California, a Free State, Owes Black Residents $1.2 Million Each in Reparations

well, racism was and is rampant in the US, in part due to the black's own aggressive attitudes towards the whites.
to stiffle the excesses of racism, some level of reparations might be in order.
but to just hand people over a million bucks during their lifetime, is not going to even the score.
it'll be just a waste of taxpayer money, and a burden on future generations.
It will drive the tax payers out. I wouldn’t stay to pay deadbeats
The Democratic Governor of California Gavin Newsom has finally told blacks that there will be no reparations.

The Democrats need to play blacks the way President Reagan played the religious right. Reagan knew that the religious right was a large constituency that the Republicans often needed to win tight elections. He also know that most Americans, including a large number of Republicans, did not like the religious right. Opinion polls during the 1980's indicated that Jerry Falwell and his ironically named "Moral Majority" were unpopular with most of the voters.

Reagan got around this dilemma by giving the religious right rhetorical support, while doing nothing to advance its agenda. Democrat politicians need to do that with blacks.
American Negroes are more prosperous in the United States than in any black majority, black run country in the world. We owe them nothing. They should pay us for the problems they cause us with their crime, their welfare expense, and affirmative action, which advances blacks to positions they lack the intelligence for.

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