Calling Obama supporters

Just one?

Maybe the total destruction of the mythology of Islamic extremism? After Obama's speech in Cairo, Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon even though they were favored in the polls. The collapse of the government in Iran which is happening before our very eyes. Pakistan finally going after the Taliban. The Taliban going from 40% support among the Pakistani people in 2005 to only 4% today. And then there are those Somali pirates....
Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I have come to expect two responses from conservatives.

They either resort to personal insults or change the subject.

This is because the facts are not on their side.

I've heard the phrase 'painfully stupid' but I've never really got it, until now. It's hysterical that you, in another thread, called me 'selfish' and then throw a hissy fit at being called an Idiot! :lol::lol: If you didn't demonstrate the attributes of an idiot, I wouldn't call you an idiot. But you do, so I do.

And it also entertains me that liberals have the gall to whine about name calling - since it has been a classic tactic taken from Saul Alinsky since the '60s. Fucking idiot.

Thanks for proving my point.

Because you have no facts, you resort to either personal insults or changing the subject.

You managed to do both in one post.

Remember now, CG's an ex-pat professional writer who works weekly with world renown economists - she may break out any moment with something of substance:lol:
I've heard the phrase 'painfully stupid' but I've never really got it, until now. It's hysterical that you, in another thread, called me 'selfish' and then throw a hissy fit at being called an Idiot! :lol::lol: If you didn't demonstrate the attributes of an idiot, I wouldn't call you an idiot. But you do, so I do.

And it also entertains me that liberals have the gall to whine about name calling - since it has been a classic tactic taken from Saul Alinsky since the '60s. Fucking idiot.

Thanks for proving my point.

Because you have no facts, you resort to either personal insults or changing the subject.

You managed to do both in one post.

Remember now, CG's an ex-pat professional writer who works weekly with world renown economists - she may break out any moment with something of substance:lol:

I doubt it.

What is ironic is that Obama has done a lot in a very short period of time to make the world better. We are definitely on the right track, but we have a long way to come back, and the Republicans are going to try to hurt America every step of the way.
He got Oprah to kiss someone's ass.

True dat.

The problem I have with people like Chris posting shit such as 'GWB was responsible for the destruction of the US economy' is that it is simply false. He - and others - seem unable to grasp a very simple fact - there was a global collapse. Not just in the US - the world does not stop at our borders. Economies around the world are in chaos.... that was not the fault of George Bush, any more than it would have been the fault of Obama if he had been POTUS at the time. Fact is that it was a 'perfect storm', a combination of issues that all came together at the same time to cause it. People like to scream about who was responsible but conveniently leave out the ones most responsible. We, the consumer. Everyone who took credit they could not affort to pay back.

In fact, George Bush was one of the few people on the planet who actually tried - and failed - to implement measures that would have minimised the impact. He was stopped by congress. This is inconvenient to liberals because the democrats controled congress. Oops.

global collapse which originated in the US.

And where did the Great Depression start?
:lol::lol::lol::lol: And you get pissy cuz I call you an idiot! Too fucking funny! :lol:

The most pathetic aspect is he attributes all the good to Obama and all the bad to the Repubs with absolutely no clue as to what actually happened to bring much of this to fruition. Talk about a pathetic willing tool lost in a world of hateful fantasy!

Not at all.

I thought Bush Sr. was a pretty good president.

He gained the support of many nations for the first Gulf War instead of going it alone like his pathetic son.

