Cancelling Republican Presidential Primaries Is By Definition Corruption!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It is a significant rollback and taking away of the American people's rights to select the President of the United States, that is, their fundamental and natural right to choose the top leader of the Executive Branch of the government of the United States in four states, South Carolina, Kansas, Nevada and Arizona where Republican Party leaders decided not to hold a Republican presidential primary for 2020. Not only does it unfairly make it harder for a Republican challenger to the current Republican President to get the needed number of delegates to win the Republican nomination because these four state contests are shut down and so the opportunity to get these states delegates is also shut down; but, it deprives the Republican voters in these states from being part of a vigorous campaign for their primary votes and the opportunity to really and clearly voice their policy priorities and positions which they hold!

This canceling of these four states Republican Presidential primaries stinks to high heavens of corruption of how our nation's democracy is being controlled by monied interests. Monied interests in America stand to lose big if the current globalization model is significantly scrapped and America embarks on a semi-protectionist trade policy. Monied interests doesn't want to promote dialogue that the current globalization model doesn't work America loses to many middle class manufacturing jobs from it, Donald Trump recognizes this and is trying to change the model to protect American manufacturing jobs and ordinary people love this about President Trump they think he is spot on and he is the only major political force in the last fifty years that has been championing these American workers and offering real help; these ordinary Americans commitment to this issue is remarkable beyond words they are willing to overlook character flaws in President Trump that make him unfit to be President on multiple major levels because he is right with them on trade. Monied interests doesn't want it broadcasted widespread and intently that this is where the mass of the Republican voters are on trade they want this bad situation stopped no more excuses we want it done now stopped, the Republican establishment doesn't want this voice of the America people spotlighted because if it is they will have to offer a credible solution and the only credible solution is at minimum limited protectionism for America's domestic manufacturing industries - and the monied interests that is the people behind and that financially back the Republican Party establishment will be livid if this happens because they profit so greatly from off-shoring manufacturing for goods sold in America.

This writer is an American in his fifties and has followed politics closely for the past two decades and I never remember something like this taking place the canceling of four state'ss Republican primaries; this is outrageous it is political corruption at an epic level. What this behavior compellingly calls for is an amendment to the U.S. constitution that will ban a political party leadership from ever doing this, cancelling a state primary. State primaries have too vital a role in the granting of and providing to the American people their right to select the president. Remember it is not like a person who is qualified and wants to be President can tell election boards across the country put my name on the Presidential ballot it is a very expensive and am arduous process for a candidate to get his or her name on the Presidential ballot across the country; only powerful political party's have the resources to consistently do this. So for our democracy to be truly a democracy, political parties must be required to hold fair primary elections across the country.

Beyond upholding general tenets of a democracy, political primaries across the nation make candidates accountable for their record and boy do we ever need that with Mr. Trump. Primaries act as leverage for the American people to get their candidate to serve them which is what candidates should be doing primaries for incumbent Presidents make them better Presidents. I submit as an accurate prediction if President Trump got into a close primary race he or a powerful person behind him would get his butt off "twitter" and wouldn't that be great for America all the less problems we would see because Trump's not self creating them (at the end of the 2016 race he was muzzled on twitter)! If Trump got into a close primary, the American people would see significant progress on many issues such as stopping of excessive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America, on common sense gun control to scale back these mass murders the country sees, improvement of the Affordable Care Act - support for the Alexander/Murray bill that will significantly reimburse Health Insurance companies for the humongous cost on them for paying medical claims from Americans with preexisting conditions which if this bill passes will significantly drive down insurance premiums in the individual market.

