Campuses shouldn’t breed contempt


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Of course, the left doesn't have any issue with colleges being liberal indoctrination centers. Life skills are no longer the main focus. Students are taught to hate or even fear conservatives. They created safe spaces so students can avoid hearing any views that contradict what the professors preach. They offer therapy for those upset when a conservative speaker actually manages to get booked. Of course, the students protest any time someone with a differing view dares to visit. College professors are more open each year when it comes to their radical views.

Over the last few years, we've heard some pretty incredible and scary things uttered by college professors.

-Children belong to the state, not the parents, and the state should take the lead in molding them.

-They preach that whites are born racist and must spend their entire lives making amends.

-They allow students to skip tests so they may join in protests against Republicans.

-They treat any conservative view as hate speech. Graffiti supporting liberal views is considered art while Trump's name on a sidewalk was investigated as a hate crime.

-Several professors have been caught lying about being unfairly profiled and mistreated by police. Dash cams proved them to be liars.

-They created courses in white privilege and other mythical theories.

-They treat students like victims if the students were "exposed" to conservative views or the sight of a Confederate flag.

-One professor decided to let students choose which grade they feel they deserve. If they didn't agree with a grade, they simply had to tell him what grade they wanted and it was changed without question.

Of course, the indoctrination is starting earlier each year. Now the left is telling kindergarten students that they might not be boys or girls. They have 26 genders to choose from. They teach children to fear guns and want them to believe that gun owners, even their own parents, are dangerous and crazy. Socialism is taught in every class. They teach that Republicans are evil and that anyone who has more than others is greedy. They've stopped teaching cursive writing. Not all students are expected to learn English and now they are saying math is racist. Yes, liberal teachers claim that blacks just aren't as smart and that making them learn algebra is unfair. Colleges want to drop the math requirement.

They are slowly dumbing people down and focusing on creating a generation of insecure snowflakes who desire big government to care for them cradle to grave.

Combine the obvious indoctrination attempts with the increasing cost and it's no wonder some colleges are feeling the pinch of reduced enrollment.

"For a group of people seemingly obsessed about categories and invidious stereotypes, far too many professors traffic in the worst kinds of stereotypes about their critics. There are many North Carolina Republicans and conservatives who possess and value college degrees, cherish higher learning, and have proudly acquired and applied graduate training to successful careers in business, law, medicine, science, and education. While there have recently been some shifts in partisan allegiances among voters with varying levels of education, the gaps aren’t wide. According to the 2016 exit polls, for example, half of North Carolina voters had college degrees. They split their votes for president between Hillary Clinton (49 percent) and Donald Trump (48 percent). Even 44 percent of North Carolinians with graduate degrees picked Trump.
Being Republican or conservative, in other words, does not inherently breed a lack of respect for higher education as an institution. So what does?

When parents, donors, and taxpayers see conservative speakers on campus shouted down or assaulted, they worry. When they see public universities used as platforms for progressive political activism rather than legitimate educational or research activities, they seethe. When they compare the rising cost of college degrees against the value, either in the job market or in the intrinsic worth of what their children have learned, they recoil. When they see professors deny the legitimate authority of Republican lawmakers and duly appointed boards to provide governance to state agencies, they fume.

The message many Republicans and conservatives perceive from higher education sounds something like this: “Give us your children. Give us your money. Then, shut up.”

The answer is no."

Campuses shouldn’t breed contempt
It's alright, Clammy, you're in no danger of being brainwashed by these evil cesspools, and (unless you adopt), your children are unlikely to be subject to their depredations, either.
It's alright, Clammy, you're in no danger of being brainwashed by these evil cesspools, and (unless you adopt), your children are unlikely to be subject to their depredations, either.

I am very worried about future grandchildren entering the school system. The schools want them to question their gender and they teach youngsters to fear or hate anything the left is against. It is getting ridiculous. No more hard math, no cursive writing, no English language and when you get to college you can choose your own grade.

Of course, those who are already indoctrinated or convinced themselves that they are an entitled victim see nothing wrong with everyone else thinking the same way.
It's alright, Clammy, you're in no danger of being brainwashed by these evil cesspools, and (unless you adopt), your children are unlikely to be subject to their depredations, either.

I am very worried about future grandchildren entering the school system. The schools want them to question their gender and they teach youngsters to fear or hate anything the left is against. It is getting ridiculous. No more hard math, no cursive writing, no English language and when you get to college you can choose your own grade.

Of course, those who are already indoctrinated or convinced themselves that they are an entitled victim see nothing wrong with everyone else thinking the same way.

Keep your grandchildren out of liberal-dominated states and you will have no problems. All of that crap you posted about doesn't happen nationwide, but in a few fringe school systems.
It's alright, Clammy, you're in no danger of being brainwashed by these evil cesspools, and (unless you adopt), your children are unlikely to be subject to their depredations, either.

I am very worried about future grandchildren entering the school system. The schools want them to question their gender and they teach youngsters to fear or hate anything the left is against. It is getting ridiculous. No more hard math, no cursive writing, no English language .....

Where? (no cursive? who the hell cares about cursive?)
Of course, the left doesn't have any issue with colleges being liberal indoctrination centers. Life skills are no longer the main focus. Students are taught to hate or even fear conservatives. They created safe spaces so students can avoid hearing any views that contradict what the professors preach. They offer therapy for those upset when a conservative speaker actually manages to get booked. Of course, the students protest any time someone with a differing view dares to visit. College professors are more open each year when it comes to their radical views.

