Canada about to make national anthem more "gender-inclusive" - HAHAHA

hmmm I'll cede on physical strength, but challenge the brains bit... I

So how do you explain that 99% of great businesspeople and scientists are male??? Where is the female steven jobs or thomas edison or isaac newton? THINK

Come on dear, use that brain.

All smart women know that the best thing they can do for their children is to raise them, thus a good deal of them chose to put their family over career. Those of us who got into science fields, even as teens, quickly realize our priorities and ultimately end up with a beautiful framed degree covered with pictures of our even more beautiful kids.

I could point to Trump's ex-wife, or his daughter to answer your question though.
Shit like this is just stupid...Canada don't be dumb.

What's 'stupid' about resetting the English version of a national anthem so that it includes 51% of its population? A line that isn't the original anyway.

Can you show us anywhere (besides its drooling about war) where our national anthem excludes half its people? Is there any anthem anywhere that does that?
Really? This is a burning issue in the west, The lyrics of the Canadian national anthem OH Canada! Thy sons command ! I am not insulted, perhaps it takes a smaller person than I to make THAT an issue.
It seems in Canada they change their national anthem more often than we change our Pledge of Allegiance. I recall "God Save the Queen" being song before Hockey Night in Canada games in the 1960's. Perhaps if they go back to that the Leafs may finally bring home another Stanley Cup..

Hey, Kids! It's Howdy Trudy Time!

The PC way they are heading, if they go back to that it will be "God Save the Drag Queen."

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