Can Christianity be eliminated?

Could Christianity be eliminated with 1,000 and an organized effort?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Blah blah blah. I'm smart.

    Votes: 1 4.8%

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Christianity thrived on slavery and servitude. It did not end the practice. Popes and other christians have been sanctioning slavery till the 20th century.

It was also Christians who began the abolitionist movement and insisted upon an end to slavery here in the United States. It was Christians who broke U.S. law and helped slaves escape to freedom. You see, they didn't point to the slavery references in the Bible. They pointed to, Love one another as I have loved you, and that we are all one in the Body of Christ, and what you do to the least, you have done for me.

some northern baptist churches. It was no a wide spread christian movement.
The abolition of slavery was NOT an atheistic movement. The Bible does not promote the acquisition of slaves by Christians. If anything it does promote the belief that we should treat our brothers and sisters as equals. A slave cannot be equal to his master. The abolitionist movement was speared on by fervent Bible believing Christians. There are not many people willing to walk in the path of Christ. And atheists are among those who care only for themselves, their own opinions, and things that bring notoriety to themselves. The abolitionist movement was not popular among the self-righteous.

>>In several Pauline epistles, and the First Epistle of Peter, slaves are admonished to obey their masters<<
(Ephesians 6:5-8; Colossians 3:22-25; 1 Timothy 6:1; Titus 2:9-10; 1 Peter 2:18)
This is true; however, who were the vast majority of slave masters in Roman times ---- pagans or Christians? And to whom would a slave be a witness to but his fellow slaves and his master...

At the time of the NT being written, the slave owners were mostly pagan, but some jews did have house slaves and had to abide by the laws for treatment of those slaves. It was not the same type of slavery as under roman law.
Any religion can 'die'. Also, it does not need the efforts of others.

All that is needed is for the practitioners to cease seeing its relevance.

There are more 'dead' religions and cults than 'alive' ones. Many of which died long before man discovered writing.

Christianity or Islam surviving another 1000 years? In their current forms they will not.

Come to think about it, did they survive their first 100 years? Changes to the theology changes the religion.
The Reformation of the 15th century and the New Awakening of the eighteenth century worked to return Christianity back to its original biblical roots. And I do believe GOD was responsible for the events that brought this about. I do not believe in coincidence or chance. The gospel message will not change. God came through the Messiah/Christ to die saving whosoever will repent and believe, and arose from the dead that His chosen will have eternal life in new perfect bodies.

Any other opinion is of no Christian value.
Any religion can 'die'. Also, it does not need the efforts of others.

All that is needed is for the practitioners to cease seeing its relevance.

There are more 'dead' religions and cults than 'alive' ones. Many of which died long before man discovered writing.

Christianity or Islam surviving another 1000 years? In their current forms they will not.

Come to think about it, did they survive their first 100 years? Changes to the theology changes the religion.
The Reformation of the 15th century and the New Awakening of the eighteenth century worked to return Christianity back to its original biblical roots. And I do believe GOD was responsible for the events that brought this about. I do not believe in coincidence or chance. The gospel message will not change. God came through the Messiah/Christ to die saving whosoever will repent and believe, and arose from the dead that His chosen will have eternal life in new perfect bodies.

Any other opinion is of no Christian value.
Well my opinion is not the same as yours, and I am a Christian. In my opinion, the Reformation was a great tragedy that led to persecutions and wars between Christians. Even Protestants were persecuting other forms of Protestants. The original settlers of America were Christians fleeing religious persecution of England.
Turn the other cheek doesn't mean let someone do the same to you again. If Christianity would be eliminated I think that would have happened in Roman times.

It did.

What Christians profess to believe would never have been taught or believed by any first century Jew observant or not.
Any religion can 'die'. Also, it does not need the efforts of others.

All that is needed is for the practitioners to cease seeing its relevance.

There are more 'dead' religions and cults than 'alive' ones. Many of which died long before man discovered writing.

Christianity or Islam surviving another 1000 years? In their current forms they will not.