The simple point is you almost always spew regurgitated rhetoric that cannot be proven, has been dis proven or is plainly blind partisan bull shit. On occasion you do get something right but for the most part your partisan blinders are so permanently affixed you can't see anything unless it's solid blue especially when you talk about international issues in relation to the US and our presidents.
People like you and your equally blind opposites on the right are indeed a necessary evil because of the push and pull you inherently bring to the political arena.
Thankfully the vast majority are like me who are centrist and act as the moderating factor between the poles keeping you extremists from doing to much harm in the name of what you perceive to be good.
Thanks for all the replies. I just wanted to see if anyone could name something that obama has done good for the country. The way his ratings are free falling should say something. He is supposed to be our "leader" but I can't see anything he has lead except maybe his family aboard the airforce one. He does love to fly! I think it's pretty sad when the american people are saying "we don't want this bill passed" and they are just ignoring us and acting like we are a bunch of stupid rednecks who are too dumb to see how wonderful this bill is. Excuse me, I thought you were supposed to be working for us? Read my lips "WE DON'T WANT YOUR GIANT HEALTH REFORM BILL"! I mean working on Christmas Eve to get this done so the politicians don't have to go home over their vacation and listen to the people again like they did in the summer? This is such a load of crap! Harry Reid makes me ill not to even mention Nancy Pelosi. I wasn't all that crazy about Bush but at least I felt like he was keeping us safe.
I would just like to hear from those that think Obama is doing a good job and name some things that he has done that has actually helped the country or that we can see will be good for us in the future. He has been in office about a year so there should be something.......

Oh, how slick. I recognize a setup when I see it. You don't want to know anything that Obama has done. You just want responses so that you can tear them apart. :rolleyes:
He got Oprah to kiss someone's ass.

True dat.

The problem I have with people like Chris posting shit such as 'GWB was responsible for the destruction of the US economy' is that it is simply false. He - and others - seem unable to grasp a very simple fact - there was a global collapse. Not just in the US - the world does not stop at our borders. Economies around the world are in chaos.... that was not the fault of George Bush, any more than it would have been the fault of Obama if he had been POTUS at the time. Fact is that it was a 'perfect storm', a combination of issues that all came together at the same time to cause it. People like to scream about who was responsible but conveniently leave out the ones most responsible. We, the consumer. Everyone who took credit they could not affort to pay back.

In fact, George Bush was one of the few people on the planet who actually tried - and failed - to implement measures that would have minimised the impact. He was stopped by congress. This is inconvenient to liberals because the democrats controled congress. Oops.

global collapse which originated in the US.

You do grasp the meaning of 'international' when it comes to banking, do you not? The banks - across the world - are interlinked to such as degree that it not possible to blame one bank, one country, or one person for what happened. That you seek such simplistic answers is actually funny.

I'm certainly not going to post chapter and verse about it but I have said before and I will say it again.... who was responsible? We all were! The Governments (most of the governments across the world), the banks, and everyone and anyone (across the world) who borrowed more than they could pay back.... of course, there's far more to it, but - because I post while I'm working - I tend not to indulge in diatribes - unlike some...

Simple answer to the collapse - pretty much every adult (outside the third world) played their part.
I would just like to hear from those that think Obama is doing a good job and name some things that he has done that has actually helped the country or that we can see will be good for us in the future. He has been in office about a year so there should be something.......

Oh, how slick. I recognize a setup when I see it. You don't want to know anything that Obama has done. You just want responses so that you can tear them apart. :rolleyes:

I honestly wanted to hear something obama has done that was good! I can't think of anything off the top of my head but if anyone can come up with something then lets hear it.
I would just like to hear from those that think Obama is doing a good job and name some things that he has done that has actually helped the country or that we can see will be good for us in the future. He has been in office about a year so there should be something.......

Oh I don't know....

Maybe the total destruction of the mythology of Islamic extremism? After Obama's speech in Cairo, Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon even though they were favored in the polls. The collapse of the government in Iran which is happening before our very eyes. Pakistan finally going after the Taliban. The Taliban going from 40% support among the Pakistani people in 2005 to only 4% today. And then there are those Somali pirates....

Then there is getting us out of Iraq, closing down Gitmo which is the greatest recruiting tool AQ has.

Then there's saving the country from complete economic collapse brought on by the lack of regulation on Wall Street which created a $516 trillion dollar derivative bubble thanks to Phil Gramm and the Republicans.

And then he saved GM.

And then there's the huge upswing in the popularity of America worldwide. This helps us gain support for our policies. This is called leadership and was sorely lacking under Bush the Lesser.

Then there's the example for America's black youth of what hard work can achieve.

