Can you get a good job without an education?

Republicans seem to think so. What kind of jobs are available without college or some "skill"?

College Stats College Completion


And how many of those graduates are from funky tier four or below Bible Colleges?

On one hand you have Republicans complaining that Obama isn't doing enough for jobs, then you have Republicans all across the country cutting education, and Republicans mocking Obama for saying he wanted ALL American to have the chance for an education.

What are they going to do without an education? Remember, this is the reason business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees, to fill jobs Republicans will never be qualified for.
Republicans seem to think so. What kind of jobs are available without college or some "skill"?

College Stats College Completion


And how many of those graduates are from funky tier four or below Bible Colleges?

On one hand you have Republicans complaining that Obama isn't doing enough for jobs, then you have Republicans all across the country cutting education, and Republicans mocking Obama for saying he wanted ALL American to have the chance for an education.

What are they going to do without an education? Remember, this is the reason business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees, to fill jobs Republicans will never be qualified for.

Yes the home "skooled" christ stains are driving our county back to the dark ages

Here in Colorado our public school students ranked 48th amongst the states in basic English and math competency skills at the 8th grade level. In other words, many are 14 year-old barely functional illiterates who couldn't divide 99 by 9 without a calculator. I think anyone defending the morass of ignorance our public school system has become via their rotten corrupt unions, should be arrested for child abuse.
What do you suppose racial set asides are all about?

Buying peace at the expense of merit and innocent victims.
I know plenty of people who have a bullshit degree who make less than people who never went to school.

Seriously a BS in Psych or English Lit isn't going to get you a better paying job than not going to school and working in the trades

They make way less than the trades in fact. I remember when the employees of Powell's Book Store in Portland, Oregon went on strike a few years back. It's gigantic; the biggest book store in the world, selling mostly used books but some new books as well. It's actually a tourist destination for book lovers from all over the world.

The average employee there before the strike held an MA in English, or in literature, or in English literature. That was necessary because of the esoteric knowledge of the art & craft required to deal in the business of books, especially such a huge inventory of books.

There's so many people with MA degrees who want to live in Portland, and so few targeted jobs for such people, they'll take whatever they can get. It took them 6 years to get their MA degrees, then they end up working at Powell's for minimum wage. Powell's was taking advantage of them, to be sure. It's one of the few times I've seen unionization that was legitimate. Though they weren't striking for $100k a years like public employee union goons with a GED. I think they got $15-$16 an hour. That still ain't shit for a city like Portland, but it was twice what they were getting.

I'm not sure if I consider non-degreed programmers tradesmen or professionals. Probably half of each. I do know that I met many such people in Silicon Valley (Palo Alto specifically), who held associate's degrees from community colleges, who were young, who were knocking down major salaries. If a young person was asking my advice on career choice, and if they had some skill in math and a little abstract thinking, that's one of the first places I'd steer them, especially into gaming.
SV is still one of the few places in America that tries to resist the racial set-asides racket. The industry is too competitive and so the thought of bringing on dead wood to gum up the efficiency of the labor force isn't too appealing. Sadly the savages are beating their drums and raising a stink and the fort will soon fall. On the other hand, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch in that this is what SV should expect for being so massively on the side of Democrats. When you sleep with dogs you're going to get bitten by fleas.

Some small to medium size companies in the computer/IT industry bust themselves up into small consulting companies that are independent but still answer to a mother hub. That way they can get around the bullshit blackmail federal forced hiring set-aside laws. They're hard to enforce in California anyway, because affirmative action preferences in university admissions and state hiring were voted out of existence with a referendum that was passed at least 15 years ago. It was financed and lobbied by California's Chinese population, who were sick and tired of the left's race-baiting industry...that didn't include them, or any Asians for that matter.

Very few blacks and Hispanics go into the hard sciences anyway. They migrate en masse into the social sciences. It's impossible to bullshit and affirmative action your way through a PhD degree in computer science, physics, macro engineering, math, software engineering, IT, etc. Whites, Arabs, Iranians, and Asians populate the hard science occupations. And on top of all that, Silicon Valley is one of the most racially/ethnically diverse communities in the world. The thing they all have in common is that they're smart and they work hard, traits of personality considered evil by the left.

