Can anyone predict the next false narrative pushed by Tapper and Lemon?

What will be the hype this week now that the russian thing was a proven lie and Gorsuch got in.

  • It's been a while since the global warming commies shrilled. That may be the next hype of the week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Racism Racism Racism Racism. Something about Racism.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • People with a penis and testees not knowing if they are a man cause they don't feel like one?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • People with ovaries and mamaries not if they are a woman cause they don't feel like one?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trump is a war monger for enforcing obama's red line policy?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Lets us try to figure it out. The funny thing about those particular homosexuals is they are the best types of media morons. They are the types that actually believe the bullshit they say.
what would you like them to cover? how evolution is a lie? and trump is jesus incarnate?
When was the Russian thing proved a lie....
Facts please
Not Kellyanne Conjob alternative facts please...
When was the Russian thing proved a lie....
Facts please
Not Kellyanne Conjob alternative facts please...
Then there are complete fucking morons like you and the fucking morons that are amused by pathetic piles of shit like you.

When was the Russian thing proved a lie....
Facts please
Not Kellyanne Conjob alternative facts please...
The DNC and the LIB media have been desperately looking for the tinest shred of 'collusion' between Trump and Russia.
Be 00% positively assured IF there was ANYTHING to he bullshit lie it would have been 'leaked' months ago.
There's nothing there and the stupid LIBs ended up exposing the corrupt Obama White house.You all think the Rice corruption is big news?
It's only the tip of the iceberg.
The REAL bombshells are about to go off it the LIB MSM's face.
One name to remember: Ben Rhodes.
His fingerprints are ALL over what will be the biggest political scandal in US history.
The next time Obama will be in the US is when he's sitting in front of Trey Gowdy.
Until then Obama is literally in hiding. Too shit scared to contact anyone who was in his administration.
Lets us try to figure it out. The funny thing about those particular homosexuals is they are the best types of media morons. They are the types that actually believe the bullshit they say.

no, nutter butter. what's the next lie that donald's going to tell that you imbeciles actually believe. :rofl:
When was the Russian thing proved a lie....
Facts please
Not Kellyanne Conjob alternative facts please...
The DNC and the LIB media have been desperately looking for the tinest shred of 'collusion' between Trump and Russia.
Be 00% positively assured IF there was ANYTHING to he bullshit lie it would have been 'leaked' months ago.
There's nothing there and the stupid LIBs ended up exposing the corrupt Obama White house.You all think the Rice corruption is big news?
It's only the tip of the iceberg.
The REAL bombshells are about to go off it the LIB MSM's face.
One name to remember: Ben Rhodes.
His fingerprints are ALL over what will be the biggest political scandal in US history.
The next time Obama will be in the US is when he's sitting in front of Trey Gowdy.
Until then Obama is literally in hiding. Too shit scared to contact anyone who was in his administration.

The same Trey Gowdy who went after Hillary for years and never laid a glove on her?
That guy....

penguin gotham.jpg
When was the Russian thing proved a lie....
Facts please
Not Kellyanne Conjob alternative facts please...
The DNC and the LIB media have been desperately looking for the tinest shred of 'collusion' between Trump and Russia.
Be 00% positively assured IF there was ANYTHING to he bullshit lie it would have been 'leaked' months ago.
There's nothing there and the stupid LIBs ended up exposing the corrupt Obama White house.You all think the Rice corruption is big news?
It's only the tip of the iceberg.
The REAL bombshells are about to go off it the LIB MSM's face.
One name to remember: Ben Rhodes.
His fingerprints are ALL over what will be the biggest political scandal in US history.
The next time Obama will be in the US is when he's sitting in front of Trey Gowdy.
Until then Obama is literally in hiding. Too shit scared to contact anyone who was in his administration.

The same Trey Gowdy who went after Hillary for years and never laid a glove on her?
That guy....

View attachment 120914
Yeah, cause people who plea the 5th are always innocent. You know what I think? I think you are stupid.

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