Campus carry = racism

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Profs Write Openly Racist Manifesto Against Campus Concealed Carry
The Gun Free UT Manifesto
“We are witnessing the great ideological return of settler colonialism,” they say. “America has all along been about the sheer display of white male power (with guns): over Indians, over slaves, over females, over Mexicans, over Asians, over African Americans, and over Arabs. [The] return of the vigilante movement is a giant, collective white push back against the Civil Rights Movement and against the unintended consequences of globalization,migration, and demography.”

The two then return to equating gun rights with racism, blaming a “toxic ideology of white racism and libertarianism” for infringing their “individual right to determine the nature of the community of trust within our classroom.”

“What differentiates an individual who seeds mistrust and puts people at risk by shouting ‘fire,’ in a crowded theater, from the individual who carries a gun into our classroom? Neither the shouter not the carrier can avail himself from constitutional protection.”
If this is the stretch they have to make to argue against campus carry, they clearly recognize their opposition to same has no reasonable basis.
Don't you just love how Leftist fascists are now calling illegal immigration "migration"? I guess all the other words/phrases like "undocumented" got a bit stale.
Like the fucking monarch butterflies. These bastards are just cynical enough to think the more they use "migration" their stupid LIB acolytes won't remember that when someone enters the country illegally they have committed a crime.
I bet you all a million dollars if the DNC had data that most of the "migrants" were going to vote REP in the next election the DNC would be knocking down the doors of the SCOTUS to prevent the "migration".
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Well, whitey does love his guns, and his position on top in society, for now...
for now...

key words: for now
That's why whitey is buying guns and ammo at record rates, and whining like a schoolgirl as they become the minority.
More women and minorities are concealed carrying than ever before. Detroit is just one example. Since the laws changed a couple years ago more and more Detroiters (many of them black) are armed.

You'd think college profs would check those little details before going into a tired diatribe on the evil white man.
More women and minorities are concealed carrying than ever before. Detroit is just one example. Since the laws changed a couple years ago more and more Detroiters (many of them black) are armed.
You'd think college profs would check those little details before going into a tired diatribe on the evil white man.
Like most anti-gun loons, they stated with "I hate guns" and worked backwards from there.
More women and minorities are concealed carrying than ever before. Detroit is just one example. Since the laws changed a couple years ago more and more Detroiters (many of them black) are armed.

You'd think college profs would check those little details before going into a tired diatribe on the evil white man.
Those numbers couldn't fill the back table at Denney's. Put a ****** in the White House and Whitey runs out for more guns and ammo. If S&W and the NRA had known that Kennedy would have been named Rufus Hakim Simpson.
More women and minorities are concealed carrying than ever before. Detroit is just one example. Since the laws changed a couple years ago more and more Detroiters (many of them black) are armed.

You'd think college profs would check those little details before going into a tired diatribe on the evil white man.
Those numbers couldn't fill the back table at Denney's. Put a ****** in the White House and Whitey runs out for more guns and ammo. If S&W and the NRA had known that Kennedy would have been named Rufus Hakim Simpson.
New Study: Over 12.8 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw by far the largest increase ever in the number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center
Well, whitey does love his guns, and his position on top in society, for now...
for now...

key words: for now
Ya that's right. Pretty soon now the negro race is going surprise everyone! They are going to 'rise up!'
and take their "rightful place in the community of men". Fucking NOT!
They are going to 'show all us Whiteys' how wrong we've been about them. They are going elect a negro President who is going to lead the way towards a bright and prosperous shiny future for the negro.........Wait a minute!
open cc would send send Mizzou type protesting back to the stone age.

You are under the delusion that people of color aren't armed
You're the fucking delusional one pal.
Negroes are about 13% of the population. The only 'arms' they have are cheap knock-offs which half the time don't fire. Of the 13% there may be 1% who are sentient enough to hold a gun from the right end.
Whites have millions of perfectly manufactured 'arms' and billions of rounds of ammo.
My 308 Norma Magnum will vaporise a 'watermelon' from 300 yards down range.
Come get some mother fucker!
In a week the patrons in Paris cafes will be smelling tens of thousands of rotting negro corpses.
Well, whitey does love his guns, and his position on top in society, for now...
for now...

key words: for now
That's why whitey is buying guns and ammo at record rates, and whining like a schoolgirl as they become the minority.

White people becoming the minority seems to be a big deal with those on the Left. Your always bringing it up, you seem to be obsessed with it. Those of us logical individuals would just be happy if Immigrants to this country were at least screened, and we knew they weren't drug dealers or criminals, or terrorists. A good screening process is called Legal Immigration. Legal Immigration is a tool used by every nation to its own benefit. By your guys logic, I should just be able to pick up and move to Mexico and demand citizenship. i could buy a big hacienda and maybe a couple hundred acres, oh but wait, Mexico doesn't allow Americans to purchase land in that country, I guess that means we are 'Illegal' or something. Our money is not good enough to them.

Maybe if i walk south across the desert with juggs of water, then I can demand citizenship, what right have they to tell me I can't be a Mexican citizen, why are their laws important to me, People are not illegal. Please explain
Well, whitey does love his guns, and his position on top in society, for now...
for now...

key words: for now
That's why whitey is buying guns and ammo at record rates, and whining like a schoolgirl as they become the minority.

White people becoming the minority seems to be a big deal with those on the Left. Your always bringing it up, you seem to be obsessed with it. Those of us logical individuals would just be happy if Immigrants to this country were at least screened, and we knew they weren't drug dealers or criminals, or terrorists. A good screening process is called Legal Immigration. Legal Immigration is a tool used by every nation to its own benefit. By your guys logic, I should just be able to pick up and move to Mexico and demand citizenship. i could buy a big hacienda and maybe a couple hundred acres, oh but wait, Mexico doesn't allow Americans to purchase land in that country, I guess that means we are 'Illegal' or something. Our money is not good enough to them.

Maybe if i walk south across the desert with juggs of water, then I can demand citizenship, what right have they to tell me I can't be a Mexican citizen, why are their laws important to me, People are not illegal. Please explain
Are they "demanding" citizenship? Got a link?

We left the damn border open for 60 years, they walked across it to make a better life, which they did, and the capitalists here were only too happy to hire them and now the only thing that makes sense, if you're willing to pay up that is, is to get some kind control of the mostly uncontrolled border and deal with the fact that 11 or 12 million people have lives here and most of them have for decades. You can be Mexico or you can be the US, pick one...

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