Look at what's going on now, the kowtowing about diversity and the self-abasement of senior executives for failing at having diverse workforces and the pledges to improve the situation. Liberal racism is like an acid - it never stops eating away at success and it will punch through any barriers put up in order to bring about mediocrity.

Yes, that's an unfortunate fact of Western culture today. I dabble in high tech start-up stocks. These days many new companies have web sites that devote the first three or four pages to telling readers how wonderfully diverse they are and what social responsibility/corporate donation programs they're involved in. They're so busy with all that faux altruism bullshit, they forget to tell you just exactly what the fuck it is that they do! Any municipal bond traders out there? I've got a really cool new software tool for you. PM me if you're interested in trying 30 days for free. I gain nothing from this...well, almost nothing, so I hope it's not considered spam, Mr/Ms moderator.
Sure you can. Employers used to use IQ tests as a metric to measure suitability for a job but because this discriminated against blacks, IQ tests were made illegal in the hiring process and so employers settled on college credentials as a metric to measure intelligence.

Very few employers make use of your skills in Art History or your knowledge of Racism in Colonial America or other non-market related knowledge.

If I were King I'd do away with college credentialing to get into the job market and bring back IQ tests. Those who need specialized knowledge, like engineers, scientists, physicians, art historians, can go to university and develop their special skills, but you don't need special skills to be a Walmart manager or a product rep. You develop job skills on the job and through specialized courses that your company sends you to.

Imagine the boost to the welfare of young people - they start earning an income at 18, they enter the adult world with adult role models instead of prolonging their adolescence until they are 26 and then enter the job market with no skills and vast amounts of debts that liberals have inflicted upon them. Why? So that the feelings of blacks don't get hurt. Trillions of dollars of needless debt and years of life wasted in order to spare the ego of blacks.

The IQ test will show that a person has the ability to learn any job they are looking to interview for. I have more confidence in the general black population than is given on this thread. And it is not just a portion of the blacks that will have difficulty with IQ tests, it is a portion of the population in general. The microscope always happens to be on blacks, however. Include poor whites and Hispanics and you'll see that it's not just a "black" problem, hence non-discriminatory.

Courts disagree with you. The issue isn't that some people from all racial groups fail to clear the IQ hurdle, it's the blacks have the highest failure rate. Here's an example of this playing out in real life:

Ricci v. DeStefano, 557 U.S. 557 (2009), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court concerning employment practices by New Haven, Connecticut's fire department.[1] Eighteen city firefighters, seventeen of which were white and one was Hispanic, brought suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after they had passed the test for promotions to management positions and the city declined to promote them. New Haven officials invalidated the test results because none of the black firefighters scored high enough to be considered for the positions. City officials stated that they feared a lawsuit over the test's disproportionate exclusion of certain racial groups from promotion under the controversial "disparate impact" theory of liability.​

That doesn't say that test was an IQ test. More than likely, it was a criterion referenced test testing information needed to know for a position of management. To make the situation more fair, the applicants who failed should have had more time to study and given a second chance to test for the position. The basic premise still remains that those promoted to management must know the material tested. Lowering the bar is not the answer. If they failed a second time, they could test again in a year and study like hell the next time. But don't stop testing, make the applicants prepare for the test.
Republicans seem to think so. What kind of jobs are available without college or some "skill"?

College Stats College Completion


And how many of those graduates are from funky tier four or below Bible Colleges?

On one hand you have Republicans complaining that Obama isn't doing enough for jobs, then you have Republicans all across the country cutting education, and Republicans mocking Obama for saying he wanted ALL American to have the chance for an education.

What are they going to do without an education? Remember, this is the reason business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees, to fill jobs Republicans will never be qualified for.
You don't actually need a college degree to get a well paying job. Apprentice programs and vocational training programs often lead to well paying jobs. In fact, someone completing a vocational training program, depending on the field of study, may earn more than a college graduate. I am, however, very pro-education, but academics are not for everyone. I would say that about 50% of our high school graduates are better off not being funneled into college and university programs as they are not academically inclined, but they should do some kind of vocational training.

