CDZ Can anyone explain why racism against white is politically correct in US?

We all sure were getting along better before the Magic Kenyan cheated his way into the white house.....what a shame that one party in America needs to divide in order to win...
Explain how that happened Spruce.
Just a question.

Would it be racist to start a college scholarship fund and call it:
"White College Fund"?
"Jewish College fund"?
"Hispanic College Fund"?
"Negro College Fund"?
"Women's College Fund"?
"Men's College Fund"?

Why, or why not? If it is because it excludes demographics, would it not then be the same across the board? Are there different rules based on the color of your skin, or what gender you are?
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.

There is no racism against whites. Whites still control the system in the US that discriminates against people of color.
We all sure were getting along better before the Magic Kenyan cheated his way into the white house.....what a shame that one party in America needs to divide in order to win...
Not true. We never got along. You just got mad when a Black man became POTUS and we recognized you for being the enemy because your red face gave you away.
Just a question.

Would it be racist to start a college scholarship fund and call it:
"White College Fund"?
"Jewish College fund"?
"Hispanic College Fund"?
"Negro College Fund"?
"Women's College Fund"?
"Men's College Fund"?

Why, or why not? If it is because it excludes demographics, would it not then be the same across the board? Are there different rules based on the color of your skin, or what gender you are?
You do realize they have scholarships for white people with titles like Polish scholarship fund right? You realize a white person can get a scholarship from UNCF?

The Polish Scholarship Fund -
The context is different when a member of the dominant race says something about the minority race, than when it happens the other way around.
Context may be taken into account, perhaps. At the same time, the type of speech can hardly be condemned in one place when it is practiced freely in another.
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.


Isn't it great how you can find anything you want on Googly Images and don't have to prove it's real?

Ah, well, it's because you and your ilk have lowered the standards to nothing that it gets to stand as proof, thanks to 'progressives', you know, like fake rape charges based on nothing, etc.

Congratulations on your new standards of evidence in the media these days. We know you're all very very proud.
Can anyone explain why racism against white is politically correct in US?
I don’t think that’s accurate but fortunately it won’t be an issue in 100 years or so.

Yes, by then it will be mostly Asians and Indians, who won't give a shit about the sniveling and violent racism, and the Aztlan types and Black Lives Matter thugs will be rubbed out without a second thought or concern long before then; they're the fastest growing demographic, and they don't think much of fake 'minorities'.

Congratulations. lol lol lol
Racism against whites is not a myth. It's an agenda, like everything else left wingers run around parroting. These clowns aren't capable of thinking this stuff up on their own.
Racism against whites is not a myth. It's an agenda, like everything else left wingers run around parroting. These clowns aren't capable of thinking this stuff up on their own.
proof? links? studies? research? documented empirical data?

All kinds of evidence for it. Try Google. It was an agenda set in motion by Communists in unis like Harvard, particularly in the 'Journalism' and History depts. for starters.
All kinds of evidence for it. Try Google. It was an agenda set in motion by Communists in unis like Harvard, particularly in the 'Journalism' and History depts. for starters.
The burden of proof falls upon the person making a claim. You made a claim but can't back it up with fact.

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All kinds of evidence for it. Try Google. It was an agenda set in motion by Communists in unis like Harvard, particularly in the 'Journalism' and History depts. for starters.
The burden of proof falls upon the person making a claim. You made a claim but can't back it up with fact.


Ah well, for one I can't post links yet, too new, and for two, I don't see you posting anything in rebuttal of what I've said, so take your own advice and back yours up. You seem to think everybody else is supposed to do your homework for you or something.
Ah well, for one I can't post links yet, too new, and for two, I don't see you posting anything in rebuttal of what I've said, so take your own advice and back yours up. You seem to think everybody else is supposed to do your homework for you or something.
Oh no, it's the dreaded "I can't post links here." excuse. Try posting a URL.....I know you can do that. That said, you obviously have no proof. The fact that there have been no rebuttals is NOT proof. What you are attempting to do is shifting the burden of proof.

One way in which one would attempt to shift the burden of proof is by committing a logical fallacy known as the argument from ignorance. It occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proved false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proved true.
The philosophy appears to be, "too bad, payback's a bitch".

Okay. As long as we're not pretending that we're actually trying to heal racial wounds.

Again, healing racial wounds would mean a justice system that treats black folks the same as white folks.

you know, instead of this.



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And I would disagree if people say white is "dominant" race. If racism against a group is fine while racism against another group is not, then they're not dominant. They're oppressed.

Except that no one is oppressed because they say bad stuff about them on twitter. Particularly if it is true. White people who voted for Trump really are pretty stupid.
The philosophy appears to be, "too bad, payback's a bitch".

Okay. As long as we're not pretending that we're actually trying to heal racial wounds.

Again, healing racial wounds would mean a justice system that treats black folks the same as white folks.

you know, instead of this.


So they were both tried in the same court with the same judge? And what were their previous records? Guess that doesn't matter to to left wingers.
So they were both tried in the same court with the same judge? And what were their previous records? Guess that doesn't matter to to left wingers.

Well, no, actually, they committed the same crime, they had sex with an unconscious woman.

The white guy got a slap on the wrist.

The Black guy got a harsh sentence and will probably never have a normal life.

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