Can anyone explain to me

The corporations who own government want the country to worry more about school lunch programs than the subsidy, bailout, monopoly, and off-shore system which robs a large group of taxpayers on behalf of small group of shareholders. They produce factoids like this on a daily basis. Ronald Reagan's family was saved by a government work program during the depression. FDR didn't see it as a handout, but an investment in human capital. He thought the country was stronger if men like Ronald Reagan were not crushed by poverty. He thought there was immense value and excellence stored in the American people - at all levels. What did Reagan do with the support he got from this country? He taught a generation of people to see the poor as scammers and welfare queens, and government as the grand enabler, creator of the perverse incentive. He did this in order to lower the tax burden on his backers.
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So then we can agree to not count children attending school when determining SNAP benefits, since the poor are all shitty parents and never use those benefits to feed the children anyway?

Well sure, if we don't want them to have dinner or eat on the weekends, or holidays, or snow days or the summer.
So SNAP does work? People do use SNAP benefits to feed their kids? Then why do we need this program?

Please make up your mind and stick with one story.

What kind of lunch do you think a parent can offer when they are trying to feed 4 people 3 meals on 12 dollars a day?

Isn't that what SNAP is for?
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

To buy votes

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?


If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

To spend more money.

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

They don't. And They can. But there are politicians who want to consolidate power into one place rather than actually effectively fix problems and help the community.

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

We don't. We need the Fed involved in a lot less.
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So then we can agree to not count children attending school when determining SNAP benefits, since the poor are all shitty parents and never use those benefits to feed the children anyway?

Well sure, if we don't want them to have dinner or eat on the weekends, or holidays, or snow days or the summer.
So SNAP does work? People do use SNAP benefits to feed their kids? Then why do we need this program?

Please make up your mind and stick with one story.

What kind of lunch do you think a parent can offer when they are trying to feed 4 people 3 meals on 12 dollars a day?

Isn't that what SNAP is for?

That is what SNAP offers. 12 dollars a day to feed four people three meals. Living mighty high off the hog, those SNAP recipients.
So then we can agree to not count children attending school when determining SNAP benefits, since the poor are all shitty parents and never use those benefits to feed the children anyway?
Looking at the web site, I think they might actually adjust benefits for children attending school.
FNS SNAP Program Eligibility Screening Tool

So they reduce benefits because of this program then claim the reduced benefits necessitate the program?

Well sure, if we don't want them to have dinner or eat on the weekends, or holidays, or snow days or the summer.
So SNAP does work? People do use SNAP benefits to feed their kids? Then why do we need this program?

Please make up your mind and stick with one story.

What kind of lunch do you think a parent can offer when they are trying to feed 4 people 3 meals on 12 dollars a day?
Isn't that what SNAP is for?

That is what SNAP offers. 12 dollars a day to feed four people three meals. Living mighty high off the hog, those SNAP recipients.

Can I point out the obvious to you?

The USDA artificially props up food prices by agreeing to buy farm produce at inflated for the school lunch program and its various food for the poor programs. Then we have WIC and food stamps, both of which artificially increase prices. If you are actually concerned about the price of food, and how poor people are unable to afford it, maybe you should get the government out of driving the prices up.
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?

If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

Because the states proved they were incapable of administering programs in even a half azzed equitable manner.
So SNAP does work? People do use SNAP benefits to feed their kids? Then why do we need this program?

Please make up your mind and stick with one story.

Isn't that what SNAP is for?

That is what SNAP offers. 12 dollars a day to feed four people three meals. Living mighty high off the hog, those SNAP recipients.

Can I point out the obvious to you?

The USDA artificially props up food prices by agreeing to buy farm produce at inflated for the school lunch program and its various food for the poor programs. Then we have WIC and food stamps, both of which artificially increase prices. If you are actually concerned about the price of food, and how poor people are unable to afford it, maybe you should get the government out of driving the prices up.
Most of the support the USDA provides to schools in the National School Lunch Program comes in the
form of a cash reimbursement for each meal served.
Entitlement Foods are limited to .20/lunch. If you're trying to blame the rise in food prices on the National School Lunch Program, you’re barking up the wrong tree. The entire program including administrative expenses is 9.8 billion. Americans spend almost a trillion dollars on food each year. The program uses less than 1% of our groceries and that usage is relatively stable from year to year so it could not possibly be factor of any significance in the rise of food prices.

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