Why do you guys keep talking about "college degrees"? When Obama talked about education, he made it clear he included Technical Schools, Jr. College and Apprentice Programs. It was actually Rick Santorum who falsely accused Obama of only referring to college and then later, when he was presented with undeniable evidence, he actually apologized.

But it seems, once Right Wingers get an idea in their heads, it's there forever. Even if it's wrong.
What do you suppose racial set asides are all about?

Buying peace at the expense of merit and innocent victims.
I know plenty of people who have a bullshit degree who make less than people who never went to school.

Seriously a BS in Psych or English Lit isn't going to get you a better paying job than not going to school and working in the trades

They make way less than the trades in fact. I remember when the employees of Powell's Book Store in Portland, Oregon went on strike a few years back. It's gigantic; the biggest book store in the world, selling mostly used books but some new books as well. It's actually a tourist destination for book lovers from all over the world.

The average employee there before the strike held an MA in English, or in literature, or in English literature. That was necessary because of the esoteric knowledge of the art & craft required to deal in the business of books, especially such a huge inventory of books.

There's so many people with MA degrees who want to live in Portland, and so few targeted jobs for such people, they'll take whatever they can get. It took them 6 years to get their MA degrees, then they end up working at Powell's for minimum wage. Powell's was taking advantage of them, to be sure. It's one of the few times I've seen unionization that was legitimate. Though they weren't striking for $100k a years like public employee union goons with a GED. I think they got $15-$16 an hour. That still ain't shit for a city like Portland, but it was twice what they were getting.

I'm not sure if I consider non-degreed programmers tradesmen or professionals. Probably half of each. I do know that I met many such people in Silicon Valley (Palo Alto specifically), who held associate's degrees from community colleges, who were young, who were knocking down major salaries. If a young person was asking my advice on career choice, and if they had some skill in math and a little abstract thinking, that's one of the first places I'd steer them, especially into gaming.
SV is still one of the few places in America that tries to resist the racial set-asides racket. The industry is too competitive and so the thought of bringing on dead wood to gum up the efficiency of the labor force isn't too appealing. Sadly the savages are beating their drums and raising a stink and the fort will soon fall. On the other hand, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch in that this is what SV should expect for being so massively on the side of Democrats. When you sleep with dogs you're going to get bitten by fleas.

Some small to medium size companies in the computer/IT industry bust themselves up into small consulting companies that are independent but still answer to a mother hub. That way they can get around the bullshit blackmail federal forced hiring set-aside laws. They're hard to enforce in California anyway, because affirmative action preferences in university admissions and state hiring were voted out of existence with a referendum that was passed at least 15 years ago. It was financed and lobbied by California's Chinese population, who were sick and tired of the left's race-baiting industry...that didn't include them, or any Asians for that matter.

Very few blacks and Hispanics go into the hard sciences anyway. They migrate en masse into the social sciences. It's impossible to bullshit and affirmative action your way through a PhD degree in computer science, physics, macro engineering, math, software engineering, IT, etc. Whites, Arabs, Iranians, and Asians populate the hard science occupations. And on top of all that, Silicon Valley is one of the most racially/ethnically diverse communities in the world. The thing they all have in common is that they're smart and they work hard, traits of personality considered evil by the left.

I work with three mechanical engineers who were from Mexico. One teaches physics on the weekends. Another one works part times creating data base software exclusive to the companies that hire him. The third races cars.

Their wives are a pharmacist and a lawyer.

Then there is an electrical engineer and she's from Mexico and a software engineer and she's from Bolivia.

That's my personal experience.

Then there are stories like this:

Illegal Farm Worker Becomes Brain Surgeon NPR

I don't know what the statistics are about Hispanics, but I know that 90% of the Republican Party is white and the majority believe the earth is 6,000 years old, that vaccines cause autism, and that only 6% of Scientists will admit to being a Republican.

All "true".
What do you suppose racial set asides are all about?

Buying peace at the expense of merit and innocent victims.
I know plenty of people who have a bullshit degree who make less than people who never went to school.

Seriously a BS in Psych or English Lit isn't going to get you a better paying job than not going to school and working in the trades

They make way less than the trades in fact. I remember when the employees of Powell's Book Store in Portland, Oregon went on strike a few years back. It's gigantic; the biggest book store in the world, selling mostly used books but some new books as well. It's actually a tourist destination for book lovers from all over the world.

