"Caesar at home, Chamberlain abroad"

Right....... Conservatives truly love America and that's why you want us to stay at war against the entire world forever. If we don't start new wars, then the President is "weak". If he does anything, he's a failure.

And for all of your Republican bitching and whining, you haven't proposed any realistic alternatives to what Obama has done. What is the GOP plan for fixing America? There's nothing in that article about what Obama should do to make Republicans happy. It's just an anti-Obama rant without any solutions.

Do you even have a solution to any of America's problems? Or is the GOP plan just to spend Obama's time in office telling everyone how terrible Obama is?

It's all Bush's fault, right?

Oh, and I HAVE a solution to America's problems. GET RID OF BARRY.
No, moron, it's rich people's fault. Who do you think the Presidents are working for? You, me and the People? They aren't working for the People. Corporations are People now. That is who the President works for, both Democrat and Republican.

You really have a hard on for the successful, don't you? My God, see someone about some help.

I realize that flipping burgers is a "starting point" for young folks - but have you ever thought of moving on to a more "lucrative" position? What are you? 38-40? Time to get a big boy job...
More sophistry, nonsense, and blather from KNB.

Link to one post of mine where I've said we should stay at war with the rest of the world forever.

Here's a little clue. You won't find one.

What Obama has done is to encourage aggressors such as Putin to take advantage of his fecklessness.

Obama is BEGGING for Russia to move on Ukraine. He is literally BEGGING for them to do it.

Then he can draw another "red line" in the sand and tell Putin "I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU TO STEP OVER THIS LINE!!"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7QSytNu5Q]I Triple Dog Dare Ya - YouTube[/ame]

Trust me, the intent was thought of before hand..... :D
It's all Bush's fault, right?

Oh, and I HAVE a solution to America's problems. GET RID OF BARRY.
No, moron, it's rich people's fault. Who do you think the Presidents are working for? You, me and the People? They aren't working for the People. Corporations are People now. That is who the President works for, both Democrat and Republican.

You really have a hard on for the successful, don't you? My God, see someone about some help.

I realize that flipping burgers is a "starting point" for young folks - but have you ever thought of moving on to a more "lucrative" position? What are you? 38-40? Time to get a big boy job...
"Successful". HSBC is "successful" for laundering money for dictators, terrorists and drug cartels. HSBC is "too big to prosecute". Did you ever vote for a national policy which states that if either a person or a corporation (corporations are not people, my friend) makes so much money through illegal means, including financing resistance against our soldiers during war, i.e. FUCKING TREASON, then those people running those corporations cannot be punished? Did you vote for that? Is that okay with you?

Is treason okay with you?
No, moron, it's rich people's fault. Who do you think the Presidents are working for? You, me and the People? They aren't working for the People. Corporations are People now. That is who the President works for, both Democrat and Republican.

You really have a hard on for the successful, don't you? My God, see someone about some help.

I realize that flipping burgers is a "starting point" for young folks - but have you ever thought of moving on to a more "lucrative" position? What are you? 38-40? Time to get a big boy job...
"Successful". HSBC is "successful" for laundering money for dictators, terrorists and drug cartels. HSBC is "too big to prosecute". Did you ever vote for a national policy which states that if either a person or a corporation (corporations are not people, my friend) makes so much money through illegal means, including financing resistance against our soldiers during war, i.e. FUCKING TREASON, then those people running those corporations cannot be punished? Did you vote for that? Is that okay with you?

Is treason okay with you?

Sonny, serving with the DIA for 22 years, I can cite treason laws backward and forward all day long. You don't have a clue what treason is but to continually demonize the successful with your left wing invectives make you feel like an "authority" on treason.

It's all good. I get it. You hate the successful. You are upset because you "could have been a contender" but instead are a pretender. If I could, I'd forward you a quarter so you could call your Congressman and complain. But, alas. I can't.

Get on your "Obamaphone" and call someone who gives a shit.
What is treason? PLEASE tell us, expert. Was Reagan committing treason by selling weapons to Iran despite Reagan's sanctions against Iran? What is treason?

From Obama to Reagan, the US has funneled money into Pakistan that our government KNOWS is being funneled directly to the jihad. WE ARE FUNDING A WAR AGAINST OURSELVES.

So please tell us, expert PhD genius, what the fuck does someone have to do to be charged with treason?
Good Sunday evening read...

“No president can win ’em all, but Obama’s foreign-policy record is unblemished by success. From east to west and north to south, America’s standing and influence have declined universally. “

“It is impossible for a US president to be irrelevant, but Obama is testing the proposition.”

“A Caesar at home and a Chamberlain abroad, Obama manages to simultaneously provoke fury and ridicule. He bullies critics here while shrinking from adversaries there.”

Chickens come home to roost for Obama | New York Post

I have had this simmering in the back of my mind for some time: How best to sum up his behavior at home contrasted with his behavior abroad?


You nailed it.
What is treason? PLEASE tell us, expert. Was Reagan committing treason by selling weapons to Iran despite Reagan's sanctions against Iran? What is treason?

From Obama to Reagan, the US has funneled money into Pakistan that our government KNOWS is being funneled directly to the jihad. WE ARE FUNDING A WAR AGAINST OURSELVES.

So please tell us, expert PhD genius, what the fuck does someone have to do to be charged with treason?

No PhD. Just a BA in Communications with a minor in Political Science. My Wife is actually working on her PhD in Nursing. Don't know if that counts or not burger flipper, but there you go.

Nixon - NO
Ford - NO
Reagan - NO
Carter - NO
George HW Bush - NO
Clinton - NO
George Bush - NO
Barry Obama - NO

Rich people who make more money that YOU think they should - NO

Plotting for the overthrow of the government? -YES.
Selling (or disseminating) Classified Information to an Enemy - YES
Providing aid and comfort to an Enemy - YES

See the pattern here skippy? I could go on for an hour with "Treasonable Offenses", but they all pretty much fall into the above categories.

Guess they don't teach things like that at "HamBurger University" - do they?

Oh, and to the above that is boldened - I would LOVE to see your proof. And I don't mean your conspiracy website charges. I mean PROOF.
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That article was particularly savage. Even for me and I like savage when applied to obama. Someone else, beside me, noticed that obama never got out of the faculty lounge.

Liberals are being predictable. It's Bush's fault, Republicans did it. The rich made obama fail. As bad as obama is liberals are worse. They actually think his mistakes are successes. That's why this will become a disaster of unprecedented proportions.
What is treason? PLEASE tell us, expert. Was Reagan committing treason by selling weapons to Iran despite Reagan's sanctions against Iran? What is treason?

Here, learn something.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOlVfoBouus]President Reagan's television address on the Iran-Contra Affair - 1987 - YouTube[/ame]

I know it will be tempting to ignore this so you can continue your run as a:




But, trust me, no one will ever think of you as anything but.


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