And then there's the move, however modest, toward more fuel efficient cars and alternative energy which is made in America.

And then there's the move toward real healthcare reform although not as much as Americans deserve because of the Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats in the U.S. Senate.

What did Bush achieve?

The total destruction of the U.S. economy, and the total loss of U.S. standing in the world.

Criss--I think you post this kind of crap because you enjoy getting your ass kicked--:lol::lol:

You & I been over this before:
1. Hezbollah has never won election in Lebanon--& in fact--their horrendous loss may have had something to do with Hezbollah attacking Isreal & entire Lebanese neighborhoods were leveled by Isreal over their aggression--:lol::lol: That kind of pisses people off.

2. The total destruction of mythology of Islamic extremists--:lol::lol: Yeah we sure saw that on Christmas day--didn't we. Apparently this terrorist never listened to one of Obama's apology speeches--:lol::lol: In fact terrorism in this country has increased since your guy has been in office. We had one Major in the U.S. army a muslim extremist that murdered 13 unarmed U.S. soldiers & wounded dozens more. Then we had the terrorist connection between Denver & New York city--bomb making terrorists that had some very big plans--but fortunately was broken up--& then the Christmas guy that was able to make through every single security measure & came one "click" away from murdering 300 innocent Americans. His device simply didn't work.

3. The reason Taliban is losing support in Pakistan--is because the Taliban have been blowing up Pakistani's. 100's were slaughtered just a few weeks ago. Funny how these muslim extremists do a complete 180 degree turn when terrorists show up in their own neighborhoods. Same thing happened in Iraq while Bush was in office.

4. Two of the released detainees from GITMO--are cohurts in the Christmas day attempt. Closing it down is a huge mistake. It's obvious we cannot let them go--they seem to want to come back & kill us.

5. Derivatives were done during the Clinton admininstration--fully sponsored--fully supported--& fully defended by Clinton's treasury secretary Robert Rubin & Alan Greenspan. Both of these men are on video apologizing for this huge mistake. Let alone that Fannie/Freddie were also deregulated in the 1990's under the Clinton administration.--THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN TO YOU TIME & TIME AGAIN--through links & articles specifically related to all of the above. Your continual regurgitation of something you know is not true shows that you are nothing more than an idiot liberal partisan.

6. The saving of GM--:lol::lol: We the taxpayers of this country thanks to Obama now own GM--in the "too big to fail policy of this administration." Meaning in liberal terms it was to bail out the auto unions in an effort to buy their votes.

7. Oh yes the world wide popularity contest--:lol::lol: This while Iran, NK & Hugo Chavez make fun of our new President while giving him the middle finger at the same time.

8. More fuel efficient cars--& each & every one of them cost the American taxpayer thousands for the "cash for clunkers" program. Another government subsidy run amuck.

9. Health care reform--it ain't happened yet. To add 67% of Americans do not want a public option--the house wants one--& if they get their way--there will be a Tsumani that rolls through the house & senate in 2010 that won't leave a democrat standing.

10. This thread is not about G.W. Bush--it specially asks what Obama has accomplished in the last year. Well--let's see. We have over 10% unemployment--he has increased the deficit in 1 year by 15%--we have raised the debt ceiling to astronomical levels--he has failed to keep this country safe from Islamic extremists--he has given foreign terrorists their miranda rights--who will be tried in civilian courts rather than military tribunals. His 3 a.m. phone call came on Christmas day & it took him 72 hours to answer it.
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I would just like to hear from those that think Obama is doing a good job and name some things that he has done that has actually helped the country or that we can see will be good for us in the future. He has been in office about a year so there should be something.......

Oh, how slick. I recognize a setup when I see it. You don't want to know anything that Obama has done. You just want responses so that you can tear them apart. :rolleyes:

I honestly wanted to hear something obama has done that was good! I can't think of anything off the top of my head but if anyone can come up with something then lets hear it.

Okay, I'll bite. I think it's the economy. First of all, I am not some kind of expert when it comes to this topic. But I can only go by what is reported.

