Can anyone list the actual ways things are soooo bad for this country under Trump?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.

There are SOME things that Trump has done that I am not thrilled with but for the most part,he has been 1OO times an improvement over Obozo or the previous asshole before him,Bushwacker.that cannot be debated.:abgg2q.jpg: Obozo lied and continued all of Bushs policys and expanded them where Trump is REVERSING them.
Our president has no character and is completely dishonest. He stabs his people in the back regularly, firing them via Twitter as he did with his first chief of staff.

When you’re commander in chief is dishonest, has no honor, and is frankly a coward; what does that say to the officers in the Army or Marines? Must they be honorable if their commander is not? Must they go to the wall for their troops when their commander certainly does not?

Economically, he has slapped trade tariffs on our allies for zero reason.

We still have over 10,000 kids who are kept in detainment camps along the border despite the insistence that the policy has not changed.

We’re ebbing toward recession and our President wants to spend billions on a wall that statistics show will not stop illegal immigration; not that illegal immigration is a huge problem to start with!

Just some of the ways that the blob is hurting the nation.

And oh yeah, competence and stability in a President do matter.
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
The damage he's done to our country's reputation abroad may not be evident for years after he's gone. That's why most of the delicate stuff is left to career diplomats, not puerile 3 a.m. tweets.
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
Well for one thing, the bastard is a pathological liar, he lies about everything, constantly and non-stop
  • He's spoiling the relationship w/our alleys
  • He's immoral
  • He's flouting norms
  • He doesn't know his head from his ass
  • He's criminal
  • Filling his cabinet w/incompetence (hiring the people who said they want to destroy the departments to be in-charge of them)
  • He's filtering money from his position into his personal accounts (we'll discover more on this as time goes on)
I mean, you people wanted to impeach Obama just for making the mistake of saying that you can keep your doctor.
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I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
The damage he's done to our country's reputation abroad may not be evident for years after he's gone. That's why most of the delicate stuff is left to career diplomats, not puerile 3 a.m. tweets.

compared to the destruction his previous predessors,the two presidents left us before him,the damage will be pretty minimal the fact he has been left to clean up THEIR mess which he is doing.:2up::abgg2q.jpg:
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.

You mean other than us having an intelectually under-developed criminal as the President of the United States of America?

Well we have national debt spiriling out of control ($1T deficit in good times!), tarriff wars heating up, stock market down for the year and unyelding degradation of public institutions.

Nothing immediately critical, but lets go over some basics: America is NEVER going to be doing bad because of any single person, even a POTUS. This is not some third world Bannana Republic or an autocratic regime with democratic pretense like Russia. We have a checked and balanced system with a huge economy that operates mostly isolated from the daily political circus.
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I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
Well for one thing,
  • the bastard is a pathological liar, he lies about everything, constantly and non-stop
  • He's spoiling the relationship w/our alleys
  • He's immoral
  • He's flouting norms
  • He doesn't know his head from his ass
  • He's criminal
  • Filling his cabinet w/incompetence (hiring the people who said they want to destroy the departments to be in-charge of them)
  • He's filtering money from his position into his personal accounts (we'll discover more on this as time goes on)
I mean, you people wanted to impeach Obama for making the mistake of saying that you can keep your doctor.

You are mistaking Trump for Obama and Clinton.

And the only problem with our ALLEYS is the number of filthy homeless people put there by Prog policies.

Just sayin'.
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
The damage he's done to our country's reputation abroad may not be evident for years after he's gone. That's why most of the delicate stuff is left to career diplomats, not puerile 3 a.m. tweets.

compared to the destruction his previous predessors

Behold the destruction:


I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
The damage he's done to our country's reputation abroad may not be evident for years after he's gone. That's why most of the delicate stuff is left to career diplomats, not puerile 3 a.m. tweets.

compared to the destruction his previous predessors

Behold the destruction:



You are sorely mistaken if you think that the stock prices of the 30 biggest corporate crony companies in the U.S. are indicative of a healthy economy.

And the UE needs to be looked at in context of the Labor Force Participation Rate. Obabble's mediocre "recovery" was a complete failure compared to the real recover under Reagan:

RvO final.jpeg
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.

You mean other than us having an intelectually under-developed criminal as the President of the United States of America?

Well we have debt spiriling out of control, tarriff wars heating up, stock market down for the year and unyelding degradation of public institutions.

Nothing imedeately critical, but let me explain to you some basics: America is NEVER going to be doing bad because of any single person, even a POTUS. This is not some third world Bannana Republic or an autocratic regime with democratic pretense like in Russia. We have a checked and balanced system with a huge economy that operates mostly isolated from the daily political circus.
Who beat a crooked loud mouthed bitch who stole the primary election from Bernie Sanders, who owns three $600,000 houses. Ah yep, the insanity of the left knows, no bounds.
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
Well for one thing, the bastard is a pathological liar, he lies about everything, constantly and non-stop
  • He's spoiling the relationship w/our alleys
  • He's immoral
  • He's flouting norms
  • He doesn't know his head from his ass
  • He's criminal
  • Filling his cabinet w/incompetence (hiring the people who said they want to destroy the departments to be in-charge of them)
  • He's filtering money from his position into his personal accounts (we'll discover more on this as time goes on)
I mean, you people wanted to impeach Obama for making the mistake of saying that you can keep your doctor.
I know you is all iignorance, buts can you tells me in wit ways yo life been baaaad?

Id daaat ebonics? Id dat a yeeeuuh, o naaaaah?
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.

You mean other than us having an intelectually under-developed criminal as the President of the United States of America?

Well we have debt spiriling out of control, tarriff wars heating up, stock market down for the year and unyelding degradation of public institutions.

Nothing imedeately critical, but let me explain to you some basics: America is NEVER going to be doing bad because of any single person, even a POTUS. This is not some third world Bannana Republic or an autocratic regime with democratic pretense like in Russia. We have a checked and balanced system with a huge economy that operates mostly isolated from the daily political circus.
Who beat a crooked loud mouthed bitch

Stormy did, with a rolled up magazine.
I will be waiting for that list and specific ways that this country is doing so bad with Trump as president.
The damage he's done to our country's reputation abroad may not be evident for years after he's gone. That's why most of the delicate stuff is left to career diplomats, not puerile 3 a.m. tweets.

compared to the destruction his previous predessors

Behold the destruction:


FREE MONEY from QE forever, only 1 rate hike by Janet Yellow who knew that if any more would happen the market would of been worse than what Obama inherited, now after several rage hikes and that free money disappearing, of course the market is going to go down. But liberals are such stupid people, not to understand this. They just keep on being retarded welfare queens.

How to plan for next round of Fed interest rate hikes
If the Fed raises rates as expected Wednesday, the overnight borrowing cost will be in line with the Fed's inflation target of 2%. For the first time in almost a decade, the cost of borrowing will no longer be essentially free. Say good-bye to super-cheap cash.
If the economy keeps doing well, some expect two or three more rate hikes in 2019, too.
Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote Democrat.


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