Can you name 5 policies of Obama that you like and 5 policies that you don't like?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama, and therefore have no business in criticizing him.

Come up with 15 dislikes if you are so inclined, but I challenge you to name at least 5 policies of Obama that you agree with.
Go watch some Bill Maher so you can hear the new communist rules segment he wants to impose on your ass every night.
Go watch some Bill Maher so you can hear the new communist rules segment he wants to impose on your ass every night.

I doubt you have ever even watched his show. Not once has he ever supported communism.
1.) I am happy with his promotion of the healthcare legislation. While it has some problems, it's a step in the right direction.

2.) I like the fact that he stood behind GM and Chrysler and pushed for their bailouts.

3.) I like the fact that while he got us involved in Libya, our involvement was limited, and we didn't get bogged down in another long drawn out military conflict.

4.) I like the fact that he is pushing for a tax increase on high income earners.

5.) I like the fact that he offered to make significant cuts in the budget, even though the Republicans did not approve of the cuts.

1.) While I approve of proposed tax increases on high income earners, I do not support the payroll tax cut. Revenue is down so much, cutting it more does not make sense.

2.) I am upset with Obama for giving in to the Republicans by agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts.

Guess that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure there are more.
If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama, and therefore have no business in criticizing him.

Come up with 15 dislikes if you are so inclined, but I challenge you to name at least 5 policies of Obama that you agree with.

No but I can name 10 policies I don't like..

1. Stimulus'
2. Cash for clunkers
3. Takeover of GM
4. Suing Arizona/Utah
5. Turning our military into the Village People.
6. Obamacare
7. The Patriot Act (which he signed in to law again).
8. Egypt
9. The refusal to turn over his background records.
10. Spending

Of course it all depends on what you believe to be "policy"

I suppose I could also say Obama makes it a policy to insult his opposition, he also makes it a policy to go on vacation as much as possible. I'd also say he makes it a policy to pander to labor unions and support them with tax dollars..

He also makes it policy to threaten his opposition (the House) with vetoes.
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Go watch some Bill Maher so you can hear the new communist rules segment he wants to impose on your ass every night.

I doubt you have ever even watched his show. Not once has he ever supported communism.

What do you call new rules if not communistic?

He is just another bitter fart just like Rush Limbaugh.

You do realize that Bill Maher is a comedian, right?
If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama, and therefore have no business in criticizing him.

Come up with 15 dislikes if you are so inclined, but I challenge you to name at least 5 policies of Obama that you agree with.

No but I can name 10 policies I don't like..

1. Stimulus'
2. Cash for clunkers
3. Takeover of GM
4. Suing Arizona/Utah
5. Turning our military into the Village People.
6. Obamacare
7. The Patriot Act (which he signed in to law again).
8. Egypt
9. The refusal to turn over his background records.
10. Spending

Clearly you are on of those people, Nick.
If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama, and therefore have no business in criticizing him.

Come up with 15 dislikes if you are so inclined, but I challenge you to name at least 5 policies of Obama that you agree with.

No but I can name 10 policies I don't like..

1. Stimulus'
2. Cash for clunkers
3. Takeover of GM
4. Suing Arizona/Utah
5. Turning our military into the Village People.
6. Obamacare
7. The Patriot Act (which he signed in to law again).
8. Egypt
9. The refusal to turn over his background records.
10. Spending

What did he do wrong with Egypt?
If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama, and therefore have no business in criticizing him.

Come up with 15 dislikes if you are so inclined, but I challenge you to name at least 5 policies of Obama that you agree with.

No but I can name 10 policies I don't like..

1. Stimulus'
2. Cash for clunkers
3. Takeover of GM
4. Suing Arizona/Utah
5. Turning our military into the Village People.
6. Obamacare
7. The Patriot Act (which he signed in to law again).
8. Egypt
9. The refusal to turn over his background records.
10. Spending

What did he do wrong with Egypt?

He allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to just walk in and take control.

What the fuck would you say if say George Bush supported a Christian theocratic coup??

