California facing higher $16 billion shortfall


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I'm pulling for CA!

Gov. Jerry Brown says California facing higher-than-expected $16 billion budget shortfall - The Washington Post

Gov. Jerry Brown says California facing higher-than-expected $16 billion budget shortfall
By Associated Press, Saturday, May 12, 4:38 PM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California’s budget deficit has swelled to a projected $16 billion — much larger than had been predicted just months ago — and will force severe cuts to schools and public safety if voters fail to approve tax increases in November, Gov. Jerry Brown said Saturday.

The Democratic governor said the shortfall grew from $9.2 billion in January in part because tax collections have not come in as high as expected and the economy isn’t growing as fast as hoped for. The deficit has also risen because lawsuits and federal requirements have blocked billions of dollars in state cuts.

“This means we will have to go much farther and make cuts far greater than I asked for at the beginning of the year,” Brown said in an online video. “But we can’t fill this hole with cuts alone without doing severe damage to our schools. That’s why I’m bypassing the gridlock and asking you, the people of California, to approve a plan that avoids cuts to schools and public safety.”

Brown did not release details of the newly calculated deficit Saturday, but he is expected to lay out a revised spending plan Monday. The new plan for the fiscal year that starts July 1 hinges in large part on voters approving higher taxes. . .
The Democratic governor said the shortfall grew from $9.2 billion in January in part because tax collections have not come in as high as expected and the economy isn't growing as fast as hoped for. The deficit has also risen because lawsuits and federal requirements have blocked billions of dollars in state cuts.

they have been banking n that facebook IPO, it cannot come quick enough..

The new plan for the fiscal year that starts July 1 hinges in large part on voters approving higher taxes.

The governor has said those tax increases are needed to help pull the state out of a crippling decade shaped by the collapse of the housing market and recession. Without them, he warned, public schools and colleges, and public safety, will suffer deeper cuts.

bullshit, its due to gray davis, the useless Arnold, a democratic leg. and 15 years of bonds issues, entitlement growth, public employee union rape etc..spending ahead of pop growth and of course income and chasing biz's out of here....good luck on the tax hikes, aint happening.You will notice the lack of entitlement reform;)

A second tax hike headed for the November ballot is being promoted by Los Angeles civil rights attorney Molly Munger, whose initiative would raise income taxes on a sliding scale for nearly all wage-earners to help fund schools.

bullshit again, this funding for schools is to help fund a huge lumps payment the teachers pension fund...
Californians deserve what they get. They could have voted in a conservative and gotten some fiscal sanity restored to the State but they chose to vote in Democrats instead.

Contrast their 16 billion dollar shortfall with Wisconsin...who in just two years under Scott Walker has gone from a 3 billion dollar deficit to a projected surplus. Maybe Cali can "rent" Walker to come in and fix things for them too?
If you start going through websites dedicated to business and manufacturing, it's not as bleak in California as right wingers make it out to be. California still has the 8th largest economy in the world. They still give tens of billions to the federal government (money that's used to prop up Red States). A lot of the skilled labor that's now in Texas has moved from California. Texas doesn't really do much to develop their own. No Red State does. They tend to think education is for snobs. A lot of their skilled labor are actually immigrants.

Notice how right wingers point fingers and the first thing they scream is, "They want to blame it on Republicans". Well, what can you say. Republicans have no solutions. Without solutions, you are part of the problem, if not the problem. And the fact is, most of the problems of the country, from racism to a ruined economy to a depleted military, to failures in Iraq and Afghanistan come from Republican Policies. It can hardly be denied.
Californians deserve what they get. They could have voted in a conservative and gotten some fiscal sanity restored to the State but they chose to vote in Democrats instead.

Contrast their 16 billion dollar shortfall with Wisconsin...who in just two years under Scott Walker has gone from a 3 billion dollar deficit to a projected surplus. Maybe Cali can "rent" Walker to come in and fix things for them too?

You can keep Walker far from California thank you.

State faces $143 million budget shortfall by 2013

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin's state budget condition has worsened to the point that Gov. Scott Walker and possibly the Legislature will need to take emergency steps to avoid being out of balance.
The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau on Thursday released the new projections that show the two-year budget will be $143 million short of balancing by July 2013.
Fiscal Bureau Director Bob Lang says in the memo to co-chairs of the Legislature's budget committee that the Walker administration is looking to address the problem through debt refinancing and restructuring.

At the time of the last estimate in October, the state's budget was projected to end with a positive $73 million balance.

A large reason for the change is a projected $273 million loss in tax collections.
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Californians deserve what they get. They could have voted in a conservative and gotten some fiscal sanity restored to the State but they chose to vote in Democrats instead.

Contrast their 16 billion dollar shortfall with Wisconsin...who in just two years under Scott Walker has gone from a 3 billion dollar deficit to a projected surplus. Maybe Cali can "rent" Walker to come in and fix things for them too?

You can keep Walker far from California thank you.