The monied interests in America behind this cancelling of the Republican Presidential primaries are extremely clever because not only in canceling these primaries do they muzzle debate on the legitimate issues that underpin President Trump's support and thereby muzzle support for the needed solution of significant protectionist measures but also they are setting up America to sweep this issue away to put a giant cloud over it so that the American public won't be able to organize to bring about the needed change to the current trade model in America. Specifically, monied interests are setting themselves up to win even if President Trump loses the 2020 general election because if he loses their spin their lesson from this election will be Donald Trump made a catastrophic error with his tariffs and his trade wars American politicians specifically Republican politicians should treat tariffs and trade war promotion as political suicide behavior just keep offering the American people empty promises that the American government has to focus on getting our trading partners to act fair and to lower their trade barriers that is the solution. Cancelling state primaries for monied interests puts this election in a nice tidy box where Trump's the only issue so when Trump loses for them they throw the Trump box into the dumpster and move on getting back to business as usual where no significant Republican group threatens the current globalization model. Political party leaders might be in the pocket of monied interests that doesn't mean ordinary Americans have to be; the American people should call for and support a change to the U.S. Constitution that bans political parties from canceling statewide primaries to select nominees for national office!
It is a significant rollback and taking away of the American people's rights to select the President of the United States, that is, their fundamental and natural right to choose the top leader of the Executive Branch of the government of the United States in four states, South Carolina, Kansas, Nevada and Arizona where Republican Party leaders decided not to hold a Republican presidential primary for 2020. Not only does it unfairly make it harder for a Republican challenger to the current Republican President to get the needed number of delegates to win the Republican nomination because these four state contests are shut down and so the opportunity to get these states delegates is also shut down; but, it deprives the Republican voters in these states from being part of a vigorous campaign for their primary votes and the opportunity to really and clearly voice their policy priorities and positions which they hold!

This canceling of these four states Republican Presidential primaries stinks to high heavens of corruption of how our nation's democracy is being controlled by monied interests. Monied interests in America stand to lose big if the current globalization model is significantly scrapped and America embarks on a semi-protectionist trade policy. Monied interests doesn't want to promote dialogue that the current globalization model doesn't work America loses to many middle class manufacturing jobs from it, Donald Trump recognizes this and is trying to change the model to protect American manufacturing jobs and ordinary people love this about President Trump they think he is spot on and he is the only major political force in the last fifty years that has been championing these American workers and offering real help; these ordinary Americans commitment to this issue is remarkable beyond words they are willing to overlook character flaws in President Trump that make him unfit to be President on multiple major levels because he is right with them on trade. Monied interests doesn't want it broadcasted widespread and intently that this is where the mass of the Republican voters are on trade they want this bad situation stopped no more excuses we want it done now stopped, the Republican establishment doesn't want this voice of the America people spotlighted because if it is they will have to offer a credible solution and the only credible solution is at minimum limited protectionism for America's domestic manufacturing industries - and the monied interests that is the people behind and that financially back the Republican Party establishment will be livid if this happens because they profit so greatly from off-shoring manufacturing for goods sold in America.

This writer is an American in his fifties and has followed politics closely for the past two decades and I never remember something like this taking place the canceling of four state'ss Republican primaries; this is outrageous it is political corruption at an epic level. What this behavior compellingly calls for is an amendment to the U.S. constitution that will ban a political party leadership from ever doing this, cancelling a state primary. State primaries have too vital a role in the granting of and providing to the American people their right to select the president. Remember it is not like a person who is qualified and wants to be President can tell election boards across the country put my name on the Presidential ballot it is a very expensive and am arduous process for a candidate to get his or her name on the Presidential ballot across the country; only powerful political party's have the resources to consistently do this. So for our democracy to be truly a democracy, political parties must be required to hold fair primary elections across the country.

Beyond upholding general tenets of a democracy, political primaries across the nation make candidates accountable for their record and boy do we ever need that with Mr. Trump. Primaries act as leverage for the American people to get their candidate to serve them which is what candidates should be doing primaries for incumbent Presidents make them better Presidents. I submit as an accurate prediction if President Trump got into a close primary race he or a powerful person behind him would get his butt off "twitter" and wouldn't that be great for America all the less problems we would see because Trump's not self creating them (at the end of the 2016 race he was muzzled on twitter)! If Trump got into a close primary, the American people would see significant progress on many issues such as stopping of excessive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America, on common sense gun control to scale back these mass murders the country sees, improvement of the Affordable Care Act - support for the Alexander/Murray bill that will significantly reimburse Health Insurance companies for the humongous cost on them for paying medical claims from Americans with preexisting conditions which if this bill passes will significantly drive down insurance premiums in the individual market.