The average employee there before the strike held an MA in English, or in literature, or in English literature. That was necessary because of the esoteric knowledge of the art & craft required to deal in the business of books, especially such a huge inventory of books.

There's so many people with MA degrees who want to live in Portland, and so few targeted jobs for such people, they'll take whatever they can get. It took them 6 years to get their MA degrees, then they end up working at Powell's for minimum wage. Powell's was taking advantage of them, to be sure. It's one of the few times I've seen unionization that was legitimate. Though they weren't striking for $100k a years like public employee union goons with a GED. I think they got $15-$16 an hour. That still ain't shit for a city like Portland, but it was twice what they were getting.

I'm not sure if I consider non-degreed programmers tradesmen or professionals. Probably half of each. I do know that I met many such people in Silicon Valley (Palo Alto specifically), who held associate's degrees from community colleges, who were young, who were knocking down major salaries. If a young person was asking my advice on career choice, and if they had some skill in math and a little abstract thinking, that's one of the first places I'd steer them, especially into gaming.
SV is still one of the few places in America that tries to resist the racial set-asides racket. The industry is too competitive and so the thought of bringing on dead wood to gum up the efficiency of the labor force isn't too appealing. Sadly the savages are beating their drums and raising a stink and the fort will soon fall. On the other hand, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch in that this is what SV should expect for being so massively on the side of Democrats. When you sleep with dogs you're going to get bitten by fleas.

Some small to medium size companies in the computer/IT industry bust themselves up into small consulting companies that are independent but still answer to a mother hub. That way they can get around the bullshit blackmail federal forced hiring set-aside laws. They're hard to enforce in California anyway, because affirmative action preferences in university admissions and state hiring were voted out of existence with a referendum that was passed at least 15 years ago. It was financed and lobbied by California's Chinese population, who were sick and tired of the left's race-baiting industry...that didn't include them, or any Asians for that matter.

Very few blacks and Hispanics go into the hard sciences anyway. They migrate en masse into the social sciences. It's impossible to bullshit and affirmative action your way through a PhD degree in computer science, physics, macro engineering, math, software engineering, IT, etc. Whites, Arabs, Iranians, and Asians populate the hard science occupations. And on top of all that, Silicon Valley is one of the most racially/ethnically diverse communities in the world. The thing they all have in common is that they're smart and they work hard, traits of personality considered evil by the left.
What a complete idiot this shows you to be. It clearly illustrates your complete lack of complex thinking skills. What you get in hard sciences is a lot of facts and only the few who are able to think outside the box and to think critically and creatively get very far. The rest of you are just functioning by rote memorization, routine and repetition. I know someone who didn’t graduate from high school, worked as an engineer in the Merchant Marines, and went on to do maintenance engineering and make a three figure salary: but he is dumb as a cardboard box and unable to hold an intelligent conversation. The other day I met an engineer who travels all over the world with his work: again, dumb as a box of rocks and unable to hold an intelligent conversation. Hard sciences are one type of thinking requiring one type of intelligence. It is interesting that so many in the hard sciences are so lacking in thorough going intelligence they are unable to fathom any other type of thinking or intelligence beyond their own.

In the so called soft sciences, people learn critical thinking skills, to think outside the box, to think imaginatively, to think creatively, etc. If this world were populated only by people who understood and dealt with the hard sciences, it would be a pitifully poor place to be. As well, your contention that people simply BS their way through a doctorate in any of the disciplines that are considered soft science is completely false. It is not done any more than it is done in the so called hard sciences. In fact, it is much, much easier to cheat in the hard sciences because it mainly calls for memorization; whereas, in the soft sciences, people need to think with originality, creativity, and rely on in-depth abstract thinking skills. Nobody BSs or fakes their way through a PhD in the soft sciences: that is a myth people like you perpetuate because you mistakenly and arrogantly think you are the smarter ones.

I carpool every day with one like that; over and over again I out think her in every type of discussion of abstract thinking. She just doesn’t get things and when she realizes it either pretends this is the first time it’s happened or she does get it, she just didn’t say it right. She truly believes people in the hard sciences are smarter: she is truly incorrect.

