Cancel Culture Hypocrisy

Well a Challenger appeared. ;)


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By someone not involved
Just on party lines alone, Progs would not do the same to Joe Biden. Only in an Orwellian world would Prog socialist believe a 50/50 government is a mandate. This is the gist of everything we do today, and it has caused us to become closer to a Soviet style existence where the right words will be spoken and nothing else as dictated by the elites who make the rules.
But the republicans CHOSE not to participate in our government with Biden based on a political strategy alone. Not for the lack of president Biden trying to include them...imo.
But the republicans CHOSE not to participate in our government with Biden based on a political strategy alone. Not for the lack of president Biden trying to include them...imo.
What the hell are you saying? He lied. The Repubs in power are enablers for Progs. They keep their hands cleaner as the nation moves left as you love.
And the republicans cancelling Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger and all reps and repub senators that voted to convict Trump in his impeachment trial? And any repubs speaking out against Trump and what he did?

And repubs trying to cancel the nfl for allowing, bending the knee?

And repubs trying to cancel out the Dixie chicks way back when?

And repubs cancelling French fries?

Your beloved party, actually started this crap.
The Cheney and Kinzinger issue is house cleaning, both parties do that. That is not the same as cancel culture. Republicans removed RINOs back in the Tea Party days and nary a word about cancel culture then. Totally different things.

The right cancels things with their pocketbooks. The left cancels things by rioting, looting, and burning things. Again, a noticeable difference.
You’re the hypocrite and you don’t even see it. Amazing. Idiot leftist zombie
At least I’m not promoting videos that are distortions of the truth. Joe Rogan wouldn’t approve. He likes the truth. I think. I think he actually likes money more.

Just like you enjoy feeling better about yourself by tearing down others. The truth is irrelevant.

The right sure didn’t give a shit when they wanted to cancel football players for kneeling during the anthem. They didn’t give a shit when Trump wanted reporters fired for asking him questions. The right doesn’t mind cancel culture. They mind it when it’s applied to them.
At least I’m not promoting videos that are distortions of the truth. Joe Rogan wouldn’t approve. He likes the truth. I think. I think he actually likes money more.

Just like you enjoy feeling better about yourself by tearing down others. The truth is irrelevant.

The right sure didn’t give a shit when they wanted to cancel football players for kneeling during the anthem. They didn’t give a shit when Trump wanted reporters fired for asking him questions. The right doesn’t mind cancel culture. They mind it when it’s applied to them.
You still don't get it. So I will explain for the last time since you're a DOLT.

NO ONE in those videos meant to be offensive but many may still find what they did offensive. That is the whole point. These same people are now offended by Rogan and others. When they did and or said what could be deemed offensive by many. That is the whole point you leftist buffoon.
There is NO LIE.

But you do you
Deceptive editing is a lie. You just never want to admit you’re wrong.

It’s a big problem with society these days. We need to feel more comfortable admitting we are wrong and society needs to be more accepting of people who do.
‘Upper-class people don a luxury belief to separate themselves from the lower class’
In the past, upper-class Americans used to display their social status with luxury goods. Today, they do it with luxury beliefs.
The problem is liberals do not practice what they preach.

Liberals always scream about tolerance. But if you tolerate something that means you put up with something you don't like and tolerate it. But if they don't like something they want it censored or banned, that isn't being tolerant, that's the opposite of tolerant.

They want everyone to tolerate them, but they don't want to tolerate anyone else.
Deceptive editing is a lie. You just never want to admit you’re wrong.

It’s a big problem with society these days. We need to feel more comfortable admitting we are wrong and society needs to be more accepting of people who do.
Sounds like you still don't get it. You are really stupid.
Sounds like you still don't get it. You are really stupid.
I get it perfectly well. You are defensive which means that you will refuse to admit wrong as it’s taken as a sign of weakness.

And we all know how people like yourself feel about that.
How was Biden reading the words of an official who used the n-word offensive?
You cut my post again and I will no longer be civil. They would say he should have said "N word" not the actual word. Same with Stern and Kimmel in that video. They were being funny not racist but these days it would be considered racist. That is the whole fucking point you nitwit. What the did WAS NOT RACIST or OFFENSIVE but in today's leftist world it would be. You think if Biden reads the same thing today he says the actual word? NO FUCKING WAY

Man are you one dumb nerd.
And the republicans cancelling Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger and all reps and repub senators that voted to convict Trump in his impeachment trial? And any repubs speaking out against Trump and what he did?

And repubs trying to cancel the nfl for allowing, bending the knee?

And repubs trying to cancel out the Dixie chicks way back when?

And repubs cancelling French fries?

Your beloved party, actually started this crap.
Actually I don't like watching football with politics in it. So I stopped watching it, but I don't demand others not to watch it. I have many friends that still watch it and I could careless. Cancel culture demands nobody does what they are against and ruins lives. See the difference?
You cut my post again and I will no longer be civil. They would say he should have said "N word" not the actual word. Same with Stern and Kimmel in that video. They were being funny not racist but these days it would be considered racist. That is the whole fucking point you nitwit. What the did WAS NOT RACIST or OFFENSIVE but in today's leftist world it would be. You think if Biden reads the same thing today he says the actual word? NO FUCKING WAY

Man are you one dumb nerd.
Biden wasn’t trying to be funny. He was trying to exhibit how racist someone as being.

These couldn’t be more different.

Trying to be funny by comparing black peoples to apes for laughs from your white buddies isn’t okay. This isn’t rocket science. He knows that type of comparison is hurtful to people and has been for years. The fact that he doesn’t consider himself racist does not provide license to use that kind of hurtful language.

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