California School Has ‘Condom Race’ Where 10-Year-Old Girls Learn How to Put On Condoms

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
What the fuck is the matter with education asshole in Kalipornia?....Next thing is BLOW JOB 101 so you can insure that your 10 year old girl doesn't get pregnant.... What have we become?

by Sheri Urban

Outrage is growing in California against newly approved sex education materials in public schools.

“It’s shocking,” Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, told The Christian Post.

She said one school had 10- and 11-year-old girls participate in a “condom race” in which they ran, in front of male classmates, to be the first to put a condom on a model of an erect adult male penis.

“I always tell people that the scary thing is, I’ll give radio interviews and I can’t even say on the radio things that are being taught in our elementary and middle school classrooms in mixed company. There’s something very wrong there,” she said.

Friedrichs has helped to organize several local and state-wide parent protests against the new materials.

Concerns center around changes approved by the California Board of Education in May. The programs are supposed to comply with the 2015 California Healthy Youth Act, “which mandates the teaching of ‘medically accurate’ and ‘age appropriate’ comprehensive sex education at least once in middle school and once in high school,” according to the report.

Here’s more from the report:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I don’t believe there was an actual contest where young girls put condoms on a dildo. Model of erect penis- that’s a dildo, isn’t it?
There's no need to beat around the bush about this shit. Leftist deviancy is never sated. They got their LGBTXYZ nonsense, now they want to fuck kids and their doing their damndest to normalize it.
Maybe next they will have boys.......oh wait.....I don’t think I can say that. Never mind.
Actually BuckToothMoron
If they DID educate boys on internal female parts,
and all the complications, that might serve as a deterrent.
And do MORE to promote ABSTINENCE education!

(Especially if they picked really scary-looking women to model.
Maybe THAT would help reduce teen pregnancies where abortion rates also plummet...)
A model of an erect adult male penis? We used to call dem dare things dildos where I'm from.
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Is this for real?
Of course not. is a fake news site that was started up just last year to spread fake news for the election.

And here comes the most Fake member of USMB of all, here to tell us everything wrong about America being undermined by the Left is just Fake News. Nothing to see here kids. Makes you wonder whether anyone is really THAT stupid or if they are simply working for someone else's interests?
What the fuck is the matter with education asshole in Kalipornia?....Next thing is BLOW JOB 101 so you can insure that your 10 year old girl doesn't get pregnant.... What have we become?

Outrage is growing in California against newly approved sex education materials in public schools.

What is amazing here is the frequency in which a helpless public is often outraged by how a government-run system gone mad with power forced upon them at gunpoint that shakes them down for money even if it means taking the homes of old people fails to in the slightest way take into account much less reflect the interests and values of the parents whose children they "educate" whether they like it or not.
That image is stolen from another website and is 5 years old from a website discussing planned parenthood teaching 14 year olds about sex.

December | 2014 | wyandotcountyrightolife

Is the picture in the article really the point here?
Hey...that picture lead me to believe
those were the girls putting condoms on models of erect dicks

If I were the mother of any of those girls pictured,
I’d be fucking flaming and take legal action

Shit is already bad enough in California
but even I found this story hard to swallow.
Practical sex education is preferable to theoretical.

So why are teen pregnancies so high compared to 'Da Evul Old Days' when nobody was teaching anything but biology?

As for those who think there isn't an agenda ...

New Sex Ed Standards for Suggested for Elementary Schools

Note the contradictory rubbish of claiming homosexual fetishes are 'romantic attractions', never mind the disease and epidemics spread by homos.


Valerie Huber, executive director of the National Education Abstinence Association, said she does not agree with the topics and goals of the standards:

“This should be a program about health, rather than agendas that have nothing to do with optimal sexual health decision-making,” Huber said.

“Controversial topics are best reserved for conversations between parent and child, not in the classroom.”

Yet they make a point of trying to equate rampant disease infested faggot fetishism with 'romantic attractions'. Talk about hypocrisy and blatant lying.

Huber is right.
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That image is stolen from another website and is 5 years old from a website discussing planned parenthood teaching 14 year olds about sex.

December | 2014 | wyandotcountyrightolife

Is the picture in the article really the point here?
Hey...that picture lead me to believe
those were the girls putting condoms on models of erect dicks

If I were the mother of any of those girls pictured,
I’d be fucking flaming and take legal action

Shit is already bad enough in California
but even I found this story hard to swallow.

That's your problem if you made any assumptions just from a photo. Does it show them as the actual girls running to stick rubbers or hard dicks? What would be the basis of suing for a photo that is already in widespread use over the internet? I don't imagine you find very much hard to swallow.
So why are teen pregnancies so high compared to 'Da Evul Old Days' when nobody was teaching anything but biology?

In fact, teen pregnancy rates are at historical lows from a peak in 1990.

So why are teen pregnancies so high compared to 'Da Evul Old Days' when nobody was teaching anything but biology?

In fact, teen pregnancy rates are at historical lows from a peak in 1990.


So? What has that to do with teen pregnancy rates from the 1940's- 1950's, when you got to 8th grade and took health and got the biological explanations on sex?
What the fuck is the matter with education asshole in Kalipornia?....Next thing is BLOW JOB 101 so you can insure that your 10 year old girl doesn't get pregnant.... What have we become?

Outrage is growing in California against newly approved sex education materials in public schools.

What is amazing here is the frequency in which a helpless public is often outraged by how a government-run system gone mad with power forced upon them at gunpoint that shakes them down for money even if it means taking the homes of old people fails to in the slightest way take into account much less reflect the interests and values of the parents whose children they "educate" whether they like it or not.

Think about it: what is public education other than child daycare with benefits? For little kids too young to go to school you pay for daycare while the parent goes to work. YOU pay for that not anyone else because it is YOU that needs it! If the parent stays home then not only do they not need daycare, but they could just as easily teach the child themselves! I mean, does anyone seriously argue that there is anything taught at the school that a parent could not just as well teach from the home with available books?

Therefore home schooling is something not only easily accomplished but could be easily supported, leaving public school left as a service provided to those children whose parents either cannot stay at home, would not be sufficiently capable of teaching themselves or simply choose not to do so! And so, public school becomes a CLOSED SYSTEM where a finite number of customers receive a fixed benefit from a provider.

CAN YOU THINK OF any other service or provider in this world other than the government itself who would dare insist that a service be paid for OUTSIDE of those receiving the benefit? Instead of adjusting the cost to meet the finite set of customers it serves, paid for by those receiving the service, thereby creating a feedback for insuring better quality, responsiveness and cost effectiveness, government decouples itself from accountability, something it totally denies the private individual the right to ever do, by demanding even those who never have nor ever will need benefit of the service to pay into it to help offset its own cost overruns from inefficiency!

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