So I think his biggest accomplishment is something that the pundits say he has not received credit for. And that is keeping the worst financial and economic crisis in decades from turning into another Great Depression. The stimulus package was necessary, according to many economists.

Gene Robinson said last week that the economy grew at a rate of 3.5 percent in the third quarter, so the odds of swift recovery have greatly improved.

And I think healthcare reform was a big accomplishment. I'm happiest about these 2 things.
I would just like to hear from those that think Obama is doing a good job and name some things that he has done that has actually helped the country or that we can see will be good for us in the future. He has been in office about a year so there should be something.......
People tend to give the POTUS way too much credit and/or criticism when the fact is, he/she doesn't really have much power. The power lies with Congress.
Oh, how slick. I recognize a setup when I see it. You don't want to know anything that Obama has done. You just want responses so that you can tear them apart. :rolleyes:

I honestly wanted to hear something obama has done that was good! I can't think of anything off the top of my head but if anyone can come up with something then lets hear it.

Okay, I'll bite. I think it's the economy. First of all, I am not some kind of expert when it comes to this topic. But I can only go by what is reported.

So I think his biggest accomplishment is something that the pundits say he has not received credit for. And that is keeping the worst financial and economic crisis in decades from turning into another Great Depression. The stimulus package was necessary, according to many economists.

Gene Robinson said last week that the economy grew at a rate of 3.5 percent in the third quarter, so the odds of swift recovery have greatly improved.

And I think healthcare reform was a big accomplishment. I'm happiest about these 2 things.
We "needed" the stimulus and were told that with it, unemployment would not rise above 8 percent. We got it, and unemployment is at 10 percent.

Health care reform? The President said he wanted a public option and NO mandate. Somehow he got just the opposite of what he wanted, but is still claiming success. It doesn't wash.

But see? Neither of these can be blamed solely on him. Nor can he be given sole credit for anything that goes good.

When and if any such actually happens.
I would estimate that if you combined the brain power of Chris and Rightwinger you could light a match....:lol:

Well.. I didn't really mean it, I just wanted to get my first official insult of the year out and they are available....:eusa_angel:

I can identify one thing that Obama has done that was beneficial to the country, he's increased sales on teleprompters. The result of that would be an inflated amount of jobs saved and possibly a few actual jobs created.
True dat.

The problem I have with people like Chris posting shit such as 'GWB was responsible for the destruction of the US economy' is that it is simply false. He - and others - seem unable to grasp a very simple fact - there was a global collapse. Not just in the US - the world does not stop at our borders. Economies around the world are in chaos.... that was not the fault of George Bush, any more than it would have been the fault of Obama if he had been POTUS at the time. Fact is that it was a 'perfect storm', a combination of issues that all came together at the same time to cause it. People like to scream about who was responsible but conveniently leave out the ones most responsible. We, the consumer. Everyone who took credit they could not affort to pay back.

In fact, George Bush was one of the few people on the planet who actually tried - and failed - to implement measures that would have minimised the impact. He was stopped by congress. This is inconvenient to liberals because the democrats controled congress. Oops.

global collapse which originated in the US.

You do grasp the meaning of 'international' when it comes to banking, do you not? The banks - across the world - are interlinked to such as degree that it not possible to blame one bank, one country, or one person for what happened. That you seek such simplistic answers is actually funny.

I'm certainly not going to post chapter and verse about it but I have said before and I will say it again.... who was responsible? We all were! The Governments (most of the governments across the world), the banks, and everyone and anyone (across the world) who borrowed more than they could pay back.... of course, there's far more to it, but - because I post while I'm working - I tend not to indulge in diatribes - unlike some...

Simple answer to the collapse - pretty much every adult (outside the third world) played their part.

if i ask you nicely, will you then PM me your non-simplistic answer, simplicissima?

in the future could you try to be consistent within your post? if you manage to do that, then try to reach the next step, and stop misrepresenting what i write. maybe in 2025 we can have a real conversation.
I would just like to hear from those that think Obama is doing a good job and name some things that he has done that has actually helped the country or that we can see will be good for us in the future. He has been in office about a year so there should be something.......