In addition, I find it to be very common on this board for those who are right wing and identify as specialists in the hard sciences to be unable or lacking in comprehending satire and irony. Studies show that those who do not get irony are less intelligent. Also, studies show that those who are racist are lower in intelligence and/or education. As you are definitely a racist, that suggests you are not as smart as you think you are.

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

Albert Einstein
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In the so called soft sciences, people learn critical thinking skills, to think outside the box, to think imaginatively, to think creatively, etc.

What a load of manure. There is no METHOD to teach critical thinking skills. People either think critically or they don't and the one's who do learn the fundamentals by living or by being introduced to logic. The brain circuitry is what determines how one thinks - if the circuitry doesn't support that type of thinking, people won't think that way no matter how much you expose them to "critical thinking classes." What they'll learn is logic but the critical thinking comes from finding that mode of thinking pleasing and so they do it.

You can't take a liberal, subject them to such instruction and then expect the liberal to be a critical thinker. What the liberal will do is continue on with his habit of motivated reasoning because he derives pleasure from doing so. You cannot teach him to think critically.
What do you suppose racial set asides are all about?

Buying peace at the expense of merit and innocent victims.
I know plenty of people who have a bullshit degree who make less than people who never went to school.

Seriously a BS in Psych or English Lit isn't going to get you a better paying job than not going to school and working in the trades

They make way less than the trades in fact. I remember when the employees of Powell's Book Store in Portland, Oregon went on strike a few years back. It's gigantic; the biggest book store in the world, selling mostly used books but some new books as well. It's actually a tourist destination for book lovers from all over the world.

The average employee there before the strike held an MA in English, or in literature, or in English literature. That was necessary because of the esoteric knowledge of the art & craft required to deal in the business of books, especially such a huge inventory of books.

There's so many people with MA degrees who want to live in Portland, and so few targeted jobs for such people, they'll take whatever they can get. It took them 6 years to get their MA degrees, then they end up working at Powell's for minimum wage. Powell's was taking advantage of them, to be sure. It's one of the few times I've seen unionization that was legitimate. Though they weren't striking for $100k a years like public employee union goons with a GED. I think they got $15-$16 an hour. That still ain't shit for a city like Portland, but it was twice what they were getting.

I'm not sure if I consider non-degreed programmers tradesmen or professionals. Probably half of each. I do know that I met many such people in Silicon Valley (Palo Alto specifically), who held associate's degrees from community colleges, who were young, who were knocking down major salaries. If a young person was asking my advice on career choice, and if they had some skill in math and a little abstract thinking, that's one of the first places I'd steer them, especially into gaming.
SV is still one of the few places in America that tries to resist the racial set-asides racket. The industry is too competitive and so the thought of bringing on dead wood to gum up the efficiency of the labor force isn't too appealing. Sadly the savages are beating their drums and raising a stink and the fort will soon fall. On the other hand, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch in that this is what SV should expect for being so massively on the side of Democrats. When you sleep with dogs you're going to get bitten by fleas.

Some small to medium size companies in the computer/IT industry bust themselves up into small consulting companies that are independent but still answer to a mother hub. That way they can get around the bullshit blackmail federal forced hiring set-aside laws. They're hard to enforce in California anyway, because affirmative action preferences in university admissions and state hiring were voted out of existence with a referendum that was passed at least 15 years ago. It was financed and lobbied by California's Chinese population, who were sick and tired of the left's race-baiting industry...that didn't include them, or any Asians for that matter.

Very few blacks and Hispanics go into the hard sciences anyway. They migrate en masse into the social sciences. It's impossible to bullshit and affirmative action your way through a PhD degree in computer science, physics, macro engineering, math, software engineering, IT, etc. Whites, Arabs, Iranians, and Asians populate the hard science occupations. And on top of all that, Silicon Valley is one of the most racially/ethnically diverse communities in the world. The thing they all have in common is that they're smart and they work hard, traits of personality considered evil by the left.

I work with three mechanical engineers who were from Mexico. One teaches physics on the weekends. Another one works part times creating data base software exclusive to the companies that hire him. The third races cars.

Their wives are a pharmacist and a lawyer.

Then there is an electrical engineer and she's from Mexico and a software engineer and she's from Bolivia.