State faces $143 million budget shortfall by 2013

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin's state budget condition has worsened to the point that Gov. Scott Walker and possibly the Legislature will need to take emergency steps to avoid being out of balance.
The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau on Thursday released the new projections that show the two-year budget will be $143 million short of balancing by July 2013.
Fiscal Bureau Director Bob Lang says in the memo to co-chairs of the Legislature's budget committee that the Walker administration is looking to address the problem through debt refinancing and restructuring.

At the time of the last estimate in October, the state's budget was projected to end with a positive $73 million balance.

A large reason for the change is a projected $273 million loss in tax collections.

State faces $143 million budget shortfall by 2013 - TODAY'S TMJ4

Do you think that 1 plus 1 somehow magically disappears in the real world? As Walker made necessary cuts, your side threw crazy ass tantrums. Why is it that you think you escape any form of responsibility? You can't villainize people as a means out of your abyss.
Californians deserve what they get. They could have voted in a conservative and gotten some fiscal sanity restored to the State but they chose to vote in Democrats instead.

Contrast their 16 billion dollar shortfall with Wisconsin...who in just two years under Scott Walker has gone from a 3 billion dollar deficit to a projected surplus. Maybe Cali can "rent" Walker to come in and fix things for them too?

You can keep Walker far from California thank you.

State faces $143 million budget shortfall by 2013

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin's state budget condition has worsened to the point that Gov. Scott Walker and possibly the Legislature will need to take emergency steps to avoid being out of balance.
The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau on Thursday released the new projections that show the two-year budget will be $143 million short of balancing by July 2013.
Fiscal Bureau Director Bob Lang says in the memo to co-chairs of the Legislature's budget committee that the Walker administration is looking to address the problem through debt refinancing and restructuring.

At the time of the last estimate in October, the state's budget was projected to end with a positive $73 million balance.

A large reason for the change is a projected $273 million loss in tax collections.

State faces $143 million budget shortfall by 2013 - TODAY'S TMJ4

Do you think that 1 plus 1 somehow magically disappears in the real world? As Walker made necessary cuts, your side threw crazy ass tantrums. Why is it that you think you escape any form of responsibility? You can't villainize people as a means out of your abyss.

I'd have to assume a teacher. They don't get the fact that when the money runs out, it really is out. They just don't get that. In their world it does not compute as possible.
Once again, the consequence of the state’s lawmakers abdicating their legislative authority to set taxing policy to the voters.

Interesting how it is always a case of not enough taxes when CA clearly needs to rein in spending.

How about looking at what CA actually has in tax rates first:

The Tax Foundation - State Individual Income Tax Rates, 2000-2012

CA has one of the highest income tax rates in the nation. And that is not high on just the rich at over 10 percent but you will be paying 8 percent if you are making just 38k as well. Really? The problem is they can't tax more! Maybe they make it up with the low sales tax:
theSTC - State Sales Tax Rates
Guess not, they are in the top 5 there as well.
Why not stop talking out of your ass and actually look at the problem in CA. It has absolutely zero to do with your false claims of not being able to tax more. It is completely dependant on the failure of the government to spend within its means.

Only you could look at one of the most taxed states in the nation and make the claim you did.
Californians deserve what they get. They could have voted in a conservative and gotten some fiscal sanity restored to the State but they chose to vote in Democrats instead.

Contrast their 16 billion dollar shortfall with Wisconsin...who in just two years under Scott Walker has gone from a 3 billion dollar deficit to a projected surplus. Maybe Cali can "rent" Walker to come in and fix things for them too?

You can keep Walker far from California thank you.

State faces $143 million budget shortfall by 2013

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin's state budget condition has worsened to the point that Gov. Scott Walker and possibly the Legislature will need to take emergency steps to avoid being out of balance.
The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau on Thursday released the new projections that show the two-year budget will be $143 million short of balancing by July 2013.
Fiscal Bureau Director Bob Lang says in the memo to co-chairs of the Legislature's budget committee that the Walker administration is looking to address the problem through debt refinancing and restructuring.

At the time of the last estimate in October, the state's budget was projected to end with a positive $73 million balance.

A large reason for the change is a projected $273 million loss in tax collections.

State faces $143 million budget shortfall by 2013 - TODAY'S TMJ4
That article was in February.
Here's the revised estimate:
Governor Walker says state has budget surplus - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather

I'd take a 143M shortfall over CA's 13B.
California blows. Those idiots get what they deserve. They could have thrown out Barbara Boxer and could have elected Meg Whitman. BUt the unions run the place now. CA is finished, our very own failed Greece right here in America.
Here's what liberals can do for the whole country. Love the comments after the article. California has more illegal aliens than any other state and they offer them a lot of entitlements. I think California's new motto should be the "IOU State."

California facing higher $16 billion shortfall
California facing higher $16 billion shortfall - Yahoo! News

Greece, Detroit and CA is what happens whenever people are stupid enough to buy into Liberal economics
Gov Browne when he was running for office promised free college
education to illegals.Said their was plenty of money.
I wonder if he still feels that way.

What a dumb ass,and all the dumb assess who voted for him.

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