Can I pass as German?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Kings of Con
In honour of my newly discovered 1/64 german ancestry. And if so in which region. Is there a region where Germans are swarthier then usual?





Head on out to Oktoberfest and get you some Wurst and Krauts. . . .

Hello Svetozar,

Thank you for contacting FTDNA! Just for fun, here is our Public Haplotree tool set to your terminal SNP for Y-DNA and your mtDNA haplogroup.

If I had to guess, I would say that Danube Swabian or one of the other German groups would be the most likely for your matrilineal ancestor. Keep in mind that your mtDNA haplogroup T2b5 references your mother's mother's mother's mother's etc. line. You and your mtDNA — Matches at the HVR1, HVR2, and Coding Region level have a common matrilineal ancestor within the last 24 generations, or 600 years, give or take.

As far as Roma and Sephardic ancestry go, on your Family Finder — myOrigins you have 17% South Central Asia, which makes sense for Roma ancestry from my understanding, and you have a trace percentage < 2% Sephardic. I would wonder if your 11% Iberian (Spanish/Portuguese) and < 2% Sephardic came from the same ancestors. You could do an internet search about it but there were Sephardic Jews who moved to the Balkans after they were kicked out of Spain.

An autosomal DNA test like our Family Finder can match you with descendants of your ancestors from all branches of your family tree, maternal and paternal, in our database going back about 5 generations and gives you the ethnic/regional percentages (going back about 5 generations for any one individual ancestor but further if a significant portion of your ancestry is from that population)

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