Oh, how slick. I recognize a setup when I see it. You don't want to know anything that Obama has done. You just want responses so that you can tear them apart. :rolleyes:

I honestly wanted to hear something obama has done that was good! I can't think of anything off the top of my head but if anyone can come up with something then lets hear it.


That is the purpose of these stupid threads. Dare people to say one good thing about President Obama and then when you are provided with thirty major accomplishments just dismiss them all and say......I told you you could not name one thing
I would just like to hear from those that think Obama is doing a good job and name some things that he has done that has actually helped the country or that we can see will be good for us in the future. He has been in office about a year so there should be something.......

Translation: "Please offer up some stuff I can try to pick it apart, spin it into a negative, or just pretend it didn't happen.

No matter - those of us who have been paying attention to something other than the right-wing wackos who are so invested in failure that they'd risk their political future to admit otherwise realize that we've made some tremendous progress. But there have been setbacks too.
Here are my opinions:

Foreign Policy

Pros: 1) Reassuring muslim world that terrorits are our enemy not ALL muslims. This has resulted in the easing of tensions in Gaza, emboldened demoncratic dissidents in Iran, and the alienation of the most radical of extremists (like Al Qaeda) in the vast majority of the muslim world (see new Jihad code coming out of Libyia and Yemen's participation in war on Al Qaeda for just two examples). 2) Honduras success. 3) Convincing Russia to back down on Iranian nuclear power plant. In fact, rebooting our relations with Russia is paying off in several areas. (more later). 4) Achieved inernational support (U.N. Security Council) pressuring N. Korea to abandon nuclear testing. Remains to be seen if this will have any impact - but at least we aren't going it alone. 5) Clearly demonstrating to the world that the U.S. is (and Iran definitely is NOT) attempting to negotiate in good faith. This has resulted in a much greater degree of internation cooperation with the U.S. on Iran.

Cons: 1)Promising and failing to close Gitmo in a year. 2)Initially going it alone on N. Korea seemed only to inflate the ego of Kim Jong. 3) The re-reversing the Mexico City accord allowing U.S. foreign aid funds to be used for abortions.

War on Terrorism

Pros: Iraq stabalizing. Credit Bush's surge if you will, but if that is the catalyst, at least Obama hasn't screwed it up. 2) Afghanistan - U.S. troop levels are 3-times what they were when Obama took office. Russia has been convinced to cooperate more, Pakistan has stepped up, and virtually all U.S. allies are pitching in more despite predictions that Obama would not be able to achieve this. 3) The success of the drone campaign in Pakistan. America is safer because of it. 4) Enlisting significant assistance from unlikely mid-east allies in the war on terror (Libyia, Yemen, Saudi, etc..) 5) Inauguration, Cairo, Oslo, and U.S. speeches have been successful in alienating extremists and explaining why peace-loving people sometimes have to wage war. 6) Capturing Zazi.

Cons: 1) Not preventing Mutallab's attack (only fair if credit given for Zazi). 2) Failure to prevent Hasan shootings (see #1). Looks like lack of threat communications could be systemic. IMHO - needs to be fixed Yesterday.

Domestic Issues

Pros: Healthcare reform. Even if you don't buy the CBO estimate on how much the bill will save, it's obvious that at abosolute worst it is revenue neutral. So extending coverage to 30 million Americans in a revenue-neutral way is a big plus.

Cons: 1) Little movement on anything other than healthcare.


It is - and always has been - my position that the president always seems to get more credit for a good economy and more blame for a bad economy than they should. Bigger forces are at work and POTUS can tweak but rarely can dramatically change the economic climate. So the pros and cons here are (IMHO) much more incremental than in the previous sections.

Pros: Virtually everything looks better/brighter than they did one year ago.

Cons: The deficit

Now, I'm sure many who are politically invested in failure will try to pick away and spin away in an effort to minimize success and maximize failure. Fair enough - but it doesn't change the facts.

I guess you can't just dismiss the things with a bumber sticker, huh?

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