California Supreme Court: No Right to In-Person Cross-Examination of Accuser During Campus Sexual Assault Proceedings


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The joys of higher education in California:

Anyone can accuse you of rape and the accuser can go on their merry way without cross-examination.

Universities state that campuses are a rape culture. Perfect place to send your daughters, eh?

You go into 6 figure debt to learn how humans can change sex on a whim and learn the 139 proper pronouns when speaking to someone.

Way to stand up for sexual assaulters!

Title IX is designed to give women equal access across the spectrum of educational pursuits in state run institutions. Has nothing to do with sexual assault.
I don't get this whole "disciplinary process" for students accused of being rapists.

Shouldn't this kind of investigation been handled by the LAPD and the Los Angeles DA since it happened in their jurisdiction?

You really don't want to send a dangerous predator back home to their communities, if they are guilty do you? Wouldn't it be preferable for these kinds of serious fucking crimes be cleared by competent legal process instead of ivory tower academics where they expel you as they might for sassing a teacher or something?

And if they are guilty, they just don't "get sent home", they get sent to Folsom Prison.
Way to stand up for sexual assaulters!

Title IX is designed to give women equal access across the spectrum of educational pursuits in state run institutions. Has nothing to do with sexual assault.

Me, I'm against sexual assault.

But professors and students playing court , and tarring this young man's name , if he's innocent isn't acceptable.

And neither is releasing him into the community where there are plenty of other broads that he would be putting in danger, if he is guilty.
Way to stand up for sexual assaulters!

Title IX is designed to give women equal access across the spectrum of educational pursuits in state run institutions. Has nothing to do with sexual assault.

Title IX requires schools to adopt and publish grievance procedures for students to file complaints of sex discrimination, including complaints of sexual harassment or sexual violence. Schools can use general disciplinary procedures to address complaints of sex discrimination.

Title IX requires schools to adopt and publish grievance procedures for students to file complaints of sex discrimination, including complaints of sexual harassment or sexual violence. Schools can use general disciplinary procedures to address complaints of sex discrimination.

Fair point.
Me, I'm against sexual assault.

But professors and students playing court , and tarring this young man's name , if he's innocent isn't acceptable.

And neither is releasing him into the community where there are plenty of other broads that he would be putting in danger, if he is guilty.
Well, it's like I said with Kavanaugh...

if you wait 35 days; you have some credibility.

35 have less

35 have almost none


Sort of like screaming about someone visiting the White House last decade.
Lots to cover here. If someone was complaining about harassment, well, I suppose it's OK for a college to investigate. Business does the same.

This says it's about violence. This should NOT be investigated by the school.

Either way a person should be able to face their accuser. I image the Supreme Court would over rule this.
Way to stand up for sexual assaulters!

Title IX is designed to give women equal access across the spectrum of educational pursuits in state run institutions. Has nothing to do with sexual assault.
Every women should be believed regardless of equal justice or innocent until proven guilty, right ? There are to many false claims not to do a full investigation which includes looking at the accuser. That being said if you are convicted of rape I believe you should get one appeal if that fails you should be castrated and set on fire. To me rape is as bad as murder.
Every women should be believed regardless of equal justice or innocent until proven guilty, right ? There are to many false claims not to do a full investigation which includes looking at the accuser. That being said if you are convicted of rape I believe you should get one appeal if that fails you should be castrated and set on fire. To me rape is as bad as murder.
Are you asking me?
Way to stand up for sexual assaulters!

Title IX is designed to give women equal access across the spectrum of educational pursuits in state run institutions. Has nothing to do with sexual assault.
Title IX is obsolete, and has been stomped on by the once pro women activists for equal rights.
Title IX is designed to give women equal access across the spectrum of educational pursuits in state run institutions.

Unless it's a man who says he's a woman, right? Then it's okay to take whatever he can from real women, like scholarships, athletic opportunities, etc.
Unless it's a man who says he's a woman, right? Then it's okay to take whatever he can from real women, like scholarships, athletic opportunities, etc.
I don't think so.

Among the many crazy things that liberals do; this is among the craziest.

Look; it's really simple.

If you have outdoor plumbing, use the gents and compete against gents.
If you have indoor plumbing, use the ladies and compete against ladies.
The joys of higher education in California:
Anyone can accuse you of rape and the accuser can go on their merry way without cross-examination.
Universities state that campuses are a rape culture. Perfect place to send your daughters, eh?
You go into 6 figure debt to learn how humans can change sex on a whim and learn the 139 proper pronouns when speaking to someone.

The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States explicitly affirms the right of the accused to confront his accuser.

This ruling is blatantly unconstitutional. Hopefully, the U.S. Supreme Court will get the chance to set this right.
The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States explicitly affirms the right of the accused to confront his accuser.

This ruling is blatantly unconstitutional. Hopefully, the U.S. Supreme Court will get the chance to set this right.

I think they would argue that this is a civil matter and USC is a private institution.

But its still irresponsible not to leave this matter to the police and DA's who would have the power to send him to the joint (if he's guilty)
This holding only applies to college disciplinary actions. They cannot send someone to jail/prison, only suspend or expel them. If there is a serious problem with a false accusation, there are civil and even criminal remedies for slander/defamation.

In a criminal trial, the accuser can absolutely be cross examined. Even in California.
This holding only applies to college disciplinary actions. They cannot send someone to jail/prison, only suspend or expel them. If there is a serious problem with a false accusation, there are civil and even criminal remedies for slander/defamation.

In a criminal trial, the accuser can absolutely be cross examined. Even in California.
Does a college degree gain a person a large financial advantage in life?
So any chick pissed off at her boyfriend can screw him over and cost him huge sums of money.
And he has no ability to fight it other than say my accuser - whom ever that is - is lying.

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