California Leads Nation Again! 70% Dem Senate, 67.5% Dem Assembly, 1 Dem Gov, 38 Dem

I really do believe that Cali will be a hot bed of economic activity again..

One of our rep firms has 4 offices in Cali, with 25 outside sales associates in each one, he was just talking about the need to either add to all offices or open another. Cali leads the US in innovation as far as a design stance goes (Texas is close) for our market.. Electronic designs/products. One of our top customers is located in Cali as well.

All of our suppliers/manufacturers are setup in either City of Industry or Covina, all in the same general market.
I'll be gone from Cali this month. This poor state couldn't even get the tax from me purchasing a gun on the way out due to their ridiculous rules. I'll just buy one while driving through Arizona instead, lol.
I really do believe that Cali will be a hot bed of economic activity again..

One of our rep firms has 4 offices in Cali, with 25 outside sales associates in each one, he was just talking about the need to either add to all offices or open another. Cali leads the US in innovation as far as a design stance goes (Texas is close) for our market.. Electronic designs/products. One of our top customers is located in Cali as well.

All of our suppliers/manufacturers are setup in either City of Industry or Covina, all in the same general market.

I can tell you from being an employee of 2 fortune 500 co's and my wife works for another one here in cali and they all keep their corp HQ's in this state for 2 reason- 1) the schools, ala Stanford UC Berkeley, Cal-Poly etc. and yes they are Silicon valley they recruit heavily from those and others here cal Poly etc.

2) they just have not figured out yet- HOW to slip out of cali. and still retain their ability to recruit effectively becasue if you have spent 4-6 years in cali you are loath to move, chalk up to the weather amenities etc....

I have sat on umpteen interview boards for one of those co's and as soon as you mention possible deployments to say Arizona, Oregon or Utah etc, this look comes over their face, they are congenitally against it, but heres the rub; this is a matter of time, 3D modeling and printing, tele conferencing etc etc....when the cost of staying here finally pushes over and technology makes it efficacious, they will move their HQs and other ancillary orgs. that are already moving like HR, finance and the net loss of jobs will be huge even accounting for keeping people here via video conferencing etc etc ...5 years, 8 max.
Cali will never be a hotbed of economic activity again. Too many businesses are leaving and they are leaving primarily because the state doesn't want them here. There might be a few solely information based businesses stay but large employers are done. For one thing, there is no generally well educated work force. The Universities are still turning out top tier, but the education of the laborforce is illiterate.
There may only be 15 California House members in the New Congress: But at least they are all white and male! Hispanics in California still remember Ceasar Chavez, by comparison. Blacks may even remember Willie Brown. Uniting them all, Governor Brown has managed to remember the concept, "Public Works," which is similar to "Shovel Ready Jobs!"

In 1900, there were 3,300 people in the San Fernando Valley, now home to about 2.0 mil. people. My heritage is Tejano, of that side that did not win the Civil War. Morgan's Raiders was a famous light cavalry unit, foraging about in the Midwest. There was nothing wrong with knowing both Spanish and English when water finally came into the area, during the following decade. Anglo California actually adapts! GOP has never managed to adapt.

The new face of the non-GOP in California -

GOP is seriously unaware of evolution, even in Theory--and clearly in fact!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now more accustomed to concept of "Reservation" Indins(?), even in California at this time(?)!")
Anything vaguely approaching even the concept of an economy was recently nowhere evidenct in the federal election. The Republican Two Guys, Way Too Stupid, could only propose a 20% cut in rates--not affecting the 47% with no federal income tax liability--and could specify no deductions that would be cut. They more or less followed the Schwarzenegger approach. Take all the spending away from the lower income markets, and offer no new revenue adjustments.

Even the Tea Berserkers are pushing the same Fiscal Cliff agenda. The Way RNC has now come out of the national elections: These are seriously crazy Mormons Among Us(?)!

Los Angeles Democrats even had the famously serious message that Schwarzenegger might want to now apply: In his own personal life! Put A Rubber On it! It's really not about what you think(?)! Ronald McDonald does not fill these things up with helium, to parade around! Helium has nothing to do with it, at all!

The California vote was for revenue adjustment. The Tea Berserker, Crazy Mormons, still have not come to grips with what to do!

The California winning voter understands the concept, even, of "Shovel Ready Jobs," at a time when the mop and bucket have passed to a New Generation--like some educated people talk! Romney and Ryan could get some of those jobs, for themselves!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations now see clearly: It takes a liberal to actually pay down the credit cards, after all--Not just send all of what deficit there is, to the already prosperous!)
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In short: Califormia is fucked.

Hey, job creators and innovators might be leaving in droves, but look how many more third world peasants we import from Mexico, et al?

there will likely be no rep. Bono mack in the new congress from california, and maybe no rep. Dan lundren. Mostly, polls showed widespread unhappiness with congress before the election. Mostly in califonria they actually took it out in their voting.

Going in to 2012 elections, gop california had 19 reps. Now it is has 15, just the day after the elections!

eleven house races too close to call; many headed for recount - abc news

the majority overall in the new u. S. House will be less gop than before.

The example of california--major populous--shows how that soon becomes more completely a totally irrelevant vote. Libertarian: Only 1% of the vote in california.

"crow, james crow: Shaken, not stirred!"
(lands of many nations still on prosperity track in usa!)

and their freaking broke!
In California the balance is heavily tipped in favor of takers v. makers. There are way too few workers to affect a vote anymore.
And as for the Margaritas. . . .Some things just happen without much discussion!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone now has to wonder: Just what, in fact, is really being discussed: without "Medical Marijuana" being used in a sentence(?) Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino deserve some mention, in a discussion, like this!?!)
And as for the Margaritas. . . .Some things just happen without much discussion!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone now has to wonder: Just what, in fact, is really being discussed: without "Medical Marijuana" being used in a sentence(?) Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino deserve some mention, in a discussion, like this!?!)

Were you just born stupid, or did you suffer head trauma?
These advanced subjects will likely become even more commonplace, into succeeding decades of the new century: And likely worldwide.

For now, especially in California: There is all kinds of Current Events to be discussed: Including the "New Concept," "Passing," in California.

There is probably something in the background of the California GOP that needs to be brought out more into the Open! It is, after all, the Party of Abraham Lincoln: Which clearly was unable to "Pass!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Now take in all kinds of mixtures of Breeds. . .And their "Cults!" Still, Many wonder at whatever became of original. . . .native peoples. . . .even born here(?). . . .Hmmmm!)
People on the East Coast might otherwise be shell-shocked to learn that there is no commuter train service between Los Angeles and San Francisco. What the hurrican disrupted on the East Coast: Not even a 7.0 pointer could disrupt on the West Coast. There is no direct train service between the two points, especially in normal driving time of six to eight hours.

Soon it will be a 2 hour 40 minute alternative. There will be a high-speed train. Offices and Conferences on train-board can be Silicon Valley ready, or Southern California ready, before start of business, and then over at lunch.

We Can

There will even be a terminal for the San Francisco Ferry. Bay Area Rapid Transit has become a way of life. A famous shopping mall food court is open 24/7, with gourmet level food in a silver service setting. That is rail transport within San Francisco. Southern California is mainly a notch about the Twenty Mule Team, at this time. You bus to Bakersfield and take the train north.

There is also education funding. The offspring of the constructions on the transport projects may well become the participants in the rail-way centered business operations between Los Angeles and San Jose.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many ride like JackRabbit with Greyhound Behind them--hopping(?) not to get run down(?)!)

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