That's my personal experience.

Then there are stories like this:

Illegal Farm Worker Becomes Brain Surgeon NPR

I don't know what the statistics are about Hispanics, but I know that 90% of the Republican Party is white and the majority believe the earth is 6,000 years old, that vaccines cause autism, and that only 6% of Scientists will admit to being a Republican.

All "true". sure put me in my place. Not that it's any of you're business you smarmy nit, but my wife happens to be Mexican. So fuck you. And I doubt you speak a cogent sentence of Spanish. I speak it fluently. Grow up.
I don't believe you can in 90 percent of cases. White collar jobs tend to pay more than blue collar jobs. You surely can survive off of a policeman's or garbage man's salary but you are doomed not to ever get ahead even if you save save save. If you have a degree for a position that is in demand, you can use it AGAINST competing employers. Without a degree you don't even find one of these jobs. No degree equals lower starting wages. Why would one do that to oneself? You can work your tail off for 80 hours per week without a degree or you can work 40 hours per week for more pay and better benefits. Don't slip into the blue collar abyss.

If you have any drive at all you turn that blue collar experience into your own company. Then you get to order those so called smart white collar workers around like the little bitches they are.
Republicans seem to think so. What kind of jobs are available without college or some "skill"?

College Stats College Completion


And how many of those graduates are from funky tier four or below Bible Colleges?

On one hand you have Republicans complaining that Obama isn't doing enough for jobs, then you have Republicans all across the country cutting education, and Republicans mocking Obama for saying he wanted ALL American to have the chance for an education.

What are they going to do without an education? Remember, this is the reason business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees, to fill jobs Republicans will never be qualified for.
You don't actually need a college degree to get a well paying job. Apprentice programs and vocational training programs often lead to well paying jobs. In fact, someone completing a vocational training program, depending on the field of study, may earn more than a college graduate. I am, however, very pro-education, but academics are not for everyone. I would say that about 50% of our high school graduates are better off not being funneled into college and university programs as they are not academically inclined, but they should do some kind of vocational training.

Why do you guys keep talking about "college degrees"? When Obama talked about education, he made it clear he included Technical Schools, Jr. College and Apprentice Programs. It was actually Rick Santorum who falsely accused Obama of only referring to college and then later, when he was presented with undeniable evidence, he actually apologized.

But it seems, once Right Wingers get an idea in their heads, it's there forever. Even if it's wrong.

I didnt go to tech school and neither did my wife.
You fucken libs are just flat out lazy and have no work ethic.
I don't believe you can in 90 percent of cases. White collar jobs tend to pay more than blue collar jobs. You surely can survive off of a policeman's or garbage man's salary but you are doomed not to ever get ahead even if you save save save. If you have a degree for a position that is in demand, you can use it AGAINST competing employers. Without a degree you don't even find one of these jobs. No degree equals lower starting wages. Why would one do that to oneself? You can work your tail off for 80 hours per week without a degree or you can work 40 hours per week for more pay and better benefits. Don't slip into the blue collar abyss.

I don't agree. Plumbers can make a lot of money. So can auto mechanics. So can machinists. In fact, there are many jobs that require no degree. How many of those 4 million open jobs need a degree? When Obama said he wanted education for all Americans, he included tech schools and apprenticeships. Republicans tried to misrepresent him because they are racist shitstains and can't help themselves. Like "you didn't build that".

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges.
Republicans seem to think so. What kind of jobs are available without college or some "skill"?

College Stats College Completion


And how many of those graduates are from funky tier four or below Bible Colleges?

On one hand you have Republicans complaining that Obama isn't doing enough for jobs, then you have Republicans all across the country cutting education, and Republicans mocking Obama for saying he wanted ALL American to have the chance for an education.

What are they going to do without an education? Remember, this is the reason business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees, to fill jobs Republicans will never be qualified for.
You don't actually need a college degree to get a well paying job. Apprentice programs and vocational training programs often lead to well paying jobs. In fact, someone completing a vocational training program, depending on the field of study, may earn more than a college graduate. I am, however, very pro-education, but academics are not for everyone. I would say that about 50% of our high school graduates are better off not being funneled into college and university programs as they are not academically inclined, but they should do some kind of vocational training.

