Buzzkill Cory Booker might run in 2020 on a "Tear Down this Trump wall" platform

6 years ago, I might have backed him.


Walls have two purposes: To keep people out or to keep people in. Ignorant people who care nothing about their own well-being are opposed to walls which keep people out. People who care about the safety and security of their country, approve of walls that keep people out.
He could win too
If the economy collapses and leftists quit screaming at the sky?


He'll rally black voters just like Obama did and they will come out for him in huge numbers. That could very well put him over the top in key states.

but as things stand, Trump is likely to win a 2nd term

Laugh all you want

If the economy continues to improve, reelection is likely
"Build the wall, and our generation will tear it down" - sign at the women's march

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