Come to think about it, did they survive their first 100 years? Changes to the theology changes the religion.
The Reformation of the 15th century and the New Awakening of the eighteenth century worked to return Christianity back to its original biblical roots. And I do believe GOD was responsible for the events that brought this about. I do not believe in coincidence or chance. The gospel message will not change. God came through the Messiah/Christ to die saving whosoever will repent and believe, and arose from the dead that His chosen will have eternal life in new perfect bodies.

Any other opinion is of no Christian value.

Before I begin, let us note that we are now talking about CATHOLICISM and not Christianity. I consider Catholicism as one approach, a technique, a set of theological understandings(much of it of high philosophical value) that teaches Christianity. I personally do not consider Catholicism is Christianity itself, but a thought vehicle, a school of philosophy that is unique in itself. The basic tenets of Christianity, or what one call 'true' Christianity, is woefully a lot simpler than Catholicism.

Here, all I need to do is show how Catholicism has changed. But this is away from the topic of 'Has Christianity or Islam survived theological change within the first?' I contend that neither has since the 1st hundred years is the most chaotic in the shaping of theological thought. Most of the realizations and the practices are created in this time.

Now back to Catholicism.

"The Reformation of the 15th century and the New Awakening of the eighteenth century worked to return Christianity back to its original biblical roots."

This leads to the important question:"Did these events return Catholicism to its original theology?" The Catholic church has provided that answer to us most easily. No.

The reason is due to the practices of a number of Doctors of the Church. They are the ones responsible for introducing new theological ideas to the church that were not present in Catholicisms beginning.

Also add in the fact that there were some misunderstandings of the NT that were understood centuries later. These realizations may have led to changes in the theology that was not discarded in the events described, but where preserved. Hence, the church would not practice the original theology but the improved form. The reason is due to ease of understanding previous questions, and the efficiency in teaching new followers. The theology of early Catholicism just lacks the millennium of philosophical thought that any reformed version would have.

In any case, one could argue that the Catholicism, in its many phrases and improvements in theology, is still a true version of Christianity. Christianity itself has very few tenets. Catholicism teaches those basic tenets and then add a lot of its theology to explain much of the nuances that surround it to the follower.

However, Theology of the Reformed Catholicism is not the same as Original Catholicism. Some ideas are kept, some ideas are thrown out due to misunderstanding, and some ideas are not present in the original. They are not the same Catholicism.
Nope.the resurrection ensures everyone, including Christians will live forever.
Tell you what. why don't you start with ISLAM and then come back and tell us how that went. we'll wait
Christianity won't disappear, there are way too many gullible people in the world looking for meaning in their pathetic lives.
The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823,
The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823,
More from Jefferson: “But the greatest of all the reformers of the depraved religion of His own country[Judaism], was Jesus of Nazareth.”

“My views...are the result of a life of inquiry and reflection, and very different from the anti-Christian system imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruptions of Christianity I am, indeed, opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which He wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others.”
Explain what you mean by doctrines? See people throw out words and refuse to explain them in fear they might be outted. In this case the doctrines are borrowed and plagiarized. But go ahead and be specific for us and lets address where those doctrines come from and if they are in line with life or in opposition to it.
Religion will burn itself out more, and never be as prominent as it is today, and that includes Christianity and Islam. But everyone here will be long dead before agnostics and atheists are 40%+ of the US population.

There being less christianity in a country creates its own problems though. Take European nations that are majority atheist/agnostic but are confronted with extremist Muslims as Christianity declines.
I don't think religions will disappear. Some of the present religions will change, there may be new memes introduced. All in all, religions will slowly return back to and focus on their true purpose: teaching people how to be 'Good'.

That is the simple way of putting it. I guess one could say that I am wrong to think Christianity or Islam will be deserted just by what I stated. You could make that claim, if you are willing to accept a religion not only devoid of literalism, but one that turns to a psychological concept of spirit over its metaphysical interpretation.

Considering the high level of metaphysical involvement of Christianity and Islamic thought, I doubt their current forms can survive another millennium.

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