The monied interests in America behind this cancelling of the Republican Presidential primaries are extremely clever because not only in canceling these primaries do they muzzle debate on the legitimate issues that underpin President Trump's support and thereby muzzle support for the needed solution of significant protectionist measures but also they are setting up America to sweep this issue away to put a giant cloud over it so that the American public won't be able to organize to bring about the needed change to the current trade model in America. Specifically, monied interests are setting themselves up to win even if President Trump loses the 2020 general election because if he loses their spin their lesson from this election will be Donald Trump made a catastrophic error with his tariffs and his trade wars American politicians specifically Republican politicians should treat tariffs and trade war promotion as political suicide behavior just keep offering the American people empty promises that the American government has to focus on getting our trading partners to act fair and to lower their trade barriers that is the solution. Cancelling state primaries for monied interests puts this election in a nice tidy box where Trump's the only issue so when Trump loses for them they throw the Trump box into the dumpster and move on getting back to business as usual where no significant Republican group threatens the current globalization model. Political party leaders might be in the pocket of monied interests that doesn't mean ordinary Americans have to be; the American people should call for and support a change to the U.S. Constitution that bans political parties from canceling statewide primaries to select nominees for national office!
The DNC just fixes theirs. Having said that, the Republicans should hold primaries-small and cost effective.
Haven't all the delegates already sworn to trump? Pretty sure I read that somewhere a week or so ago
Sounds pointless to go on having them, but I do get the outrage.
Probably disingenuous outrage from most, though.
“Cancelling Republican Presidential Primaries Is By Definition Corruption!”

It’s certainly undemocratic, cowardly, and authoritarian – typical of most on the right.
Don't be quite so much a big partisan asshole!

The DNC already plowed that argument under in court two years ago when they screwed Bernie Sanders over. DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process

Did you whine about that? I may have missed it if you did...which is unlikely.

Nobody on the right is pleading to see Mark Sanford take on Donald Trump. F&ck off!
The DNC rigs their primaries their way, the GOP does it their way. In the end, it's the American voter who gets fucked.
It is a significant rollback and taking away of the American people's rights to select the President of the United States, that is, their fundamental and natural right to choose the top leader of the Executive Branch of the government of the United States in four states, South Carolina, Kansas, Nevada and Arizona where Republican Party leaders decided not to hold a Republican presidential primary for 2020. Not only does it unfairly make it harder for a Republican challenger to the current Republican President to get the needed number of delegates to win the Republican nomination because these four state contests are shut down and so the opportunity to get these states delegates is also shut down; but, it deprives the Republican voters in these states from being part of a vigorous campaign for their primary votes and the opportunity to really and clearly voice their policy priorities and positions which they hold!

This canceling of these four states Republican Presidential primaries stinks to high heavens of corruption of how our nation's democracy is being controlled by monied interests. Monied interests in America stand to lose big if the current globalization model is significantly scrapped and America embarks on a semi-protectionist trade policy. Monied interests doesn't want to promote dialogue that the current globalization model doesn't work America loses to many middle class manufacturing jobs from it, Donald Trump recognizes this and is trying to change the model to protect American manufacturing jobs and ordinary people love this about President Trump they think he is spot on and he is the only major political force in the last fifty years that has been championing these American workers and offering real help; these ordinary Americans commitment to this issue is remarkable beyond words they are willing to overlook character flaws in President Trump that make him unfit to be President on multiple major levels because he is right with them on trade. Monied interests doesn't want it broadcasted widespread and intently that this is where the mass of the Republican voters are on trade they want this bad situation stopped no more excuses we want it done now stopped, the Republican establishment doesn't want this voice of the America people spotlighted because if it is they will have to offer a credible solution and the only credible solution is at minimum limited protectionism for America's domestic manufacturing industries - and the monied interests that is the people behind and that financially back the Republican Party establishment will be livid if this happens because they profit so greatly from off-shoring manufacturing for goods sold in America.

