Can blacks govern themselves?


Increasingly jaded.
Oct 27, 2007
It has been interesting to read the comments about Detroit of late. Well, some of the comments. Most of them are uninformed crap, which is not surprising because most posters don't live in Detroit and have no real understanding of the issues the city faces. Even though some of them Google a few articles that support their viewpoint and post them like they've considered it, most don't. Most are just partizan hacks, or racists, or too lazy to bother trying to become informed.

But one of the charges I've seen laid at Detroit's door time and again is that blacks can't govern themselves, a view particularly attached to Detroit after 40 years of having black Mayor after black Mayor. It's an interesting viewpoint and it is hard to argue that when left to their own devices blacks won't fuck it up. There are multiple examples of countries around the world that live in abject poverty because of corruption or mismanagement.

But let's stick with the first world, rather than expanding it to take in the 3rd world, and ask a question about Detroit.

The city now has a white Mayor. It has an emergency manager who works for a white Governor. If the city does begin to turn around (and there are those that would argue the turn has started that it's one helluva big ship) it will conceivably generate the argument that it turned around when whites took control.

So, can blacks govern themselves? Let's not forget here that the blacks in question are Detroiters, many of whom never graduated high school, have never held a job, or are victims of crime. I saw a survey figure the other day that said over 80% of the Detroit teens surveyed knew a family member or friend who had been either wounded, disabled or killed as a result of gun violence in the last year. I have never known anyone in my life to be affected in this manner, let along the last year. I find the statistic staggering.

They also have limited access to the internet, don't or can't read the newspapers, so get all their news either from the TV, or their community peers, or community activists who have an agenda.

Perhaps, given those circumstances, it's easier to understand why in the absence of any reliable information they tend to listen to those who shout loudest and appeal to their basest instincts. It's actually not that different to spending a few hours on this board. Imagine if we all derived our opinions based on what we read here what a fucked up view of the world we would have.

The real fault, in my opinion, lies with those in the black community who style themselves as "leaders". The black community needs heroes, men and women who are well educated, thoughtful, not averse to discussion and compromise where needed. People who will make decisions based on what it right, rather than what is popular.

And of course these same leaders need to present a united front towards those among them whose actions bring the black community into disrepute, like Kwame Kilpatrick.

The black community has too few such individuals. They do exist, but the baby steps of progress never generate much attention from the media, and therefore are never held up on this board as examples of blacks who do it right. It's far easier to find a story about gang bangers, or corrupt officials, or political cronyism. And so the view is reinforced year after year, leaving the question unaddressed.

Can blacks govern themselves? Yes. Will they ever? That is perhaps the bigger question.
Just watch 1 episode of 'Hardcore Pawn' which is filmed in Detroit and your question will be answered. . :cool:

[ame=]Hardcore Pawn Best Meltdowns - YouTube[/ame]
Detroit is an unusual situation, I don't think it's fair to place an emphasis on race. Imagine Taylor or Walled Lake with a government that is just as corrupt as Detroit's has been, believe it when I say we'd be asking if white trash can govern themselves.

Detroit was the perfect storm of willfully corrupt and in some cases naïve leadership, the one guy who could inject race into the matter effectively, Mayor Young, showed up at the absolute worst time right after the whole STRESS dustup, and blacks who might have eventually changed things in the city chose to move to the suburbs instead and once they did the corruption went unchecked. Palmer Park seems to run alright in spite of being surrounded by horrible neighborhoods.
We can govern ourselves just fine. Look at Ancient Egypt before Rome invaded. Look at the Zulus before the British invaded. It's only when the white man interferes that problems arise.
Why should blacks take responsibility for anything.

When they can blame all of their problems on the white man. . :cuckoo: :lol:
We can govern ourselves just fine. Look at Ancient Egypt before Rome invaded. Look at the Zulus before the British invaded. It's only when the white man interferes that problems arise.
Why should blacks take responsibility for anything.

When they can blame all of their problems on the white man. . :cuckoo: :lol:

Well, you'd know all about apportioning blame Sunni. One day you'll wake up and smell what you're shoveling. Actually, probably not.
We can govern ourselves just fine. Look at Ancient Egypt before Rome invaded. Look at the Zulus before the British invaded. It's only when the white man interferes that problems arise.

Ancient Egypt? You can't be serious, there were no Sub- Sahran Africans present in those times. Also, why are a disproportionate number of Black politicians embroiled in corruption? Name one Black run country that is successful. With all do respect, I believe you're basing your opinion on a foundation of misinformation and sheer fantasy.
Without YT the black race would be living in mud huts eating tree bark and drinking from the same puddle they use as a toilet.
Of course the black man can govern. Look at Obama, Eric Holder, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis farakhan, Eldridge Cleaver. You just have to get whitey out of the way so the right decisions can be made. What a stupid question. Look at South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Uganda for success stories of black rule.
Hmmmmm, awful lotta brand new members coming out to this thread to give their input on the black man. Interesting.
Of course the black man can govern. Look at Obama, Eric Holder, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis farakhan, Eldridge Cleaver. You just have to get whitey out of the way so the right decisions can be made. What a stupid question. Look at South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Uganda for success stories of black rule.

Oh my. Riddle me this: When early explorers first entered the 'Dark Continent' they found the natives had no written language, had failed to invent the wheel and hadn't domesticated a single animal or cultivated any crops. They hunted with sharpened sticks because they hadn't utilized metals.
Sorry, the nations [and people] you mentioned are abject failures. I've heard all the claims of ancient knowledge, wisdom and special powers [the people could fly]. So tell me, what happened to these 'magical powers' in the interim?
Of course the black man can govern. Look at Obama, Eric Holder, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis farakhan, Eldridge Cleaver. You just have to get whitey out of the way so the right decisions can be made. What a stupid question. Look at South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Uganda for success stories of black rule.

Oh my. Riddle me this: When early explorers first entered the 'Dark Continent' they found the natives had no written language, had failed to invent the wheel and hadn't domesticated a single animal or cultivated any crops. They hunted with sharpened sticks because they hadn't utilized metals.
Sorry, the nations [and people] you mentioned are abject failures. I've heard all the claims of ancient knowledge, wisdom and special powers [the people could fly]. So tell me, what happened to these 'magical powers' in the interim?

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You don't have to look any further than black run cities here, forget whole countries. They can't run a roadside barbecue stand.
[MENTION=27941]percysunshine[/MENTION] I'm new here, so I was hoping it was an ironic statement, but one never knows these days.
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If blacks are so bad, why are there so many black entertainers on TV and in the movies? Why are blacks in so many commercials? Why are blacks taking over professional sports? Why are more blacks becoming doctors and lawyers and police chiefs and university presidents? Why are you seeing more beautiful white women with successful black men?

You guys need to wake up and look around.
I don't hate black people any more than I hate roaches or fire ants. Makes no sense to hate any of them but you better know and understand them.
If blacks are so bad, why are there so many black entertainers on TV and in the movies? Why are blacks in so many commercials? Why are blacks taking over professional sports? Why are more blacks becoming doctors and lawyers and police chiefs and university presidents? Why are you seeing more beautiful white women with successful black men?

You guys need to wake up and look around.

Blacks are entertainers because they are clowns. Blacks take over sports because they were bred to survive the wilds of Africa. They become police chiefs because mayors fear losing the votes of infested sections of their cities. They are becoming doctors through affirmative action. Finally it is not only beautiful mentally ill white women they are mating but also the buck tooth crack whore white women that are into bestiality.

And other black men. They are all on the down low.

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