not justified.
to me no i wouldnt be justfied. jsut because she got mind fucked by him to the point of where she truly thought her life was in danger and her only way out was to kill him before he killed her.
Johnney said:
to me no i wouldnt be justfied. jsut because she got mind fucked by him to the point of where she truly thought her life was in danger and her only way out was to kill him before he killed her.

Sounds reasonable to me.
What would anyone do when they caught their spouse engadged in a act of this type...well speaking from experience...many decades ago I walked in on my first wife in the same situation... as related in this post...at the time I worked for LAPD...when the young man hurriedly got out of the bed I threw him a hard right...he went sailing into a rocking chair my wifes dad had given us..it broke on impact..I started to laugh as I did not like the chair or my father-in-law.
The young man said...I did not know she was married...I apologized to him and threw him $20.00 and told him to go get a good piece..I told her to pack her shit and get...Justice was served! :halo:
But battered wife syndrome comes from being battered. So killing the guy would still be in self defense and therefore justified.

The problem with battered wife syndrome is that it's hard to prove unless there has been documentation in photos and police reports. That's a good lesson to keep in mind ladies. Don't put up with any physical abuse ever. Document it and file a police report and hold it over the c*cksucker's head for the rest of his life if you have to. There are enough gorillas living in the zoos, we don't have to put up with them living among us.

And for god's sake, don't live with an abusive sh*thead. Move out, get a divorce and a restraining order.
What would anyone do when they caught their spouse engadged in a act of this type...well speaking from experience...many decades ago I walked in on my first wife in the same situation... as related in this post...at the time I worked for LAPD...when the young man hurriedly got out of the bed I threw him a hard right...he went sailing into a rocking chair my wifes dad had given us..it broke on impact..I started to laugh as I did not like the chair or my father-in-law.
The young man said...I did not know she was married...I apologized to him and threw him $20.00 and told him to go get a good piece..I told her to pack her shit and get...Justice was served!

Very smoothly handled.

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