Why do you guys keep talking about "college degrees"? When Obama talked about education, he made it clear he included Technical Schools, Jr. College and Apprentice Programs. It was actually Rick Santorum who falsely accused Obama of only referring to college and then later, when he was presented with undeniable evidence, he actually apologized.

But it seems, once Right Wingers get an idea in their heads, it's there forever. Even if it's wrong.

I didnt go to tech school and neither did my wife.
You fucken libs are just flat out lazy and have no work ethic.

Yea, the fact the best schools in the nation are liberal schools and the richest states are Blue and those liberal states are magnets to high tech proves that liberals must be lazy.

So why didn't you guys go to school? Lazy, or didn't have what it takes?
Republicans seem to think so. What kind of jobs are available without college or some "skill"?

College Stats College Completion


And how many of those graduates are from funky tier four or below Bible Colleges?

On one hand you have Republicans complaining that Obama isn't doing enough for jobs, then you have Republicans all across the country cutting education, and Republicans mocking Obama for saying he wanted ALL American to have the chance for an education.

What are they going to do without an education? Remember, this is the reason business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees, to fill jobs Republicans will never be qualified for.
You don't actually need a college degree to get a well paying job. Apprentice programs and vocational training programs often lead to well paying jobs. In fact, someone completing a vocational training program, depending on the field of study, may earn more than a college graduate. I am, however, very pro-education, but academics are not for everyone. I would say that about 50% of our high school graduates are better off not being funneled into college and university programs as they are not academically inclined, but they should do some kind of vocational training.

Why do you guys keep talking about "college degrees"? When Obama talked about education, he made it clear he included Technical Schools, Jr. College and Apprentice Programs. It was actually Rick Santorum who falsely accused Obama of only referring to college and then later, when he was presented with undeniable evidence, he actually apologized.

But it seems, once Right Wingers get an idea in their heads, it's there forever. Even if it's wrong.

I didnt go to tech school and neither did my wife.
You fucken libs are just flat out lazy and have no work ethic.

Yea, the fact the best schools in the nation are liberal schools and the richest states are Blue and those liberal states are magnets to high tech proves that liberals must be lazy.

So why didn't you guys go to school? Lazy, or didn't have what it takes?

Apparently we were correct in our assessment of our earning potential without going to school.
I retired at 46 and the wife will retire at around fifty.
Dont know about you but I think I'd rather have what it takes to be successful without costly college loans. But dont let me talk you out of that underwater basket weaving degree you've been working on so diligently..who knows,it might pay off one day.
There is a lot of baloney being tossed about in this thread.

First, and foremost, MOST of the financially successful people in this country don't have "jobs" in the conventional sense. They run their own businesses. They are farmers, shop owners, contractors, painters, plumbers, consultants, investors, brokers, landscapers, roofers, and so forth. And many very successful people are both (relatively) uneducated and not particularly bright. But they have tenacity and balls, which the rest of us lack - as a general rule. Go to the great vacation destinations of our country (e.g., Hilton Head, Aspen, South Beach), and NONE the people who own those million dollar condo's and yachts got rich by being corporate wage slaves.

Education is greatly overrated as a means of achieving financial success. Most people who are successful in the corporate world (contrary to the belief of most Democrats) are successful because they work their asses off. They are the ones whose cars are still in the parking lot at 8pm and on weekends, and are taking home a briefcase full of work that they couldn't get done in the office. A "good" education will get your foot in the door, and maybe even get you a great starting salary, but if you are a slug, you will usually be found out fairly quickly.

Even in the "learned professions," the successful ones are the ones who are working the 80+-hour weeks that most of us would never be willing to endure (I know I wouldn't). The ones who are working 40 hours are the laggards, not making much more than a mid-level manager at Sears.

College has become, for mediocre white people, nothing more than a "respectable" way of avoiding adulthood for a few more years - hopefully spent in a gleeful stupor of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances. And they wonder why the world doesn't beat a path to their door to exploit their degree in philosophy (or anything containing "studies").

And not to blame Our Beloved President, it's not such a bad thing that we have millions of young adults wasting their time on college campuses: there aren't any jobs for them back home anyway.

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