Over the last few years, we've heard some pretty incredible and scary things uttered by college professors.

-Children belong to the state, not the parents, and the state should take the lead in molding them.

-They preach that whites are born racist and must spend their entire lives making amends.

-They allow students to skip tests so they may join in protests against Republicans.

-They treat any conservative view as hate speech. Graffiti supporting liberal views is considered art while Trump's name on a sidewalk was investigated as a hate crime.

-Several professors have been caught lying about being unfairly profiled and mistreated by police. Dash cams proved them to be liars.

-They created courses in white privilege and other mythical theories.

-They treat students like victims if the students were "exposed" to conservative views or the sight of a Confederate flag.

-One professor decided to let students choose which grade they feel they deserve. If they didn't agree with a grade, they simply had to tell him what grade they wanted and it was changed without question.

Of course, the indoctrination is starting earlier each year. Now the left is telling kindergarten students that they might not be boys or girls. They have 26 genders to choose from. They teach children to fear guns and want them to believe that gun owners, even their own parents, are dangerous and crazy. Socialism is taught in every class. They teach that Republicans are evil and that anyone who has more than others is greedy. They've stopped teaching cursive writing. Not all students are expected to learn English and now they are saying math is racist. Yes, liberal teachers claim that blacks just aren't as smart and that making them learn algebra is unfair. Colleges want to drop the math requirement.

They are slowly dumbing people down and focusing on creating a generation of insecure snowflakes who desire big government to care for them cradle to grave.

Combine the obvious indoctrination attempts with the increasing cost and it's no wonder some colleges are feeling the pinch of reduced enrollment.

"For a group of people seemingly obsessed about categories and invidious stereotypes, far too many professors traffic in the worst kinds of stereotypes about their critics. There are many North Carolina Republicans and conservatives who possess and value college degrees, cherish higher learning, and have proudly acquired and applied graduate training to successful careers in business, law, medicine, science, and education. While there have recently been some shifts in partisan allegiances among voters with varying levels of education, the gaps aren’t wide. According to the 2016 exit polls, for example, half of North Carolina voters had college degrees. They split their votes for president between Hillary Clinton (49 percent) and Donald Trump (48 percent). Even 44 percent of North Carolinians with graduate degrees picked Trump.
Being Republican or conservative, in other words, does not inherently breed a lack of respect for higher education as an institution. So what does?

When parents, donors, and taxpayers see conservative speakers on campus shouted down or assaulted, they worry. When they see public universities used as platforms for progressive political activism rather than legitimate educational or research activities, they seethe. When they compare the rising cost of college degrees against the value, either in the job market or in the intrinsic worth of what their children have learned, they recoil. When they see professors deny the legitimate authority of Republican lawmakers and duly appointed boards to provide governance to state agencies, they fume.

The message many Republicans and conservatives perceive from higher education sounds something like this: “Give us your children. Give us your money. Then, shut up.”

The answer is no."

Campuses shouldn’t breed contempt

This is true, but not everyone. I am a student. And I am a conservative. I agree that 90 % of students have only hive mind, like the Soviet Union had. There are only very few conservative students. Most of us can afford to be independent of the leftist socialist hive mind because we speak a different mother tongue from the national majority ethnicity. Once they take away your language, they take your mind, it is only a matter of time.
It's alright, Clammy, you're in no danger of being brainwashed by these evil cesspools, and (unless you adopt), your children are unlikely to be subject to their depredations, either.

I am very worried about future grandchildren entering the school system. The schools want them to question their gender and they teach youngsters to fear or hate anything the left is against. It is getting ridiculous. No more hard math, no cursive writing, no English language and when you get to college you can choose your own grade.

Of course, those who are already indoctrinated or convinced themselves that they are an entitled victim see nothing wrong with everyone else thinking the same way.

Yes, they do see a problem with it. They don't want to share their loot. Eligibility criteria for various grants and their adjudication a could be an example.
Berkeley snowflakes are protesting right now to stop a conservative from speaking on campus. They aren't just there to have their voices heard or debate. They do not want to allow someone with an opposing view to exercise his freedom of speech. In other words, they do not believe in freedom of speech.
Berkeley snowflakes are protesting right now to stop a conservative from speaking on campus. They aren't just there to have their voices heard or debate. They do not want to allow someone with an opposing view to exercise his freedom of speech. In other words, they do not believe in freedom of speech.
You cannot make students think differently than the hive. Students are not created for debate. Students are created to be a mass of meat to follow the leader that controls the hive. The only students that are capable of independent thinking are those who don't share the mother tongue with the national majority. I am one of those, lucky you.
Berkeley students know that the only future for them is to elect a communist that promises to pay off their student debts, like Barney sanders. Only through students can you legitimize a totalitarian government, both during and after its construction.
Our freedom of speech is in danger. It's becoming non-existent on college campuses.

I thought it was in the news a couple of years ago, that they have progressed and now they take into consideration such sensitivities as free speech fetish, so they have established special free speech zones in Massachusetts like Hyde Park of London but safely far away from busy streets. Hehehe. Real news story though.
An education should breed logic and the ability to spot bs at the very least. Liberterian and extreme religious beliefs are based on flawed lies and hollow trash...The educated person should reject such as he or she realizes it doesn't work and will make this nation far weaker.

Such ideas are the ideas of an uneducated person.

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