This writer is an American in his fifties and has followed politics closely for the past two decades and I never remember something like this taking place the canceling of four state'ss Republican primaries; this is outrageous it is political corruption at an epic level. What this behavior compellingly calls for is an amendment to the U.S. constitution that will ban a political party leadership from ever doing this, cancelling a state primary. State primaries have too vital a role in the granting of and providing to the American people their right to select the president. Remember it is not like a person who is qualified and wants to be President can tell election boards across the country put my name on the Presidential ballot it is a very expensive and am arduous process for a candidate to get his or her name on the Presidential ballot across the country; only powerful political party's have the resources to consistently do this. So for our democracy to be truly a democracy, political parties must be required to hold fair primary elections across the country.

Beyond upholding general tenets of a democracy, political primaries across the nation make candidates accountable for their record and boy do we ever need that with Mr. Trump. Primaries act as leverage for the American people to get their candidate to serve them which is what candidates should be doing primaries for incumbent Presidents make them better Presidents. I submit as an accurate prediction if President Trump got into a close primary race he or a powerful person behind him would get his butt off "twitter" and wouldn't that be great for America all the less problems we would see because Trump's not self creating them (at the end of the 2016 race he was muzzled on twitter)! If Trump got into a close primary, the American people would see significant progress on many issues such as stopping of excessive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America, on common sense gun control to scale back these mass murders the country sees, improvement of the Affordable Care Act - support for the Alexander/Murray bill that will significantly reimburse Health Insurance companies for the humongous cost on them for paying medical claims from Americans with preexisting conditions which if this bill passes will significantly drive down insurance premiums in the individual market.

The monied interests in America behind this cancelling of the Republican Presidential primaries are extremely clever because not only in canceling these primaries do they muzzle debate on the legitimate issues that underpin President Trump's support and thereby muzzle support for the needed solution of significant protectionist measures but also they are setting up America to sweep this issue away to put a giant cloud over it so that the American public won't be able to organize to bring about the needed change to the current trade model in America. Specifically, monied interests are setting themselves up to win even if President Trump loses the 2020 general election because if he loses their spin their lesson from this election will be Donald Trump made a catastrophic error with his tariffs and his trade wars American politicians specifically Republican politicians should treat tariffs and trade war promotion as political suicide behavior just keep offering the American people empty promises that the American government has to focus on getting our trading partners to act fair and to lower their trade barriers that is the solution. Cancelling state primaries for monied interests puts this election in a nice tidy box where Trump's the only issue so when Trump loses for them they throw the Trump box into the dumpster and move on getting back to business as usual where no significant Republican group threatens the current globalization model. Political party leaders might be in the pocket of monied interests that doesn't mean ordinary Americans have to be; the American people should call for and support a change to the U.S. Constitution that bans political parties from canceling statewide primaries to select nominees for national office!

Primaries have nothing to do with Democracy. The Republican Party, is a party, not a country. Denying a primary does not deny citizens the right to vote.

We have a public gaming server. We disabled public voting, because trolls were joining and voting for intentionally bad votes to kill the server.

Our server, our rules, our vote.

Republican party, is their party, their rules, and their vote.

Vote for a different party if that's what you want.
It is a significant rollback and taking away of the American people's rights to select the President of the United States, that is, their fundamental and natural right to choose the top leader of the Executive Branch of the government of the United States in four states, South Carolina, Kansas, Nevada and Arizona where Republican Party leaders decided not to hold a Republican presidential primary for 2020. Not only does it unfairly make it harder for a Republican challenger to the current Republican President to get the needed number of delegates to win the Republican nomination because these four state contests are shut down and so the opportunity to get these states delegates is also shut down; but, it deprives the Republican voters in these states from being part of a vigorous campaign for their primary votes and the opportunity to really and clearly voice their policy priorities and positions which they hold!