Egypt will be the next Iran or Saudi Arabia...
If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama, and therefore have no business in criticizing him.

Come up with 15 dislikes if you are so inclined, but I challenge you to name at least 5 policies of Obama that you agree with.

No but I can name 10 policies I don't like..

1. Stimulus'
2. Cash for clunkers
3. Takeover of GM
4. Suing Arizona/Utah
5. Turning our military into the Village People.
6. Obamacare
7. The Patriot Act (which he signed in to law again).
8. Egypt
9. The refusal to turn over his background records.
10. Spending

Clearly you are on of those people, Nick.

Yeah, I'm one of those people that don't enjoy tyranny.

Obama has only violated nearly the entire Bill of Rights.
No but I can name 10 policies I don't like..

1. Stimulus'
2. Cash for clunkers
3. Takeover of GM
4. Suing Arizona/Utah
5. Turning our military into the Village People.
6. Obamacare
7. The Patriot Act (which he signed in to law again).
8. Egypt
9. The refusal to turn over his background records.
10. Spending

Clearly you are on of those people, Nick.

Yeah, I'm one of those people that don't enjoy tyranny.

Obama has only violated nearly the entire Bill of Rights.

What I oppose.

The Stimulus of 2009. Just think if a Republican President and Congress had said, vote for it first then we will let you read it.

Obama Care. It is illegal and Unconstitutional.

Obama failed our Ally Egypt.

Obama supported AL Quaide in Libya.

Obama has made no effort to cut the budget, all his proposals are for 4 to 6 years down the road and are minor cuts.

The only good thing he has done is he was President when Osama Bin Laden was killed.
What I oppose.

The Stimulus of 2009. Just think if a Republican President and Congress had said, vote for it first then we will let you read it.

Obama Care. It is illegal and Unconstitutional.

Obama failed our Ally Egypt.

Obama supported AL Quaide in Libya.

Obama has made no effort to cut the budget, all his proposals are for 4 to 6 years down the road and are minor cuts.

The only good thing he has done is he was President when Osama Bin Laden was killed.

:lol: Yet another example proving my point about the cons/repubs on this forum.
Clearly you are on of those people, Nick.

Yeah, I'm one of those people that don't enjoy tyranny.

Obama has only violated nearly the entire Bill of Rights.

Our Current Bill of Rights.

Clearly you are on of those people, Nick.

Yeah, I'm one of those people that don't enjoy tyranny.

Obama has only violated nearly the entire Bill of Rights.


Really? and in what dimension can presidents just take over a company (Fifth Amendment)???

How about force individuals to buy a product (Fourteenth Amendment)???

How about suing a state (Tenth Amendment)??

Oh and progressives sit there and attempt capitalism is a slippery slope to corporatism, then they support a fucking dictator like Obama who attempted to force people to buy a product or buy his government product and then told his Congress to manifest a ban on conventional light bulbs so GE could corner the market on incandescent light bulbs...
If you can't fully answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama, and therefore have no business in criticizing him.

Come up with 15 dislikes if you are so inclined, but I challenge you to name at least 5 policies of Obama that you agree with.

Yes I can but I'm not going to because of the bolded self serving statement, i.e. "if you can't follow my criteria then you're wrong".................. :cuckoo:
What I oppose.

The Stimulus of 2009. Just think if a Republican President and Congress had said, vote for it first then we will let you read it.

Obama Care. It is illegal and Unconstitutional.

Obama failed our Ally Egypt.

Obama supported AL Quaide in Libya.

Obama has made no effort to cut the budget, all his proposals are for 4 to 6 years down the road and are minor cuts.

The only good thing he has done is he was President when Osama Bin Laden was killed.

:lol: Yet another example proving my point about the cons/repubs on this forum.

Yeah, Obama only took over a FUCKING COMPANY, then tried to socialize/nationalize an entire industry..

Those are things SOCIALISTS DO and we have a Bill of Rights that protect private companies and citizens from our government...

Not to mention cash for clunkers which I would label racketeering..

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