'Call of Duty' and Mass Murders: Are Video Games Too Violent?


Nov 13, 2012
'Call of Duty' and Mass Murders: Are Video Games Too Violent?​

Sam Perez


Call of Duty and Mass Murders Are Video Games Too Violent​

Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian man currently on trial for the terrorist attack that resulted in the death of 77 people on July 22, 2011, in Norway, admitted to playing violent video games like Modern Warfare to plan for the killings. Predictively, the media has overemphasized the impact violent video games had on Breivik’s behavior before his attack, using it as a scapegoat for many other issues that lead to the heinous attack.

Video games, movies, TV shows, and music are mediums used for casual entertainment. Yet, one has to wonder why video games are commonly attributed to violence, even when they are only tangentially related to a case of violence.

One major reason why video games are commonly attributed to violence in comparison to cinema is age: Video games are one of the youngest mediums to surface in the consciousness of the modern mainstream public. New forms of artistic expression and new technological advances often come under attack from skeptics, who may attribute a perceived rise in societal ills to the new style or advance.


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'Call of Duty' and Mass Murders: Are Video Games Too Violent?
No. If violent games and movies caused sociopathic killings, Japan would be a killing field.

I'd say the values that our parents teach us would have more of an impact. Adam was home schooled by a paranoid gun nut.
Odd analogy here. Video game. Play the game moving up levels until you lose, or there are no more targets. Game over. Blank screen.

Real life. Kill until there are no more targets available, or the police show up. Game over. Pistol under the chin. Blank screen.
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Rampage Shootings: It's the Moral Decay of Society, not Guns

By: Rachel Alexander
Dec 15, 2012

It should come as no surprise that the rate of mass shootings at schools and in other public places is increasing. The surge has nothing to do with guns, which have been widely available in the U.S. for years. Gun control laws have been increasing. Instead, there is a direct correlation between the increase in violence and the gradual degradation of morals, ethics and parenting. We are cultivating mental illness in our society.

Parents are allowing television and video games to increasingly babysit their children, even though both have become full of gratuitous violence. A New York Times study of rampage killers found that six of them were into violent video games. Research shows that violent video games and television desensitize people and promote aggressive behavior, despite claims to the contrary. A research scientist at the University of Michigan found that television was responsible for 10% of youth violence. Parents today are neglecting their children, and when things don't go well, rushing to get divorced instead of trying to work things out first. Children suffer emotionally when their parents fight or split up. Parents are ignoring their children so much they don't even see the warning signs that something might be wrong. The New York Times study found that 63 of 100 rampage killers had made threats of violence before the event.


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Rampage Shootings: It's the Moral Decay of Society, not Guns - Rachel Alexander - [page]
Rampage Shootings: It's the Moral Decay of Society, not Guns

By: Rachel Alexander
Dec 15, 2012

It should come as no surprise that the rate of mass shootings at schools and in other public places is increasing. The surge has nothing to do with guns, which have been widely available in the U.S. for years. Gun control laws have been increasing. Instead, there is a direct correlation between the increase in violence and the gradual degradation of morals, ethics and parenting. We are cultivating mental illness in our society.

Parents are allowing television and video games to increasingly babysit their children, even though both have become full of gratuitous violence. A New York Times study of rampage killers found that six of them were into violent video games. Research shows that violent video games and television desensitize people and promote aggressive behavior, despite claims to the contrary. A research scientist at the University of Michigan found that television was responsible for 10% of youth violence. Parents today are neglecting their children, and when things don't go well, rushing to get divorced instead of trying to work things out first. Children suffer emotionally when their parents fight or split up. Parents are ignoring their children so much they don't even see the warning signs that something might be wrong. The New York Times study found that 63 of 100 rampage killers had made threats of violence before the event.


Read more at:
Rampage Shootings: It's the Moral Decay of Society, not Guns - Rachel Alexander - [page]

Without the availability of the weopons of war, these shootings would be far less severe. You are not going to be able to fire 30 shots in under 10 seconds with a lever hunting gun that I own.

If you cannot pass the requirments to own a fully automatic weopon, you should not be able to own an assault rifle.
Only if one can not distinguish between a game reality and if that's the case you already have a much more serious problem than the game.

Isn't that exactly what we are talking about? That, and the availability of these war weopons so the extremely mentally ill can do maximum damage.

Time to get the Assault Weopons off the streets. Period.
Without the availability of the weopons of war, these shootings would be far less severe. You are not going to be able to fire 30 shots in under 10 seconds with a lever hunting gun that I own.

If you cannot pass the requirments to own a fully automatic weopon, you should not be able to own an assault rifle.

Agree 100%
An automatic weapon is far more dangerous than a semiauto (wtf Chrome that isn't a word?).
Only if one can not distinguish between a game reality and if that's the case you already have a much more serious problem than the game.

You are dealing with young minds here that are easily swayed. Look to South Africa and the children doing the mass killings there? Is it the guns, or the way of life? When children become used to violence they follow it. If it isn't guns, it will be machetes, knives or rocks.

BTW gun violence since all guns were banned in the UK is up by nearly 300%. Even Bobbies are now issued MP5's or pistols to patrol in London.
Oh good back to this bullshit.

Yep. The "Blame everything but...." game.

A fun game mostly the Left likes to play. The rules are simple: When, for example, a mass shooting tragedy strikes, blaming video games, movies, guns and the NRA are allowed, but blaming the person who did the actual shooting or the mental state (or lack thereof) of said person is not allowed.

Political points can range from +10 to +100, depending on several factors. Factors such as how long it takes to begin blaming something, how many fake screams of outrage can be made in front of microphones in 1 day and how many times a player can mention the death toll and/or when one of the "I blame..." buzzwords are mentioned in 5 sentences or less.
Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde were immortalized in pop culture. Fictional violence is nothing new. It goes back as far as the first stories. One might as well claim the violence in the Bible is to blame for people going postal.
Gun Crime Soars in England Where Guns Are Banned

Katie Pavlich

New data out from the UK, where guns are banned, shows gun crime has soared by 35 percent.

The Government's latest crime figures were condemned as "truly terrible" by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.

Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.

Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362.
I remember putting a cap gun to my friends face as a youth when playing cops n robbers. Before that children played with play swords. Since its nurf guns and video games.

Why don't we just take everything away from our children, put them in a straight jacket and lock them in a padded room. That'll keep em safe.

And just to let you know since you clearly don't know violent games, including COD, are rated M for mature. Meaning minors are not allowed to purchase them. So if you're looking to place blame look squarley at the parents and leave the fucking toys alone
Only if one can not distinguish between a game reality and if that's the case you already have a much more serious problem than the game.

Isn't that exactly what we are talking about? That, and the availability of these war weopons so the extremely mentally ill can do maximum damage.

Time to get the Assault Weopons off the streets. Period.

I remember reading somewhere that the Loyalists of Boston were saying the same thing before the first shots rang out at Concord?

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