This canceling of these four states Republican Presidential primaries stinks to high heavens of corruption of how our nation's democracy is being controlled by monied interests. Monied interests in America stand to lose big if the current globalization model is significantly scrapped and America embarks on a semi-protectionist trade policy. Monied interests doesn't want to promote dialogue that the current globalization model doesn't work America loses to many middle class manufacturing jobs from it, Donald Trump recognizes this and is trying to change the model to protect American manufacturing jobs and ordinary people love this about President Trump they think he is spot on and he is the only major political force in the last fifty years that has been championing these American workers and offering real help; these ordinary Americans commitment to this issue is remarkable beyond words they are willing to overlook character flaws in President Trump that make him unfit to be President on multiple major levels because he is right with them on trade. Monied interests doesn't want it broadcasted widespread and intently that this is where the mass of the Republican voters are on trade they want this bad situation stopped no more excuses we want it done now stopped, the Republican establishment doesn't want this voice of the America people spotlighted because if it is they will have to offer a credible solution and the only credible solution is at minimum limited protectionism for America's domestic manufacturing industries - and the monied interests that is the people behind and that financially back the Republican Party establishment will be livid if this happens because they profit so greatly from off-shoring manufacturing for goods sold in America.

This writer is an American in his fifties and has followed politics closely for the past two decades and I never remember something like this taking place the canceling of four state'ss Republican primaries; this is outrageous it is political corruption at an epic level. What this behavior compellingly calls for is an amendment to the U.S. constitution that will ban a political party leadership from ever doing this, cancelling a state primary. State primaries have too vital a role in the granting of and providing to the American people their right to select the president. Remember it is not like a person who is qualified and wants to be President can tell election boards across the country put my name on the Presidential ballot it is a very expensive and am arduous process for a candidate to get his or her name on the Presidential ballot across the country; only powerful political party's have the resources to consistently do this. So for our democracy to be truly a democracy, political parties must be required to hold fair primary elections across the country.

Beyond upholding general tenets of a democracy, political primaries across the nation make candidates accountable for their record and boy do we ever need that with Mr. Trump. Primaries act as leverage for the American people to get their candidate to serve them which is what candidates should be doing primaries for incumbent Presidents make them better Presidents. I submit as an accurate prediction if President Trump got into a close primary race he or a powerful person behind him would get his butt off "twitter" and wouldn't that be great for America all the less problems we would see because Trump's not self creating them (at the end of the 2016 race he was muzzled on twitter)! If Trump got into a close primary, the American people would see significant progress on many issues such as stopping of excessive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America, on common sense gun control to scale back these mass murders the country sees, improvement of the Affordable Care Act - support for the Alexander/Murray bill that will significantly reimburse Health Insurance companies for the humongous cost on them for paying medical claims from Americans with preexisting conditions which if this bill passes will significantly drive down insurance premiums in the individual market.

The monied interests in America behind this cancelling of the Republican Presidential primaries are extremely clever because not only in canceling these primaries do they muzzle debate on the legitimate issues that underpin President Trump's support and thereby muzzle support for the needed solution of significant protectionist measures but also they are setting up America to sweep this issue away to put a giant cloud over it so that the American public won't be able to organize to bring about the needed change to the current trade model in America. Specifically, monied interests are setting themselves up to win even if President Trump loses the 2020 general election because if he loses their spin their lesson from this election will be Donald Trump made a catastrophic error with his tariffs and his trade wars American politicians specifically Republican politicians should treat tariffs and trade war promotion as political suicide behavior just keep offering the American people empty promises that the American government has to focus on getting our trading partners to act fair and to lower their trade barriers that is the solution. Cancelling state primaries for monied interests puts this election in a nice tidy box where Trump's the only issue so when Trump loses for them they throw the Trump box into the dumpster and move on getting back to business as usual where no significant Republican group threatens the current globalization model. Political party leaders might be in the pocket of monied interests that doesn't mean ordinary Americans have to be; the American people should call for and support a change to the U.S. Constitution that bans political parties from canceling statewide primaries to select nominees for national office!
Wish I had a week to read this.

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