Caffeine Fix!

Thanks for your help as well Darkwind. I'm going to play around with it because I am determined to figure this out!!

I've found that the easiest way to keep the quote tags in order is to place the text below and above the quote tags. That way, no matter how many quotes there are, you can count the pairs.

You can envision it with color

{Original Quote}

Quoted Text

{Another quote tag here}

Text for this tag

{Yet another quote}

That text goes here

{/close inner quote}

{/close the second quote}

{/Close the original quote}

Your reply goes here...

Thanks for your help as well Darkwind. I'm going to play around with it because I am determined to figure this out!!

I've found that the easiest way to keep the quote tags in order is to place the text below and above the quote tags. That way, no matter how many quotes there are, you can count the pairs.

You can envision it with color

{Original Quote}

Quoted Text

{Another quote tag here}

Text for this tag

{Yet another quote}

That text goes here

{/close inner quote}

{/close the second quote}

{/Close the original quote}

Your reply goes here...


I think I've got the 'deleting text I don't want' down now. At least when quoting one post. Baby steps ... it's all about baby steps. lol Thanks again.
Sometimes the whole multi-quote thing can make yer head spin, especially if you're deleting text because you only want to respond to certain points, in certain posts . . . . which is why it's sometimes easier to just quote the whole thing and bold the point you're responding to.
I need another cup of coffee.

Me too! My head is spinning! lol

Here ya go. A little "bracer" for your coffee.

A friend of mine gets her morning caffeine fix from Diet Pepsi.
I swear, I would probably vomit if I drank any kind of soda first thing in the morning.
Here ya go. A little "bracer" for your coffee.


Geez Ringel! That's the LAST thing I need in my coffee this morning! lol Ouch.
Okay, okay. Here ya go, (light weight).


No, not really a light weight. It's just I had some beverages last night, and the thought of putting that in my coffee ... well ... it's not a good thought. lol I prefer Baileys or Kahlua anyway. Much tastier!

Mornin' Ringel!
Geez Ringel! That's the LAST thing I need in my coffee this morning! lol Ouch.
Okay, okay. Here ya go, (light weight).


No, not really a light weight. It's just I had some beverages last night, and the thought of putting that in my coffee ... well ... it's not a good thought. lol I prefer Baileys or Kahlua anyway. Much tastier!

Mornin' Ringel!

Have a breakfast of chumpians.


Or my favorite meal in a bottle.


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